
Friday, August 30, 2024

Foreign envoys urged to exercise caution when speaking about Palestine

Foreign envoys urged to exercise caution when speaking about Palestine

Published: Aug 30, 2024 9:52 PM

Foreign Minister Mohamad Hasan has advised foreign envoys in the country to exercise caution when making statements related to the Palestinian issue, as such comments could affect the sentiments of Malaysians.

Mohamad (above) said although the statements are the opinions of the country that they represent, foreign diplomats must understand and be aware of the sentiments in Malaysia that strongly oppose the genocide in Palestine.

“I am appalled at what was said (in the interview of a local media portal with the United States ambassador to Malaysia).

“Even though the views are on behalf of his country, they should not denigrate the global perspective on the atrocities and the killing of innocent Palestinians, including women and children,” he said, adding that the views violated the boundaries of humanity.

The Rembau MP spoke to reporters during the “Ziarah Kasih” goodwill visit programme in the Kota state constituency.

He was commenting on Edgard D Kagan’s statement in an interview titled “Arms Supply and Peace: US Ambassador Discusses the West Asia Conflict”.

“Even though they want to support Israel as an ally, it should not go to the extent of suggesting that the genocide in Palestine is something normal. I hope foreign envoys in the country will be more mindful when speaking,” the minister added.

- Bernama


  1. Pi Mampus mauk Neraka..... Kita Malaysia Sokong perbuatan Isreal selagi orang tebusan tak dilepaskan. bayangkan anak2 dan nenk moyang awak diculik.....Nak bincang ke atau perang? Macam Cina dan orang ISAM Ughiur? Rohigya....?Nak AMAN Kat Malaysial HAPUSKAN RACISM, FACISM AGAMA TERRRORIST HAMAS HEZBOLLAH AWAK!!

  2. Malaysia is increasingly drifting into a dark place of confrontation with USA.

    It will not have a good ending for the Malaysian economy.

    Many Malaysian leaders, Malays and Chinese are drunk on Kool-Aid dispensed by China and Russkas that USA is a declining power that can be safely and should be opposed,

    The reality is USA will remain an economic and technological power for many years more, and Malaysia cultivating a hostile policy to USA will not have a good outcome

  3. Foreign organisations such as BDS must also exercise caution when making demands that Malaysia acts against its strategic economic interests in boycotting major Western investors in Malaysia.
