
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Comprehensive approach needed to stop poisoning of stray dogs, say Penang residents

Comprehensive approach needed to stop poisoning of stray dogs, say Penang residents

This is the second alleged widespread killing of dogs, particularly strays, using poisoned food.

Updated 1 day ago · Published on 19 Jul 2024 4:55PM

The Tanjung Bungah Residents Association alleges that up to 27 dogs have been murdered by a suspected serial poisoner in Penang recently. – Trap-Neuter-Return pic, July 19, 2024.

BY Ian McIntyre

A COMPREHENSIVE approach is needed to stop the serial poisoning of strays and household pets in Penang, said the Tanjung Bungah Residents Association (TBRA) after it alleged that up to 27 canines were believed to have been murdered by a suspected serial poisoner.

This is the second alleged widespread killing of dogs, particularly strays, using poisoned food.

The first incident last year attracted the attention of David Yim, a former Penang MCA leader in Island Glades, who said a serial dog killer was on the prowl in neighbourhoods where feeding of strays was evident.

Although the state government had yet to find any evidence to indicate the presence of poison, TBRA’s deputy president Agnes James said something was amiss based on details shared by residents about the mysterious deaths.

James, an ex-journalist, said authorities needed to increase the number of enforcement officials in both the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) to investigate the matter.

Neuter and spay efforts should also be carried out on a consistent basis if the authorities were sincere in wanting to curtail the rise of strays in the state, she added.

There was also a greater need to have community involvement in seeking out suspicious activities in housing areas, she said while attending a TBRA-mooted candlelight vigil, which drew a crowd to Mira Residences in Tanjung Bungah last night.

Volunteer dog feeder Linda Yong led the solemn ceremony, saying dogs are beloved creatures and should not be treated inhumanely.

An anonymous donor has offered a RM10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of those responsible for the dog poisonings in Tanjung Bungah.

Anyone with relevant information should contact the International Aid for the Protection and Welfare of Animals Penang or the MBPP.

“These animals are like family to me. Each dog has a unique personality and they brought joy to those who knew and cared for them,” said Yong.

“This vigil is to mourn their loss and raise awareness about the cruelty that took them from us.”

Yong also urged the DVS to set up a branch on the island, saying it was difficult to transport carcasses to the DVS laboratory 30km away in Prai on the mainland. DVS requires owners to do this when there is a request to investigate the deaths of pets.

State Local Government, Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jason H’ng Mooi Lye earlier told a press conference that they had not found any evidence, including closed-circuit television recordings, to aid investigations.

He said the authorities would not compromise with any act of animal abuse, adding that offenders could be charged under the Animal Welfare Act 2015.

“The investigation is still ongoing, and we ask for people to submit recordings or evidence to help with the investigation.

“Please give us the information as we are concerned about this serious matter. In addition to dogs, birds have also died due to this act. We also urge dog owners to comply with the law. MBPP has also been instructed to conduct more checks.”

The MBPP can be contacted at 04-263 7637 or 04-263 7000. – July 19, 2024.

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