
Wednesday, June 12, 2024



Tuesday, June 11, 2024



The results of the EU Parliamentary elections have come in. There is a clear disagreement from the European voters against their globalist influenced (World Economic Forum) governments and the war mongers who have caused so much hardship in Europe.

If you recall I have played videos from Survival Lilly before (picture below).

Lilly is an Austrian woman, mid-30s, who is an outdoors adventure person who makes survival videos. But since the Ukraine War and the economic sanctions against Russia plus the cutting off of cheap Russian gas from Germany and Europe, Lilly has been documenting the hardships that have hit the Austrian people.  In the screen grab above she talked about the end of the Austrian middle class.

Consequent to this, the Austrian far right Freedom Party has defeated the ruling party in Austria in the EU Parliamentary elections. The Freedom Party won 27% of the vote versus the ruling party who won about 24%.

The Freedom Party's platform included:

i.    anti immigration
ii.   they like Austria to exit the European Union (like Brexit)
iii.  they are anti the European Parliament
iv.  they oppose arms shipments to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia
  • Basically this is the trend across Europe. 
  • Voters across Europe have shifted to the right.

Austrians say that these results of the European Parliament vote  will likely be a rehearsal for Austria's own parliamentary election later this year. The Freedom Party will likely have an even larger lead in that race. The Austrian elections are expected to take place on Sept. 29.

But it is Germany that perhaps captures the "we-are-fed-up" attitude of the people. The Quisling Olaf Scholz's party was soundly thrashed by the far right AfD or Alternative fur Deutschland (Alternative for Germany). This party is only about 11 years old.

The AfD won 16% of the vote, defeating Olaf Scholz's "ruling" Verrater Party. The AfD is actually quite extreme right wing with some party leaders being pro-Nazi. Yet the German people voted for them. The party is especially strong in the "old" East Germany.

"We demand a vote of confidence and new elections," Alice Weidel, the AfD's leader told journalists. "People have had enough."

This "People have had enough"  seems to be resonating throughout Europe. 

When anti-war Donald Trump becomes president again in November and with this strong anti-war  feeling surging in Europe the war in Ukraine will come to an end. The Gaza war will end as well. 

President Putin has read the tea leaves quite well because the ordinary citizens in Europe seem to support him. The economic balance will be restored in Europe. No more sanctions against Russia and free flow of cheap Russian gas to Germany and Europe.

2025 should see a major turnaround in the world's fortunes.


  1. ~~~~~

    Russian Warships have entered into International waters near the Florida Keys headed to Havana Cuba. (PLEASE Share!)
    👉Passing the SAME AREA that the US Navy conducted 2 "Experimental Explosions" that caused a 3.7 & a 3.9 Earthquake.
    This is being compared to the 'Cuban Missile Crisis'
    as far as the anticipation.
    #Russia #Warships #Military #Cuba

    BREAKING: Russian warships clash with US, Canadian ships near Florida Keys.

    In an unexpected and tense development, Russian warships have sailed into the Atlantic and are currently involved in a standoff with American and Canadian ships near Key Largo, Florida.

    Reports circulating online suggest a potential standoff between American/Canadian naval vessels, and Russian naval vessels sailing to port in Cuba.

    The alleged standoff is purported to be in international waters near Key West Florida, USA. This remains unconfirmed at this time, but is worth keeping eyes on.

    1. NYP: WASHINGTON – A flotilla of Russian warships passed within hailing distance of Florida’s eastern coastline Tuesday, with the US Navy and Coast Guard following close behind, according to open-source maritime and air tracking information.

      The Coast Guard Cutter Stone, Navy guided-missile destroyers USS Truxtun and USS Donald Cook, and the Royal Canadian Navy frigate HMCS Ville de Quebec sailed after four Russian vessels reportedly headed to Cuba, according to online maritime trackers including VesselFinder.

    2. Brave and innovative but tiny Ukraine has effectively defeated the Russki Navy in the Black Sea

      Putin fired the Chief of the Russian Navy, but that is not going to change anything.

      The Russian Navy wouldn't survive 5 minutes versus the United States Navy....or it would be forced to go nuclear.

    3. The rule of the game is - not to tell people what is the experience, it is to let the people experienced themselves.

    4. To be confirmed. Share content as is...mindful of the Tom Clancy's The Hunt for Red October...

      Understood, cannot take it seriously, but are we in normal time?

      Let's see where this movie storyline lead us to.

      What with the number 33? Dallas 1963, Nov 22, was on parallel 33N


    5. ~~~~~

      Now isn't that dasting👀
      USS Helena part of the Navy's Silent Fleet has made an appearance off the coast of GITMO... Awfully close to home..

  2. Apparently, a lot of subject matters will be classified information with a large amount of information will be released to the public. These were the speculated words of insiders. By releasing of information, it is another trajectory for change in the world. But we'll see what will happen. Let's hope we will not set in stone in the old ways...and be like water.

  3. Holly wood in the spotlight...


    Another one.

