
Monday, June 24, 2024

The Unpredictable But Entirely Possible Events That Could Throw 2024 Into Turmoil - PART 1

Thank 'MF':

Get ready.

The 2024 election will probably be cancelled

I can see that happening.

Not surprising. He wants to pull a zelensky. Cancel elections. Insert martial law. Ww3.

Thank a Democrat. A dumb ass biden voter.

Stealing elections has consequences.



The Unpredictable But Entirely Possible Events That Could Throw 2024 Into Turmoil

A collection of futurists, political analysts and other prognosticators on the possible Black Swans of the presidential campaign.


01/05/2024 05:00 AM EST

A disrupted U.S. election


Ian Bremmer is the president and founder of Eurasia Group and GZERO Media.

We all know the 2024 U.S. presidential election is going to be enormously divisive and dysfunctional, perceived by many if not most (on the losing side) to be illegitimate. But what if it isn’t just perception? What if the world’s most powerful country can’t hold a free and fair election?

Biden supporters are worried about the end of democracy. Trump supporters are worried Democrats want to throw the former president in jail. And there are plenty of adversaries (I’m looking at you, Russia, Iran and North Korea) that would love nothing more than to see more chaos from the Americans.

That means that efforts to subvert the election could be successful and could come from a variety of actors — from cyberattacks, deep fakes and disinformation, physical attacks on the election process and oversight, and/or mass unrest, violent intervention and even terrorism to disrupt voting on Nov. 5. There’s no more geopolitically significant target than the upcoming U.S. elections, which are vulnerable due to limited experience and resources focused on election security.

I wasn’t worried about a coup back on Jan. 6, and I don’t see any way to overturn this coming year’s election either. But disrupting the 2024 U.S. election strikes me as plausible and deeply concerning.


A China surprise


Mathew Burrows is the program lead of the Stimson Center’s Strategic Foresight Hub. 
He was formerly the director of Foresight at the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Strategy Initiative and the co-director of the New American Engagement Initiative.

War with China breaks out several months after Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-te has been elected in the Taiwan presidential election on Jan. 13 with a bigger margin than expected. This encourages him to declare Taiwan’s independence from China against the advice of the Biden administration but with the backing of a number of congressional Republicans. China mounts a quarantine cutting off trade to the island. This only increases Taiwan’s determination to be independent, and just as the U.S. presidential campaign heats up in October, China starts a military operation. The Biden administration feels it has no option but to mount a military defense of the island. Biden’s strong presidential leadership shifts the momentum away from Trump among independent voters. The reigning assumption is that such a war would be so ruinous economically for China that President Xi Jinping would avoid it. However, in this scenario, he fears that China will lose Taiwan forever and is counting on the Biden administration to be wary of intervening for fear of the possible negative electoral consequences.

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An alternative scenario: Under the weight of enormous debt, slow growth and a depressed property market, China suffers a financial crash similar to the 2008 economic crisis in the United States. As happened then, China’s woes aren’t confined to itself or Asia but spread, triggering a global recession. In the U.S., inflation goes away, but with a growing lack of confidence, unemployment starts to creep up just as the electoral campaign gets underway. Biden isn’t responsible, but like other U.S. presidents facing reelection, a poor economy further drags down his popularity.



Death at a Trump rally


Julia Azari is a professor of political science at Marquette University.

Political violence can be very disruptive, and it’s usually not planned. Here’s one scenario.

On Oct. 19, a fight breaks out at a Trump rally in Tampa, Florida. A group of five white men in their early 50s looked like standard rally-goers. But as they catch the attention of one of the many TV cameras in the arena, the group pulls out protest signs reading: TRUMP LIES and SAVE DEMOCRACY NOW. They had done similar protest actions together for years — anti-war protests, national political conventions and a few Trump events. Part politics, part reunion for longtime friends who had met in college protesting the first Gulf War.

What happens next is disputed. A couple attending their seventh Trump rally say that the protesters started pushing when people around them chanted insults. Other accounts say the Trump supporters initiated the fighting. However it happened, one of the five protesters suffered a heart attack. He is rushed to a local hospital but dies a few hours later.

News media scramble to cover the event, and the public can’t look away. A clear narrative proves elusive. Was the protester’s demise simply a random tragedy? Or a sign of the dangers of an increasingly violent time in American politics?

Pundits’ debates over these questions, interspersed with interviews with the deceased man’s friends, grieving widow and eloquent, angry teenaged children dominate the remaining weeks of the campaign. These stories drown out much of Biden’s messages about declining unemployment and legislative victories and distract from Trump’s slogans about immigrants and making America great again. The poignancy of the story draws in some Americans who paid little attention to politics, but for close watchers of politics, it was irresistible. Some question why the matter gets so much press when violence against people of color draws a fraction of the coverage. Others call for the suspension of Trump’s campaign, which leads to a whole new set of arguments about whether this was just a pretext to push him out of politics once again. One cable network devotes an hourlong program to a panel discussion about whether the Biden administration has done enough to curb political violence.


  1. In case you want to explore the theme put forth...

  2. Fyi.

    Anons have speculating since that mass shooting casualty incident, rumour to be a cover for a failed saudi hit squad on MBS, who was at the top floor at the time. Speculation was, DJT was there as well, and saved his life, hence the "blood owe" to DJT. Ever since, MBS has the enforcer for Trump.

    Again, fyi only. Understand if it hard to believed in, so unsubstantiate. You decide for yourself. The post is just as short as possible to capture the salient points. There are a lot in the anons world. Regards.


    More information is allegedly coming out about Saudi Arabia's connection to 9/11. Did you know that the first country Trump visited on his world tour after defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election was Saudi Arabia? Bin Salman had rounded up criminals and arrested them en masse just months before in an unprecedented clean-up of their country.

    May 20th, 2017: Trump visits Saudi Arabia.

    October 1, 2017: the Vegas shooting occurs.

    The top floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas were owned by the opposing Saudi faction.

    This is not a coincidence.

    November 2017: Bin Salman arrests over 200 people, including 17 Saudi princes as Trump tweets his support.

    When Trump was attending a Saudi-backed golf tournament, he told the world "We still haven't gotten to the bottom of 9/11."
    That's because he knows and a lot more went on behind the scenes than people realize.
    Trump has reposted this video on Truth Social of his original world tour multiple times, which highlights Saudi Arabia "submitting."

    We've been living through a hidden World War and it takes a keen eye to see what has really been going on. Anons know.
    Take heart. Good things have happened and will happen along the way despite the growing pains and battles we have endured.

  3. I just got a "factcheck" takedown of a graphic snapshot of a post from December last year in fb ;-) a ikan bilis oso got it, apa mau takut...

    Oh, the glorious days these monsters have their day of reckoning...


    CNN just slapped a gag order on The Trump campaign— days before the CNN debate.

    We knew Trump’s mic would be muted during the debate, but we didn’t know his campaign’s mic would be muted before it.

    - Jesse Watters

    1. Have a sneaky suspicion the CNN prez debate mic muting saga will be scene of comedy gold and the only one held for this prez elect season...let's see what will happen.


  4. On the socialmedia/internet censorship algorithm and transparency front...


    Dear Meta and YouTube, this is the transparency your users deserve!

    He posted a picture of that poor kid in Afghanistan being sodomized with a stick, which triggered an automatic child exploitation suspension.

    Account will be restored soon.
