
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Russian plane carrying Ukrainian POWs was downed by US-made missile – investigators


Gunmen kill police, priest and civilians in attacks on places of worship in Russia’s Dagestan

Gunmen opened fire on places of worship in two cities of Russia’s southernmost Dagestan province on Sunday, killing at least 15 police officers and four civilians, including an Orthodox priest, in what appeared to be a coordinated attack.

Sergey Melikov, head of the Dagestan Republic, said at least six “militants” were also killed following the attacks on churches, synagogues and police posts in the cities of Derbent and the regional capital Makhachkala, which are about 120 kilometers (75 miles) apart.

The attacks took place in the republic of Dagestan in the North Caucasus, a predominantly Muslim region on the Caspian Sea that has a history of separatist and militant violence. The turbulence in the region has been further fanned by Russia’s war in Ukraine, where ethnic minorities have been disproportionately mobilized to fight.

Video and photos showed large flames and plumes of smoke billowing heavily out of a synagogue in Derbent, while footage filmed from the window of a building in Makhachkala shows black-clad unidentified people shooting at a police car in a street.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks, which come three months after ISIS affiliate ISIS-K said it carried out an assault at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow that claimed more than 140 lives in one of Russia’s deadliest terrorist atrocities in years.

Russian law enforcement agencies told state-run news agency TASS on Sunday that the gunmen in Dagestan were “adherents of an international terrorist organization.” — CNN

And …

Russian plane carrying Ukrainian POWs was downed by US-made missile – investigators

Senior military officials in Kiev were responsible for shooting down a Russian transport plane that was carrying Ukrainian prisoners of war for an exchange earlier this year, Russia’s Investigative Committee said on Tuesday.

The Ilyushin Il-76M aircraft was downed by a US-made Patriot interceptor missile on January 24, according to Russian investigators. All those on board, including 65 POWs, three Russian guards, and six crew members, were killed in the crash.

The committee said it had collected enough evidence to accuse Ukrainian military commanders and the leadership of the country’s military intelligence directorate, the GUR. They “knew for certain” that a prisoner swap was due to happen and “ordered the destruction of the plane” nevertheless, officials claimed. — RT

Our Take: So, as promised, I go to write my take on the Dagestan terrorist attack, and—son of a b***h—there is yet another story of the US government committing war crimes against Russia.

Can the State Department go a day—just one day—without murdering people?

Let's start with Dagestan.

This is a place that has been heavily featured in the Russia-comms, as I've pointed out before on the Brief. (Burning Bright also has a soft-spot for the Daggers, as they are big into MMA.) Dagestan is, historically, a Muslim region of southern Russia. However, it also has a fairly large Jewish, as well as Orthodox Christian population.

On the same day that the State Department decided to drop cluster bombs (an illegal munition) on innocent families playing on the beach—which killed a bunch of children—ISIS suddenly decided to make its dramatic return, attacking an Orthodox church and two synagogues, killing 20 people and injuring another 25.

ISIS. As in the mercenary group created by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, under President Obama, that was completely destroyed in a joint effort by President Trump and President Putin back in 2019.

And these shameless liars want us to believe that this re-emerged ISIS cell isn't in any way connected to the former Obama administration or the CIA?

Moving on to this other murderous event conducted by the State Department, back on January 24, an Ilyushin Il-76M aircraft carrying Ukrainian prisoners-of-war back to Russia was shot down, killing all 65 POW's and 9 Russians on board. Russian authorities have compiled the pieces of both the airplane and two missiles, and using forensic analysis have determined that the two projectiles were MIM-104 Patriot missiles—an American munition.

Is the State Department going to suggest that the Ukrainian military shot down a prisoner plane carrying their own troops?

The bloodlust of the State Department is simply breathtaking. That despicable agency is America's greatest liability, because they are giving the world's powers every reason to go to war with the United States.

Perhaps that is exactly their intent? — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry


  1. The anonymous board or "chans" lingo is notable, as is something of noteworthy to file it somewhere for possible future reference...hence the many points to ponder in the commet section here...



    Looks like all of my Africa research on Israeli mining oligarchs may actually end up connecting back to COVID, Ukraine, and Hunter Biden.

    Imagine that.

  2. We can have fun, right?


    Say what you want, but the set design and production quality of last week's bromance-comedy was spectacular.

  3. ~~~~~

    Bill Barr, the former U.S. attorney general, is advising military drone maker Dzyne following its acquisition of defense tech company High Point Aerotechnologies, Axios has learned.

    This is his only gig advising a defense company, and Barr is one of several Trump administration alumni now at Dzyne, pronounced "design."

    A worldwide artificial intelligence race and lessons gleaned from the Russia-Ukraine war have propelled government demand for autonomous technologies.

  4. During WW 2, American submarines carried out an intense deadly campaign against Japanese shipping, starving Japan of badly needed food and fuel imports.

    Kachidoki Maru was sunk on 12 September 1944 en route from Singapore to Japan. It was a legitimate military target, but unbeknownst to the Americans it was full of British Prisoners of War being moved from Burma to Japan.
    It was the deadliest single incident loss of British POWs in WWII.

    Shit happens during War.

    The Russian Illusyin IL-76M military transport wad a legitimate military target for Ukraine to hit with Patriot missiles.
    Its just one of the tragedies of this Putin-initiated War that it was carrying Ukrainian POWS.

    1. "Shit happens during War"

      Indeed, due to a don't care, f*cked Intel or showcased sacrifice on the part of the attacker.

      Nothing more to say to cover up the f*cked operation.

    2. Who exactly died in the age crash ?
      To this day, Russia has not published a casualty list, in spite of so-called "Investigations"

    3. U know how to read?

      Or u r just a headline scanner!

      cf : Russian plane carrying Ukrainian POWs was downed by US-made missile – investigators

      Better still in the original Russian text!
