
Friday, July 26, 2024

Insane to assert we're not allowed to criticize a foreign leader, simply because he happens to be Jewish


Thanks 'MF':

Urged US to war with Iran

Yesterday, while hosting the livestream of the Netanyahu speech on Badlands, somebody in the chat asked what sparked my interest in the politics and history of the Middle East. (I never got a chance to respond.)

My passion for history started around the age of 18, cultivated mainly from an interest in music and architecture-- studying it in an attempt to better understand it. I realized everything was connected.

As my appetite for learning things about the past grew, I actively avoided the Middle East, as I had suffered psychological fatigue from being inundated with corporate propaganda (from both ends of the political spectrum) on the region, throughout my youth. For the most-part, I fell for the Fox News bullshit regarding Islam. (I grew up attending Sunday School, etc., and knew the ancient Biblical history.)

When I started looking into the region about twelve years ago--when I was redpilled-- I asserted that Islam (which I still did not understand, at that point) needed a leader that could reform it from within. I now understand that it had been externally influenced by nefarious entities (western intelligence agencies), and really needed a leader that could lead it out from that self-destructive dynamic.

So when Mohammed bin Salman emerged as the unlikely Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, rounded up all of his corrupt/evil cousins, and appeared to be working with Donald Trump, I naturally became very enthused and intrigued by his persona.

When I realized that MBS was dismantling the Wahhabi (radical Islam) infrastructure, attending Catholic mass in Egypt (as a gesture of good faith), and effectively calling for a cultural revolution (of sorts) in Arabia, I knew that he was the leader we in the west had been waiting for. That is why so much of my research has focused on him and better understanding his story, his ambitions, and his obstacles/adversaries.

The Jewish People need a similar figure (or figures) to lead a similar reformation from within. At the very least, they need somebody to divorce their religion from politics. (There are plenty of valid criticisms of the institutions of Christianity, but the religion is neither homogenous nor is it explicitly infused into any government outside the Vatican.)

If Israel is to be saved, its people must find the moral courage and conviction to expel the parasitic oligarchs who are leading it into hell-- the same perilous situation America now faces.

It is insane to assert that we are not allowed to criticize a leader of a foreign country, simply because he happens to be Jewish, or the government that he represents happens to claim that it speaks for all Jewish people worldwide-- which is an equally insane assertion. There are plenty of Jewish people who do not identify as Israeli-- which is a political designation, being a nationality.

I take deep offense to the idea that I am not allowed to criticize a foreign government or its leader, especially one who comes into my Capitol Building and demands in a public spectacle that I go fight and die in a war on his behalf-- or at least demands that I pay for it.

This is the hill where I plant my flag, and on which I am prepared to perish. Because this is America. Call me whatever you want. I don't care.

If you want to reverse the growing sentiments of antisemitism, stop using the religion as a shield in the political/information battlespace. Or keep doing it, and stop being a snowflake. There are no spaces here.

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