
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

T’ganu introduces more gender segregation, now at stadium

T’ganu introduces more gender segregation, now at stadium

Published: Jul 29, 2024 11:17 PM

The Terengganu government has introduced more gender segregation in the state starting with special seating for women and families at the Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Stadium (SSMZA).

Bernama quoted Terengganu youth, sports and non-governmental organisations committee chairperson Hishamuddin Abdul Karim as saying the initiative was aimed at reducing intermingling with male spectators.

The move, he added, will start tomorrow night in conjunction with the Super League football match against Negeri Sembilan FC (NSFC).

Hishamuddin (above), who is also president of the Terengganu State Football Association (PBSNT), said the new move was taken to provide comfort to female spectators and those who go with families.

“During the FA Cup football match between Terengganu FC and Selangor FC on July 19, one of the issues that arose was about the intermingling between the sexes (men and women) which was ‘discomforting’.

“Therefore, the Terengganu State Sports Complex and TFC have reviewed this matter and agreed to designate a special area for women and family spectators on July 30.

“It just so happens that TFC is also organising Matchday X Family Day on that date,” he added on Facebook today.

At the same time, Hishamuddin said female spectators will not be prevented from entering any door or sitting in any zone at SSMZA given the open nature and design of the stadium.

However, he hoped the facility could be used by women to comply with religious and syariah requirements.

Apart from that, the authorities will also open a special gate or route at SSMZA for women to provide more comfort, which will be announced soon.

La Hot Spring next

Separately, Sinar Harian quoted Terengganu state exco in charge of tourism, Razali Idris as saying that visitors to the La Hot Spring natural hot water pools near Jertih will also be segregated by early next year.

He said the move will be introduced to ensure the comfort of visitors and prevent mingling between genders.

Razali Idris

"The state government through the Besut District Council will conduct engagements with the operator and local residents to get the best ideas to carry out the move,” he reportedly told the Terengganu state assembly.

The PAS-led Terengganu state government had, since 2020, also introduced gender segregation for cinema-goers.


kt comments:

Since we have been informed by the government portal MyGovernment that once stated: "Polygamy required by Islam due to husband’s incredible sense of sexual desire that the wife cannot fulfil" (Thanks to Mukhriz Mahathir's warning), I believe Terengganu women deserve such "protection" from those ravenously lusty males (with their incredible sense of sexual desire that their wives cannot fulfil) who may possibly ravage them in the stadiums or cinemas.

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