    Oprah unexpectedly hospitalized for abdominal issues.

    Previously, there was sean puff daddy in the spotlight...

    NB: what were things within their orbit? Heard it was something trafficking, human kind...

    1. ~~~~~

      Candace Owens is dropping red pills. She just exposed how Charles Manson was a CIA asset working with the MK Ultra government program, how Kanye West showed her text messages from his MK Ultra handler, and how Diddy is allegedly a FED working for the government. They told us that the MK Ultra program shut down but does anyone believe that knowing what we know now?
      She says we must acknowledge the evil our government has committed and subsequently put on the armor of God to defeat it. In the end, God wins.

      "The Diddy lawsuit. It very heavily implied that the government is controlling Hollywood, there's some sort of gang controlling that is Hollywood.. You can't even talk about that. Why is that?
      He was talking to me about everybody having a handler in Hollywood. He was calling people the ops. This person is in with the government. He notoriously said that Diddy is a FED. Clearly, Diddy was being protected by the government...
      My brain is melted. I do know the people in our government are evil. The book is called Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties.
      The 30-year anniversary of the Manson murders... The hippy communes automatically ended. People were buying locks and nobody was experimenting with LSD anymore.
      He starts making some calls. He's struck by the fact that people are scared to talk to him. He ends up realizing that everything the public learned about those murders was a lie. He ends up discovering that the CIA was involved. He ends up discovering that the CIA knew Charles Manson. He ends up discovering that Charles Manson himself was a FED. Charles Manson was experimenting on behalf of the government with LSD, intentionally drugging people. Our government was obsessed with how to control a mind, and how to create a mass psychosis. They were conducting all sorts of illicit experiments on the American people. This brings us to MK Ultra. The idea that the government is involved in drugging people in an effort to control them. They say MK Ultra ended. Do you think it's ended? No, I don't. Not after the things that YE told me. Not after reading the text messages that were sent to him who he says is his handler. Threatening to drug him and send him back to la la land. Telling him he'll never see his kids again. What happened to Britney Spears? I think that as a nation that we have to be able to confront the fact that there is truly evil, that demons are real. We cannot arm ourselves against this sort of evil if we aren't even able to acknowledge it. I was chilled by not realizing how much evil our government has committed in the past. We cannot fight demons unless we are willing to acknowledge that there are demons. Don't walk away saddened. Walk away being assured that we already know how this ends. In the end, goodness wins. In the end, God wins."

  4. The name of the gamebis, exposure.


    Since Joe Biden was VP, his family and their shell companies have hauled in $18 million from foreign sources.

    ▪️ $7.3 million from China
    ▪️ $4 million from Ukraine
    ▪️ $3.5 million from Russia
    ▪️ $1 million from Romania
    ▪️ $1 million from Panama
    ▪️ $142,300 from Kazakhstan (for a Porsche!)
    ▪️ $1 million in other foreign payments

    Joe Biden met with nearly every foreign national funneling his family millions of dollars.

    ▪️ Chairman of CEFC Ye Jianming
    ▪️ Chinese Fund Executive Jonathan Li
    ▪️ Burisma Corporate Secretary Vadym Pozharsky
    ▪️ Russian Oligarch Yelena Baturina
    ▪️ Kazakhstani Oligarch Kenes Rakishev

    Subscribe to American Thinker

  5. ~~~~~


    “It is not known for certain why Ghost in the Machine Day appeared on the calendar, but it is an ideal occasion to think about the relationship between the mind and the body, and machines that may soon have their own minds.”

  6. ~~~~~

    So Baldwin posts on 6/10 talking about Hollywood being infiltrated while referencing ghosts.

    6/12 Is National Ghost In The Machine day.

    June 12, 2018 - Drop 1490: “Ghost CON Active”

    Baldwin posts about ghosts infiltrating Hollywood 2 days ahead of Ghost In The Machine day, which so happens to hit the Delta for Drop 1490 which states that ghosts are active.

    Must be a coincidence 👀.

    I will be posting a video further expanding on both tweets shortly.

  7. ~~~~

    🚨 Holy cow… it’s really happening..

    Saudi Arabia has ditched the US dollar and WILL NOT renew the 50 Year 'Petro-Dollar' Agreement Established in 74’ with the United States.

    I’m gonna be real with everyone… I think things are going to start getting really expensive, really soon…

    The normie reaction should be… this would never have happened under Trump. It will be felt…

    My reaction is, it never would have collapsed if Trump was in office…. EXACTLY… 👈

    The petro dollar is the root of a lot of evil and I could not see us winning anything if this did not change.

    I believe Joe Biden was put in place in order for the entire corrupt and diseased financial system to crash.

    I believe whether good or bad, it’s coming down under Biden. Not Trump. By design, to bring a new rebuilt financial system.

    Trump has said the dollar is collapsing and would no longer be the world standard… he’s been warning us.

    God placed us on this path and I have to Trust that God placed Trump in position to get us back to something tangible and fair for the entire world.

