
Friday, June 28, 2024

Trump shows that gung-ho 'bullsh*tology' in US presidential debate with Bye-Deen is best policy

A ‘disaster’: Biden’s shaky start in US presidential debate with Trump rattles Democrats

The first presidential debate between US President Joe Biden and former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is projected on a screen projector during a watch party hosted by the Michigan Conservative Coalition in Novi, Michigan June 27, 2024. — Reuters pic

Friday, 28 Jun 2024 11:18 AM MYT

NEW YORK, June 28 — US President Joe Biden’s supporters had hoped Thursday night’s (Friday morning, Malaysian Time) debate would erase worries that the 81-year-old was too old to serve another term, but his hoarse voice and at times tentative performance against Republican rival Donald Trump did the opposite.

Biden and Trump, 78, both have faced concerns about their age and fitness in the run-up to the November 5 election, but they have weighed more heavily on Biden.

On Thursday, with his voice hoarse from a cold, Biden hurried through some of his talking points on the debate stage, stumbled over some answers and trailed off during others.

About halfway through the debate, a Democratic strategist who worked on Biden’s 2020 campaign called it a “disaster.”

Trump unleashed a barrage of criticisms including well-worn falsehoods like migrants carrying out a crime wave and that Democrats support infanticide. Early in the debate, Biden paused as he was making a point about Medicare and tax reform and seemed to lose his train of thought.

People watch the first Presidential debate between U.S. President Joe Biden and Republican candidate, former President Donald Trump, from a tavern in San Diego, California June 27, 2024. — Reuters pic

Tax reform would create money to help “strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I was able to do with the, with the Covid, excuse me, with dealing with everything we had to do with,” Biden said, pausing. “We finally beat Medicare.”

Trump jabbed Biden for being incoherent, saying at one point: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said.”

“Biden’s not talking in a measured way, and looks like he’s searching for words,” said Ray La Raja, a political science professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Ahead of the debate, Biden confined himself to nearly a week of “debate camp” with top advisers at the Camp David presidential retreat in the mountains of western Maryland, an indication of how important his campaign considered Thursday night. It didn’t reflect on his performance, critics said.

“Trump is Trump, every word out of his mouth is bullshit. But Biden sounds old. And lost. And that’s going to matter more than anything. So far, this is an absolute nightmare for Biden,” Joe Walsh, a former 2020 Republican presidential candidate who has been critical of Trump, said on X. — Reuters


  1. ~~~~~

    Ladies and gentlemen, let’s revisit this supercut from 12 days ago.

    Well done MSM!

    Really thinking the media is all in on replacing Depends on everything Joe. There was no good reason to leave the camera going for this moment. He looked so frail walking down those steps.

    Sad Ending: Jill Biden Helps Dementia Joe Off Stage After Debate (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor

  2. ~~~~~

    It’s kinda ‘mazing that every single Democrat mouthpiece turned on Biden in perfect unison.

    8:59pm on Thursday, Dirty Joe was a towering hero.

    By 10:31 he was officially a doddering old man with nothing more to give.

    I’m just thinking about the efficiency of the machine; its ability to put the script into the hands of every last turd talker and get them to say the same robotic things in absolute locked step.

    It’s as if thousands of children’s dolls had the cord in their chest pulled at the exact same time.

    We are winning the information war because we base our takes and memes on truth, thought and individual creativity.

    The truth movement is made up of free thinkers.

    The mindless pull-string clown dolls never had a chance.

  3. 2 old men trying their best acts at each other to entice their respective captured audience!

    Both r murmuring incoherently to avoid answering the REAL questions - with Trump coming out top with just clear twist of figurative speeches to give no answers to the questions asked. Biden, as usual, trying hard to fight vocal stumpers due to sleepy neurons to seek blur relevancy!

    Go, Yankee go - u all deserve either as yr headman before the collapse.

  4. Point to consider.


    Clearly a talking point was delivered to the Fake News that the Democrats are ‘panicking’ after last night, as though they didn’t know Biden was a walking corpse like the rest of us……. yeah, sure. This all feels like more fabricated bullshit.

    I think the real panic will be when they can’t replace Joe Biden, and Democrats and all these news organizations have to go back on everything they just said and continue to pretend this brainless vegetable could actually beat Trump.

    It’s gonna be fun to watch this all play out 🍿

  5. For info.

    Many names had been bandied about, many scenarios speculated.

    Hilary was one.

    And, yes, it will feel surreal who follows stuffs like this, a few short months that feel like an eternity that, yet, will go by at the blink of an eye....

    Will she be the right one? Each of us have opinion about her. If she was the original winner, the speculation was, we wont be having this kind of sopo banter online, the world will be in la decade long MCO, the real war with RU probably over by then. But I guess humanity won't get to find out for themselves because that scenario was one of no return.


    In the immediate aftermath of the Supreme Court’s monumental decision to overturn Roe v Wade, conservative writer John Ellis took to the internet to make a provocative case: It was time for Hillary Clinton to make a(nother) political comeback.

    “Now is her moment,” he wrote. “The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade creates the opening for Hillary Clinton to get out of stealth mode and start down the path toward declaring her candidacy for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination.”

    1. As mentioned before, many permutations...not a case of business as usual anymore.


      BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

      President Bidən is NOT FIT to discharge the immense duties of the presidency.
