
Monday, July 29, 2024

RT: US admits it spread disinformation about Covid vaccine

Murray Hunter

RT: US admits it spread disinformation about Covid vaccine

The Pentagon reportedly created hundreds of fake social media profiles to convince Filipinos that the Sinovac shot was “fake”
JUL 28, 2024

The US military has admitted that it ran a clandestine campaign aimed at discrediting China’s Sinovac vaccine in the Philippines and across Asia and the Middle East, Reuters has reported.

“It is true that the [Department of Defense] did message Philippines audiences questioning the safety and efficacy of Sinovac,” Pentagon officials wrote to their Filipino counterparts in a letter dated June 25 and reported by Reuters on Friday.

According to the document, the Pentagon admitted that it “made some missteps in our COVID related messaging” but assured Manilla that it halted the operation in late 2021 and has since “vastly improved oversight and accountability of information operations.”

The operation in question began in 2020, after China announced it would distribute Sinovac shots in the Philippines free of charge. In an effort to counter this public relations boon for Beijing, the Pentagon ordered its psychological operations center in Florida to create at least 300 fake social media profiles to disparage the Chinese vaccine, a Reuters investigation revealed last month.

“COVID came from China and the VACCINE also came from China, don’t trust China!” read a typical post created by the psyops team, while another stated: “From China – PPE, Face Mask, Vaccine: FAKE. But the Coronavirus is real.”

Military officials involved in the campaign knew that their goal was not to protect Filipinos from an unsafe vaccine, but to “drag China through the mud,” a senior officer told Reuters.

The propaganda campaign soon spread beyond the Philippines, according to the report. Muslim audiences across Central Asia and the Middle East were told that Sinovac contained pork gelatin, and was therefore “haram,” or forbidden under Islamic law. The campaign forced Sinovac to release a statement insisting that the shot was “manufactured free of porcine materials.”

The Pentagon has not publicly acknowledged the letter to the Filipino military, and the governments of the US and the Philippines refused to comment on the matter to Reuters.

Last month, however, a Pentagon spokesperson told the news agency that the US military “uses a variety of platforms, including social media, to counter those malign influence attacks aimed at the US, allies, and partners,” and claimed that Washington was only responding to a Chinese “disinformation campaign to falsely blame the US for the spread of Covid-19.”

The Chinese Foreign Ministry told Reuters that it has long maintained that the US spreads disinformation about China.

In the Philippines, Reuters’ report prompted an investigation by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In a hearing last month, Senator Imee Marcos, who leads the committee, called the Pentagon campaign “evil, wicked, dangerous, [and] unethical,” and suggested that Manilla investigate whether it can take legal action against Washington.

Originally published in RT 26th July 2024


  1. I remember the posts that predicted those who took the Pfizer mRNA vaccine would end up dropping like flies in the streets.

    What is unspoken, of course, in this RT propaganda article is that China amd Russia were actively spreading disinformation against Western vaccines.

    1. Mfer, what happened to the similar disinformations against Russian & Chinese covid vaccines spreading by people like u & western media?

  2. There are many who look into these, doctors, scientists, laypersons, financial guys.

    In this case, one who raised her concerns was Shasha Latypova, who used to run a contract manufacturing entity for the pharmaceutical companies. She had done studies and found variability to the batches. So, the variability points to a range, where there were batches which was basically saline solution ranging to really kaw-kaw, like either same day jackpot or one or two days later.

    So, best not to be so taksub to all these propaganda thing. Check what you received. The more you had, the higher the risk.

    Here is the link to Shasha Latypova online presence.

    At this stage, no longer about wanting to fight on who win. Everyone who took the shot had a chance to receive the timebomb...and, there is no point to argue to be right anymore. If you continue to live, be grateful. If you think you are right, then you are right. When you go, those living will cry a little and sent your remain to whatever last journey of this world.

    There are many cases of active sportsperson, male and female, that suddenly collapse and died on the spot. One of the most current one was a 19 year old badminton player that happened in Indonesia. He received the Chinese shot.

    There are also increased in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, etc.

    Like I said, no point in winning a war of saliva. If you think you are right, you are. It does not matter anymore.

    But those bastards will hang. That's for sure. That is why they are scared of Trump. At all costs.

    But if anyone suddenly found themselves in serious stages of cancer, like stage 3 and 4, don't give up hope. Dr Kenny Yong, based in USJ Taipan is doing his utmost best to help these cases.


  3. Also, you easily search back the news on Pfizer trying to get their data being locked in under classified information for 75 years, until a US judge issued a ruling of no such thing for them...maybe your twisted mind can come up with an excuse for why they are doing that.

    Again, your body, your choice.
