
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

HIGH ALERT! NATO Just Crossed Putin's Red Line with this Massive Attack | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Thanks 'MF': 

Did somebody send some present over to the Russian at Kola Peninsular to both the strategic bomber squadron and the submarine base over the weekend? The retired Colonel seems to think so.


  1. I'm not the only person who noticed this entire video is just two talking heads spouting conspiracy theories, ZERO, ZILCH facts to back it up.

  2. Wakakakaka…


    U know military strategic analysis based on concurrent happened events?

    Obviously - know-nothing. Thus just tagged with the easiest fart u can think of!

  3. Interesting...

    GhostOfBasedPatrickHenry report a quote tweet of user KAGDrogo from x user BRICSNews posting about League of Arab Nations taking Hezbollanh off the T-List.

    Obviously will have to check with Al-Jazee for further confirmation.

    Woohoo, apa sudah jadi unkerSammy?


  4. ~~~~~

    🔴 IRGC: Head of Hamas political bureau Ismail Haniyeh martyred in Tehran.

    #Hamas #Iran

    Is this confirmed????

    Hamas just confirmed it on aljazeera

  5. ~~~~~


    According to emerging reports, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has been assassinated in an Israeli raid on his residence in Tehran, Iran.

    While the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has confirmed Haniyeh's death, along with that of one of his bodyguards, the details surrounding the incident remain unclear.

    If verified, Haniyeh's assassination would represent a significant blow to the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

    Source: Sky News

  6. Going in to August hot?


    Bank of Japan website is down.

    Today one of these two will close (likely very) red, the other (likely very) green

    In few hours we will know what Ueda decided to save and what he decided to let go

    Fasten your seatbelts 🍿

  7. How many cloud did Saudara Anwar claim to have pulled in? There's one under construction just outside my office in PJ. Started in May, foundation for one section concretized to ground level...

    ...and NVDA founder CEO has reportedly systematic selling shares ;-) and you know how else were in on the ai scam, amongst many others? Nancy Pelosi...


    $MSFT is warning investors this morning of a growth slowdown in cloud computing until 2nd half of 2025 👀

    They all overbuilt their infrastructure without knowing how to profit from it, exactly like 2000. How do you think $NVDA will fair when everyone starts cancelling orders?

  8. This x account has "out-of-the-park" way of thinking. Even he recognized himself as a kind of iconoclast. From time to time, I picked up his thought, as is, to try and digest them. Here, share as is, in case you want to check things out...i wonder just how far all this "intelligence" thing goes? One time, it was from the time of Queen Elizabeth the first, since the original 007 dated from then, one of her advisor. But now, do thing that it probably went all the way to the Book of Genesis, as early as chapter 1...after all, part of intelligence operation involved saboteur activities....

  9. Sorry if repeat n no need to publish. Was wondering if I had append the link and content of the post of my last comment here...

    The CIA is the largest Jew Terrorism Organization on the planet.

    The Milner Group and its Morgan-Rockefeller associates have always been very close to the intelligence services. Britain’s foreign intelligence agency, the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) a.k.a. MI6, was an interdepartmental service of the Foreign Office, the Admiralty and the War Office, all of which were run by the interlocking Cecil Bloc and Milner Group. MI6 was created in 1909 by a committee chaired by Milnerite War Secretary Richard Haldane. Its first chief was Mansfield Cumming who was appointed by FO Under-Secretary Sir Charles Hardinge, a protégé of Cecil Bloc founder Robert Gascoyne-Cecil (Lord Salisbury).

    In 1940, the Milner Group, now headed by Lionel Curtis, was again in charge of the Foreign Office which controlled MI6. While Lord Halifax was Foreign Secretary, his fellow Milner member, Lord Lothian, was British Ambassador to the US. As part of the Milner Group’s global expansion, MI6 set up an American station, called the British Security Co-ordination (BSC). This organization which was responsible for operations in the entire western hemisphere was headquartered in the New York Rockefeller Center and was run by William Stephenson.

    In 1941, Stephenson set up the Office of Coordinator of Information (COI), which coordinated different US intelligence services and, as adviser to President Roosevelt, had his collaborator William Donovan appointed as head. In 1942, COI became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). After the war, in 1947, the OSS was reorganized as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (Jeffrey, pp. 440-9). The CIA, therefore, was a Milner-CFR creation and part of MI6’s global network. Banker Allen Dulles (younger brother of CFR and UN co-founder John Foster Dulles) was its first director. Most CIA directors have been CFR members ever since (Smoot, pp. x, ff.).

    In 1943, David Rockefeller himself became a member of the US Joint Intelligence Collection Agency (JICA) in French North Africa, where he was in touch with Henri Chevalier, general manager of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil interests and set up his own intelligence network there (Rockefeller, pp. 112-3). Rockefeller’s personal involvement and the fact that by then German forces had been pushed out of North Africa suggests that such intelligence operations revolved around oil interests more than anything else.

    Btw, the Milner Group was set up in 1891 by Lord Rothschild, Cecil Rhodes, Lord Milner and associates.

    It was not until the OSS hired office support staff that the first non-jews were brought into the organization. At the time the CIA was created ONLY secretaries and drivers and janitors were non-jews. It is possible that the first non-jew CIA officer was only hired as late as 1945. As late as the Korean war, in 1953, that non-jews even reached 50% of annual new hires.

    A nick-name for the CIA in WA DC through the 1940s & 1950s was the 'synagogue'.

    1. ~~~~~

      As i had forecast. Next up the trend spreads throughout Europe, and into America.
      Then, a while later, they start burning down the synagogues for the crimes of the pharisees (rabbis) in all this shitstorm.

      The reason why so many people across Europe are protesting and voting for change isn’t because they are “far-right” or “conspiracy theorists” - it’s because they are fed up of being lied to and controlled by governments, patronised by unelected technocratic institutions, disingenuously messaged by corporate media and fleeced by greedy corporations.

      Infrastructures and public services are rotting, the cost of living crisis continues, public assets are being destroyed and sold off to the highest bidder, freedoms are being reduced and yet, all of this is wrapped around the biggest transfer of wealth to the super-rich and mega corporations in history. And we are paying them to do all of this through record levels of taxation while governments regularly spend our money on the wrong things.

      Governments appear to have forgotten that they serve us. We don’t serve them.

      The concerns and voices of millions of people have been ignored for far too long and quite understandably, they have had enough of political uniparty corporatism and are now making their voices heard through mass protests and at elections.

      It’s not far-right. It’s fed up.
