
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Peter Ford – ‘US-Israeli Plan to Destroy UNRWA’


Peter Ford – ‘US-Israeli Plan to Destroy UNRWA’

TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with former UK Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford, revealed the inside story of how Washington and Tel Aviv are planning to destroy Gaza’s most crucial humanitarian lifeline, the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), cynically using Israel’s ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people to accelerate their operation which intends to starve and ethnically cleanse the native Palestinian population and militarily take over more illegally occupied territory. Watch:

Read Peter’s latest Interview:
 “The Future of UNRWA and Hamas in Gaza”

More from Peter:

▶️ TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 4PM-6PM (NEW YORK) | 9PM-11PM (LONDON)


  1. Here's some cold facts...

    No. 1 on the list..... United States of America.

    USA has been UNRWA's largest national financial backer like for decades.
    If the Yankees really had the intention to destroy UNRWA, they would have pulled the plug on funding years and years ago.

    1. Mfer, check from whom were those Yankee donation to UNRWA cone from.

      Definitely not from the national coffee of the USofA!

  2. In case if you're interested to check it out. I'm aware of the chatter of the Fed being absorbed into the UST in 2020 but FED part as Foreign Exchange Department, just got to know. Hence the cryptic messaging which can mean one or another.

    Just have to see what events unfurl for us.


    Has Trump’s Whole Life Been a Sting Operation?
    How Far Back Does the Plan Go?

    JUN 15, 2024


    1. My apology. The correct reference article about the Feds cryptic message was the following article.

      After I read the earlier one, I had scan the same Badland handle for other articles, and the master and commander that touched on the Feds and UST.

      As far as I know, the Badlands group started out as a group of Americans who discussed about what was really going on in the US and the wider in zoom-style videoconference and expanded to provide alternative viewpoint to challenge the msm narrative landscape.

  3. Throwing good money at bad rubbish
    Ask Brotherwood of Islam to fund Palestinians

    1. Ooop… u DON'T know they have contributed!

  4. ~~~~~

    🚨Elon Musk : "Anything can be hacked..."

    📌Blind devotees are getting themselves hacked by taking AI💉,that's why all those fools aren't able to understand what Elon is saying that how #EVM can be hacked.

    📌#COVID was the moment when surveillance started going under the Skin.

    NB: a video interview with Yuval Harari is attached to the x post.
