
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Cool heads needed as political fringe dwellers spread disinformation after Trump shooting



Cool heads needed as political fringe dwellers spread disinformation after Trump shooting

Partisans on the left and the right are weaponizing the attack and spreading lies faster than journalists can offer facts to counter them

Disinformation researcher Amanda Rogers has described the polarized, unhinged, conspiracy-driven noise in social media responses to the shooting of Donald Trump as “a self-sustaining spiral of shit”.

Rogers, a fellow at the progressive thinktank Century Foundation, has seen this before. But the scale is new and troubling, she said. Conversation on social media – and the mainstream media – is focused on the motivations of the shooter and the impact on the election, she said. Bad actors want to turn a moment like this into a broader call for violence. And they will spread lies to get there, she said.

“The fact that this is the perfect storm environment for dis-info from every single point on the political spectrum, is something that worries me immensely,” Rogers said. “Because it’s an accelerationist’s wet dream … But we need to have voices in the media that are speaking to the fact that this is a breaking situation. People need to calm down about speculation.”

Accelerationists are those on the political fringes – right and left – who want a civil war to burn the country to ash so they can start anew from the rubble. Notably, the term “Civil War” began trending in the wake of the Trump shooting.

Social media was instantly flooded with hyperbole, lies, conspiracy theories and uninformed nonsense about the shooting. The commentary ranged from suggestions on the right like those of Georgia Rep Michael Collins that the president, Joe Biden, solicited the violence and should be charged with a crime, to those on the left suggesting that the shooting is a hoax meant to bolster Trump’s flagging poll figures.

Reasonable questions about whether the Secret Service missed something become conspiracies about whether Biden deliberately withheld competent protection for Trump, said Jonathan Corpus Ong, a disinformation researcher and professor of communications at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

'Everybody must condemn violence': Biden reacts to Trump shooting - video

“I think it’s normal for people to be speculating, and kind of like trying to make sense of what happened,” he said. “I think it’s important for any journalist or any reader to be very critical of what they see in the media and what they’re reading, to take it slow as well … I think we would not want to be swept up with fear, because that would get us into a state of distrust in other people as well. It’s important to be vigilant with what we consume, and also learn when to step back from fear-mongering narratives.”

Factchecking the deep fakes

AI further complicates the reaction to breaking news events.

Some images from the event are bound to become iconic, like the photograph taken by Evan Vucci of the Associated Press of Trump, fist raised and ear bloodied, an American flag waving behind him as Secret Service officers sweep him from the area.

But others from questionable sources could be swiftly fabricated. There’s value in comparing pictures from multiple sources at the event, or noting which agencies are distributing them, Ong said.

“You would like to see videos and a news account and analysis, to have multiple sources and to be corroborated and verified by multiple experts, in order to make sure that it is authentic in the age of deep fakes,” he said.

The emotional, historic nature of the moment lends itself to manipulation confirming existing biases, “that trigger very strong emotions of fear or anxiety,” Ong said. “I think that’s what we need to be looking at. And be wary of.”

Before the FBI had identified 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks as the “subject involved” in the shooting, speculation about the gun and the identity of the alleged shooter had begun. Posts began moving through social media almost immediately, suggesting that the shooter used a BB gun, or alternatively that the weapon was a “ghost gun” built from 3D-printed parts.

Police later said they recovered an AR-style rifle at the scene.

Neither claim could be immediately substantiated. Each claim serves a partisan narrative, either that the shooting was a hoax or evidence of lax gun regulations.

Similarly unsubstantiated noise emerged from rightwing spaces about the identity of the alleged shooter.

“These are the usual responses that we get from the accelerationists in the far right channels … you’ve got people identifying the shooter as Antifa, or as a trans person, as a Jewish person,” Rogers said. “You’ve got the usual suspects being trotted out. And then on the more QAnon channels you’ve got ‘this is the left trying to bait us into a civil war’.”

The one thing Rogers found most disturbing was a pattern of mass deletion of posts in the far-right Telegram channels she follows in the minutes after the shooting. She said they do that in case it was one of their own.

“Telegram aficionados know that people are watching and potentially, if there was a connection, if there’s anybody on there that did actually have facts, it’s not like they’re going to let that stuff stand.”


  1. Hypothetical question, if civil war br0ke out, what would happen in MY?


    We were two inches away from a civil war today. It is not a prospect I relish, but one that is to be feared if Democrats don’t stop with their absurd vile Hitler analogies and their assassination glee.

  2. DEI in the USSS?

    Cui bono? The question...


    We really got Throw Mama from the Train and Hawk Tuah girl out here guarding our only chance to save our Republic??? Their movements are unpurposeful, unprofessional and looks like an SNL skit! DEI in peak form! 🤡

    1. HSBC fired one of its VP for speaking against one aspect of the DEI, 2022 or 2023, back when DEI was the unstoppable juggernaut. Back when Bud Lite beer had gone full retard and suffered its consequence market meltown....

