
Thursday, July 18, 2024

How the CIA creates Lone Gunmen through the MK Ultra Program

Thanks 'MF'


Just for your info:

Pepe’s Fren Zone

How the CIA creates Lone Gunmen through the MK Ultra Program

JUL 17, 2024

The CIA is capable of creating lone gunman in three to six weeks with a trained therapist and hypnotherapy.

Dr. Milton V. Kline, former consultant to the CIA's super secret behavior-modification project Bluebird, is currently campaigning for strict legal constraints on hypnosis said exactly this in a now declassified document:

“He was outspoken in his belief that one of the central goals of these ex- periments-to create a hypnotized, remote-control assassin-was entire- ly possible, though he denies knowl- edge of any "terminal experiments" that would have tested his theories. The fictional Manchurian can- didate, presented in Richard Con- don's thriller and later in a movie starring Frank Sinatra, is, in Kline's mind, still a frighteningly real specter. "It cannot be done by everyone," he argues. "It cannot be done consistently, but it can be done." Kline claims that given the proper subject and circumstances, by using hypnosis he could produce such a killer in three to six weeks.”


Under hypnosis, Sirhan Sirhan remembers a woman who gave him coffee and lead him to a dark place. He was lying on a table and then the next thing he remembers is being restrained after shooting at RFK. He literally can't remember anything in between. A dark place and a coffee? Was he drugged?

Was he under hypnosis when the event happened? Did you know that Sirhan joined the mystical order of the Rosa Crucians and took to self-hypnotism.

This means he was a perfect person to act as the patsy, someone who was easily programmable.

Kennedy speaks on his father's death and how MK Ultra and the CIA may have played a role.

-Sirhan Sirhan was small in stature. He had super human strength at that moment. The bullet that killed Kennedy was shot from behind yet Sirhan was never behind him. The carbon tattoo showed that the bullet came from mere inches from his head. They can account for every bullet out of the gun fired by Sirhan.

-The police destroyed evidence at the scene. Destroyed photos and would not take the gun to trial.

-Sirhan had vivid memories of staying in a hospital for months yet the hospital only had records of him staying at an hour after he "hit his head."

-The man behind Robert Kennedy, Thane Eugene Cesar, was a self proclaimed CIA agent. He hid to the Philippines after and no one questioned him.

You can read a full breakdown here of a thread I did on this. This is an easy red pill for normies and Democrats when you show them this kind of information.

A week before RFK was killed, he declared that he would remove the clandestine services from the CIA. Not only that, but RFK's first assumption was that the CIA had killed his brother and he posed that very question publicly.

Due to his popularity, RFK was about to be put in a position to become President and therefore actually make reforms to the CIA or even dismantle it just as JFK before him had sought to do.

According to RFK Cesar was a CIA asset. If this was truly the case, and Sirhan was simply an MK Ultra patsy, then now you know why they would have the motive to implement this plan.

RFK and JFK were both existential threats to the military-industrial complex and the above-the-law operations of the CIA.

JFK himself told us that he wanted to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind. Neither he nor his brother wanted to participate in the Vietnam War which turned out to be a CIA playground for psyop operations and countless crimes against humanity.

The CIA has never answered for these crimes and the Biden administration has actually been slow-rolling the release of information pertaining to the case.

Imagine what the world would have looked like had the Kennedy vision of dismantling the CIA taken place. Certainly, there would have been a lot fewer wars and regime changes disguised as "wars on terror."

Thane Eugene Cesar was standing directly behind RFK, unlike Sirhan, and told the LAPD that he did, in fact, draw his weapon that night. He was so close to RFK that Cesar's tie was likely pulled off in the mayhem. They never checked his gun according to Sirhan's lawyer and he sold it. Cesar told police he sold the gun three months earlier but a paper trail said differently.

And then what happened? He moved out of the country to the Philippines. Remember when Jesus Campos left the country after the Mandalay Bay shooting even though he was the sole eye witness? The playbook seems to remain the same.

"Cesar was the obvious first suspect. The police brushed him off and never investigated him further."

It gets worse though, there is testimony that the security guard actually shot his gun during the incident. The gun was destroyed by the LAPD before the trial and then inexplicably never examined in connection with the bullets that hit the pantry that day.

The man that covered up the gun/bullets was off Scott free after he "mislabeled" his findings. They refused to give him a lie detector test.

And they said: We wouldn't give him a test because their findings said differently.

To sum it up, They didn't follow the proper procedures and covered up the entire thing.

Jesse Watters correctly pointed out that Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine Corps radar operator with top security clearance at a CIA U2 spy program. What makes this more alarming is that Oswald was likely being experimented on via the CIA's MK-Ultra program at that exact base. People need to understand he was just a chess piece in their arsenal, a useful idiot that was likely programmed. Remember that he was a supposed traitor to the country yet they let him inside the country with literally zero resistance. He was a plant and likely a mind-controlled one at that. Normalize people talking about MK Ultra because it is more than real. It is a dangerous weapon that the CIA has been using for decades.

"Atsugi was a launching pad for U-2 spy flights over the Soviet Union and was also a hub of the CIA’s research into psychedelic drugs. “A CIA memo titled ‘Truth Drugs in Interrogation’ revealed the agency practice of dosing agents who were marked for dangerous overseas missions,” wrote author David Talbot in “The Devil’s Chessboard,” his 2015 biography of former CIA Director Allen Dulles.