    That’s what this entire journey has been about…

    Are you ready for the next phase?…

  8. In Australia...

    Happening now in Australia.

    Senate hearing on Excess Deaths:

    Vaccine Injured Kara Potter shares her story

    "Yes, I received my vaccine injury from my third Pfizer shot, which was my booster shot on the 8 January 2022.

    I started with pericarditis, but the inflammation was much further spread than just in my heart, went through to my lungs and further to other parts of my body, including my brain.

    Over a period of about five months, I was quite acutely well spent multiple trips into hospital. It's been about six weeks in hospital overall trying to recover from just that initial acute injury.

    But since then, I am now chronically ill and disabled from the vaccine. I am no longer able to work or drive or do many things at all, really.

    It affects my whole body my capacity to think and speak, my ability to walk. My regulatory system is completely disorganized. Yes so it has major catastrophic impact on myself and my family."

    1. For those who took a stand...


      This morning Irish Dr Anne McCloskey is behind bars for her principled non payment of a £240 Covid fine.

      The World Council for Health stands with Dr McCloskey and demands her immediate release.

      Please #StandWithDrAnne


      A candidate in the upcoming Westminster elections has been jailed after refusing to pay a fine.
      Dr Anne McCloskey, 67, appeared at Londonderry Magistrates' Court in connection with an unpaid Covid fine of £255.
      She was given an immediate warrant to pay the amount or go to prison for 14 days.
      Dr McCloskey, of Chapel Road in Derry, is running as an independent in Foyle in the UK general election.


    2. Kalau boleh tahan, tahan loh...kalau tak boleh tahan, tunggu mati saja loh...itu lumrah kehidupan...maklumlah, ada orang ingat dia tuhanallah...

      Dr John Campbell, phd, a registered nurse trainer providing truthful assessment, even at the cost of realization and awakening and reporting the truth. The taylor u academic live in menara gading...


      A bewildered Dr John Campbell trys to make sense of the latest Moderna trials for the combo flu/covid vaccine.

      ‘I know you might be struggling with credulity and belief but I’m just reporting what is on these references that I’m giving you….presumably it contains 3 types of RNA…and the Covid spike protein …all in one injection.’

      Coming to a regulator near you …lol

    3. Malaysian, Singaporean? Dr Jeyanthi...



      The brilliant Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan testifies before an Australian Senate Committee that in Pfizer’s own clinical trial there were more deaths in the vaccinated group than the placebo group.

      For the TGA to grant approve to a new drug which had more deaths in the treatment group than the placebo group is beyond inconceivable, it was criminally negligent.

      And their excuse for doing so, was the claim the guesswork that the deaths in the vaccinated group where not related to the vaccine - yet many of these were unexplained sudden deaths for which no autopsy was performed.

      So their excuse that the deaths in the vaccinated group where not related to the vaccine was made without any evidence - which was also criminally negligent.

      And now we have tens of thousands of excess dead Australians - exactly what the results of the Pfizer trial suggested would happen.

      So it’s beyond criminal negligence- it’s mass negligent homicide.

      And to think they forced Australians to inject this stuff, knowing full well that Pfizer’s trial indicated that increase your risk of death.

      Forget the Royal Commission, we need to go straight to Nuremberg 2.0

  9. Anthony Fauci mentioned that there'll be a p4nd3m1k during Trump presidency, before his inauguration.

    A WEFstooge declared a cyberattack before anything of such nature happened.



  10. In case if you are interested.


    These have undoubtedly been the wildest 72 hours in French politics in my lifetime. Pretty incredible stuff.

    A 🧵

    1. 🤣🤣🤣

      A followup...


      We need a conflict map of LR HQ

      Pro-Ciotti controlled = "almost all"
      Anti-Ciotti controlled = "some"

      current state of the civil war of Les Républicains (per OSINT, 13 June 2024)


    3. ADOI!!!!

      I attempted to re-do this in the ISW (Institute for the Study of War) style. 🤣

  11. ~~~~

    War is not unavoidable, but the fear and anger at Western leaders for relentlessly pushing us in the direction of WW3 is likely the scare scenario required to wake the rest of the zombies from their malaise.

    Trump speaks often of heading toward WW3. His words, and those of people like Orban and Vucic, seem purposeful as a warning of what could be if the people do not force a change or course.

    I believe global kinetic war will be avoided, but the intensifying threat may well be the catalyst for change.

    Let us pray I'm correct.

    🇷🇸 Serbia's President Vucic gives a dark outlook -All signs point to a major war in Europe

    “We are heading for a major catastrophe and it seems that the train has already left the station and can no longer be stopped. No one in the West is talking about peace anymore - only more war. The West thinks it can win and take out Russia. I think the West is wrong. Both sides now believe it is existential for them, so I don't think they will find a solution other than war and everything, everything is at stake. In Europe, the leaders act as the big heroes, but they are not honest and do not tell their citizens that they will all pay a big price if it comes to war.”