      My company, a JP owned engineering MNC, still has DEI-esque stuffs listed in the website...

      MY still infatuated with DEI andvits variation, including MY BAR planned inaugural conference on climate change in law and legal, aug or sept.


      First it was Microsoft that announced today they are getting rid of DEI

      Now it's John Deere



  3. ~~~~~

    I want to repeat, and can absolutely confirm, the USSS Director Kim Cheatle has repeatedly turned down requests for a larger security footprint around President Trump. Despite knowing the threat level is catastrophic.
    Resign tonight.

    USSS Director Kim Cheatle must resign. She was warned about this, and she ignored the warnings.

  4. ~~~~~

    My immediate reaction, with very incomplete information, on today’s shooting of Donald J Trump.

    When I was Trump’s speechwriter, I once was asked to look up JFK’s quotes about the machine inside his own government out to get him. That assignment left a lasting impression on me because there were hints of what we say today even then, 4 years ago, but it was also too hard to me then to fully envision the literal JFK parallels could be so real, let alone imminent. I’ve been saying for months now that I fear the “lone court” more than the “lone gunman,” because it’s cleaner, but the new SCOTUS immunity ruling last week has perhaps made the “lone court” strategy for neutralizing Trump no longer a viable option. Now, for this to happen so soon after that legal immunity ruling, it appears they’re going back to the JFK option.

  5. As the journalist begin his opinion with the title, Cool heads needed... so, let's see how true the following and if ever the "gomen" are as truthful and trustworthy or not...

    The screencapture is from one of the anonymous board format...but the poster id himself...anons don't take no for answer despite what the pretty boy in a posh office of the msm try to pontificate...


    Read this.
    Grain of salt
    Big if true
    Who is the “Top Brass”

  6. The following can be retorted as fake news...

    SCOOP: Secret instructions given to news reporters telling them to play down Trump’s attempted assassination

    These people are evil

    But, a pictorial compilation of headlines following the event will prompt any thinking person to wonder of the truth in it ( found in several paragraghs into the writing)

    Remember when Leftists made an entire Broadway play portraying the assassination of President Trump?!

    These people are sick

  7. ~~~~~

    Why on earth is the House GOP allowing the Secret Service and FBI to investigate themselves?!

    We need a special committee

    The FBI spied on Trump’s campaign & raided his house - no way they’ll be fair

    Secret Service put a bunch of 5’5” women to protect Trump & snipers just watched the shooter

    The House GOP needs to DO ITS JOB and hold the Biden executive accountable with a real committee investigatio

  8. Will it affects MY ( and the rest of the world)? If yes, how, and in what ways, and for how long, and what intensity?


    Alex Jones might be the only voice truly over the target on this one.

    Today's assassination attempt on Donald Trump is just the beginning.

    The events are going to begin falling like Domino's. The Deep State is in a panic and I have a feeling we haven't seen anything yet.

    Buckle up!

    VIDEO posted @Retardsoftiktok

    1. Another of the similar remark...


      Trump just survived their assassination attempt in the grandest fashion imaginable. They’re done and they know it.

      This is why I now expect them to begin their most desperate attempts at escape. Attacks on power grids, internet infrastructure, etc.

  9. The last time a US president was killed in office, one of the aftermath was escalation in the war against the Vietnamese people, a civil war, that turn nasty in every ways. MY had to deal with the boat people phenomena that lasted quite a while, isn't it? As a child, dad used to drive along the nascent KL-Seremban highway and pointed to where the Vietnamese reefugees were housed, in the general vicinity of the National Stadium Complex of Bukit Jalil and whole host of heroice generous individual ministering to their need. Vietnam deserve their place in history as a people building and advancing their country.

  10. 1. My view is one of many, as many as 7 billions people in this world. Each ought to and have their view respected.
    2. That said, when one had a certain view, naturally the first question is, why.
    3. Each view, for or against, for those who are aware and regards these matters as important, revealed what is inside.
    4. Still, why?
    5. Is it the apocalypse? What is hidden is revealed?
    6. What then follow revelation? I can only ponder at what is happening...


    P/s the comment following the article is but a small sample of what is in the heart, rightly or wrongly.

  11. ~~~~~


  12. For info.


  13. OUCH!




    1. Whoever it was playing the game, the music stopped and got found out...

      As the saying goes, God will do the judging, they just send them over to God...



      A company called Austin Private Wealth LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT via a put option. The filing date is July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt.

      They have around $1 Billion in assets under management and this is by far the largest put placed. According to a source the trade represents 6% of total shares and over 16%! of the float of the stock given the fact that Trump owns 60% of the company.

      This is a giant bet when you consider their total AUM but wait there’s more…