Talbot’s exploration of the link ended there: “Some chroniclers of Oswald’s life have suggested that he was one of the young marines on whom the CIA performed its acid tests.

I’m not convinced Oswald even shot a bullet that day.

I think it is more likely that he was told by his handler to be somewhere and then shocked to find himself being arrested suddenly.

I’m not convinced he shot the cop either.

Witnesses did not see Oswald leave the Depository. Both Vicki Adams and Sandra Styles have corroborating testimony alleging that they were there at the exact time Oswald would have been running down the stairs yet they say they saw nothing.

The Warren Commission tried to cover this up. Why? I think we all know why.

And then they just so happen to find him in a movie theater after he allegedly shoots a cop even though witnesses said they saw someone else do the shooting? In fact, it’s possible that it was Ruby who shot the cop that day. But I digress. The point is, I don’t believe anything they say, and neither should you.

The truth is, Oswald was just another player in the game that saw himself get pinned with the entire conspiracy. The playbook was worked to a tee and he found himself in over his head as his name would go on to live in infamy. He certainly wasn’t innocent and he may have taken part in the plot but I doubt he knew that much given he had a handler and was involved in the MK Ultra program.

Kanye West exposed to the world that he himself had a MK Ultra handler who was threatening to “drug” him up again. Tucker broke it down on Fox News. It’s shocking that Fox allowed this to air:

"At one point he used the phrase make America great again. It was to put it mildly not the kind of thing you normally hear at a rap concert. And then two days later, Kanye West was in the hospital. Well at the house of his family's exercise trainer a man called Harley Pasternak West apparently suffered some kind of mental break. Pasternak called an ambulance to pick him up West was taken away and then he was sedated with at least seven different psychiatric medications including benzodiazepines…lithium sleeping pills and olanzapine. News reports suggested that West had experienced a profound psychiatric episode. He'd gone completely off the deep end. He'd gone crazy and they've been saying that ever since. West over time though told a very different story.....(Pasternak) Once worked for the Canadian military where he participated in experiments that measured the effect of various drugs on the human mind. Is that training relevant to this story? We don't know. We do know that based on this text exchange which again Harley Pasternak has not set his own true or fake. On the basis of that law enforcement agencies definitely ought to be looking very closely at Harley Pasternak. Who by the way apparently has dozens of other celebrity clients. Some of whom seem to be out there campaigning…Based on these texts this looks like a crime. Why is no one investigating it? The fact that no one is investigating it tells you a lot."

Kanye’s obvious MK Ultra handler, Haley Pasternak talking about his history with special forces and using drugs on soldiers:

“Lucky enough to have him as my graduate advisor. And the area of that I was interested in was how drugs and food affect muscular performance And Or when you say drugs would that like performance enhancing drugs are they All kinds of drugs Right Okay So working for the military, I wasn't governed by the same laws that the typical person was So I could look at the impact of certain drugs that are not that are not everyday things. So we looked at a drug called Madaffinil, which was for narcoleptics. So if you give a soldier this…drug how long could they stay awake for without having any health detriment…Is that used now as one of these brain drugs I've I've heard the name before somewhere. Yeah So it's…It's a very interesting modafinil…It will…keep you awake but it's not a stimulant. Right So if a special forces person has to stay awake for three nights waiting for the right opportunity to do whatever they have to do we could give them adaffanil and we'd keep them alert. I did a research on a drug called acetazolamide…”

Charles Manson became a deranged serial killer after being involved in the government’s MK Ultra program. His cult members were brainwashed in a similar fashion to all these lone gunman. Candace broke it down succinctly here:

“Charles Manson himself was a FED. Charles Manson was experimenting on behalf of the government with LSD, intentionally drugging people. Our government was obsessed with how to control a mind, and how to create a mass psychosis. They were conducting all sorts of illicit experiments on the American people. This brings us to MK Ultra. The idea that the government is involved in drugging people in an effort to control them. They say MK Ultra ended. Do you think it's ended? No, I don't. Not after the things that YE told me. Not after reading the text messages that were sent to him who he says is his handler. Threatening to drug him and send him back to la la land. Telling him he'll never see his kids again. What happened to Britney Spears? I think that as a nation that we have to be able to confront the fact that there is truly evil, that demons are real. We cannot arm ourselves against this sort of evil if we aren't even able to acknowledge it. I was chilled by not realizing how much evil our government has committed in the past. We cannot fight demons unless we are willing to acknowledge that there are demons. Don't walk away saddened. Walk away being assured that we already know how this ends. In the end, goodness wins. In the end, God wins."

Made this compilation for sharing with people currently realizing that this is exactly what they almost did to Trump. Share with those who need a reminder or who are currently waking up. Thank you!


  1. In 1989, Sirhan told British journalist David Frost: "My only connection with Robert Kennedy was his sole support of Israel and his deliberate attempt to send those 50 fighter jets to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians."

    Sirhan Sirhan was probably the first US domestic Palestinian terrorist.

    1. Ooop… u ONLY choose to quote a story that suits yr fart!

  2. Message sent. After his RNC nomination acceptance speech, there was a singer listed in the itinerary.


    🚨 Trump just sent a message to the Deep State

    Just after Trumps speech, Opera Singer Sings “Nessun Dorma”

    Nessun Dorma is played at the end of the film The Sum of All Fears, in which time ALL the traitors & Deep State Actors were executed.

    The Sum of All Fears is mentioned several times in the Q Drops.

    Trump is very specific about his songs… he played this for a reason.…
