
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Biden Claims U.S. ‘Not at War Anywhere in the World’


Biden Claims U.S. ‘Not at War Anywhere in the World’

President Joe Biden claimed that the United States is “not at war anywhere in the world” during his live address on Wednesday evening.

Biden’s speech came after he had announced on Sunday that he was withdrawing from the presidential race, and he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

During Biden’s speech, he said that while it had been the “honor” of his life to serve as president, he had decided to “pass the torch to a new generation,” and continued to talk about what he would be doing while continuing to serve out the remainder of his term.

Biden: "I need to unite my party […] I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America's future all merited a second term — but nothing, nothing, can come in the way of saving our democracy, and that includes personal ambition." — Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) July 25, 2024

Biden went on to claim that the nation is “not at war anywhere in the world.”

“I’ll keep working to ensure America remains strong, and secure, and the leader of the free world, “Biden said. “I’m the first president in this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.” — Breitbart

Our Take: A hallmark of the Obama Biden Administration was the redefinition of metrics and common meanings, a trend that has continued with scrotus at the nation’s helm. It appears we’re changing the definition of ‘war’ now.

It’s easy to point to the Ukraine and Gaza as evidence that the US is, in fact, at war. We spent $320M on a meth head’s pier structure, which eventually sank. At least if we had set the money on fire, we’d have had heat.

But the US is also funding Taiwan’s stand against China, conflict in the Sudan, and more. It wasn’t that long ago that Sullivan and Kirby were whoring for the National Security Supplemental, which was eventually passed.

The extent and duration of the many hot conflicts around the realm would not be possible without US funding. That means the US is not just ‘at war,’ but the propagator of multiple wars. All under Biden.

So, he’s just lying. Again. — Ashe in America


  1. The facts of the matter.

    How many US soldiers died in combat in 2024 ?


    1. Wakakakaka… not counting those masqueraded as volunteering mercenaries!

    2. quite a number of wanks were killed in Syria
