
Thursday, June 06, 2024

NATO’s Pacific War Games

Volume 29, Number 153 — Wednesday, June 5, 2024

NATO’s Pacific War Games

One-third of the countries joining RIMPAC’s maneuvers in the Pacific this summer are not from Asia and the Pacific, says Ann Wright. They are from Europe and are all members of NATO.

USS Abraham Lincoln air craft carrier with multi-national war ships in formation during Rim of the Pacific, or RIMPAC, July 28, 2022. (Canadian Armed Forces, Djalma Vuong-De Ramos, US Navy on Flickr, CC BY 2.0)

By Ann Wright
in Honolulu, Hawaii

As the United States increases its military confrontation with China through new military bases on Guam and the Philippines and more land, sea and air exercises with Asia-Pacific countries, the world’s largest naval war exercises will be held in the mid-Pacific from June 26 to Aug. 2 and NATO — from the other side of the world — is in the middle of it.

Twenty nine countries are participating in the 2024 Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) naval war practice that will bring 40 ships, three submarines, over 150 aircraft, 14 national land forces and 25,000 personnel to the island of Oahu and the waters off Hawaii.

Incredibly, one-third of the countries bringing ships, submarines and aircraft to the middle of the Pacific are not from Asia and the Pacific, but are from Europe — all members of the North ATLANTIC Treaty Organization (NATO).

European NATO members Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom are joining the United States and Canada as the full NATO members in RIMPAC.

Along with the full members of NATO, five countries in the Pacific are NATO “partners” — Australia, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea and Colombia. Each will be participating with ships, aircraft and personnel in RIMPAC.

Israel & US Rules Based Dis-Order

For the first time, on Jan. 26, 2023, an Israeli president addressed NATO allies in the North Atlantic Council (NATO,CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Having tested U.S. and NATO countries’ weapons on Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, Israel has special status by NATO and keeps an office in NATO headquarters. [In January 2023, NATO’s secretary general hailed the deepening partnership with Israel.]

The U.S. has not withdrawn its invitation to Israel to have a ship and personnel in Hawaii in RIMPAC despite the continuing Israeli genocide of Gaza with over 36,000 Palestinians killed, thousands dead in the rubble of destroyed buildings and over 100,000 injured.

[For more: WATCH: The Palestine Laboratory & Surveillance Capitalism]

Israeli impunity in its war on Palestinians is a harmful influence on militaries participating in RIMPAC. U.S. complicity in the genocide also sends a signal to other countries that violation of international laws and norms is perfectly acceptable in the U.S. “rules-based dis-order.”

Other countries sending ships, aircraft and military personnel to RIMPAC are Brazil, Brunei, Chile, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, the Republic of the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Tonga.

Freedom of the Seas Navigation Operations

Over the past two years, NATO countries have sent ships to the Western Pacific in tandem with the U.S. Freedom of the Seas navigation operations in the South China Sea.

In 2021, the British HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier strike group and an American surface action group had exercises in the South China Sea. Britain’s Ministry of Defense described the strike group as the largest concentration of maritime and air power to leave the U.K. in a generation.

In May 2024, Germany sent two warships to the Indo-Pacific on freedom of navigation and free passage missions as tensions were raised with China over the status of Taiwan and disputed South China Sea islands.

Why Not Diplomacy?

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg addressing a North Atlantic Council meeting with Sweden, Indo-Pacific Partners and the EU on July 12, 2023. (NATO, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Instead of using diplomacy to resolve security and economic issues, RIMPAC is one of hundreds of U.S.-sponsored military war exercises that fuel dangerous confrontations in Asia and the Pacific.

U.S. citizens can demand that elected officials/politicians use nonviolent methods to resolve conflicts in the face of great opposition to nonviolence from the manufacturers of violence, the weapons manufacturers who fuel the campaign coffers of politicians.

Conference in Washington in July

The heads of state of the 32 NATO member states and “partner” and “wanna-be” states will convene at the Washington Convention Center July 9-11 for the 75th Anniversary celebrations of the founding of NATO in Washington, D.C.

Preceding the arrival of the heads of state, No to NATO: Yes to Peace will hold a one-day conference on July 6 with speakers from around the world. July 7 will be a rally at Lafayette Square in front of the White House. July 9-11 concerned citizens will be at the Washington Convention Center.

Also Destroys Land & Sea

U.S. soldiers cover their ears during as they fire a mortar round during a live fire exercise on Sept. 20, 2012, at the Pohakuloa Training Area on Hawaii’s Big Island. (Department of Defense, Michael R. Holzworth)

In addition to prepare for war that threatens human life, RIMPAC war exercises harm marine life in the Hawaiian waters. Whales, dolphins and fish are harmed by the ships and their weapons. Ships are sunk by bombs, missiles and torpedoes. Onshore animals are killed during military beach assault landings.

Pohakuloa Training Area on Hawaii Island, the largest U.S. military training area in the Pacific, is bombed by aircraft some of which fly thousands of miles to drop their bombs, artillery shelling, and troop training.

Human rights advocates are very concerned about human trafficking with military troops in tourist areas in Hawaii when thousands of military arrive from around the world for RIMPAC.

Citizens Challenge Militarization & Contamination

Citizens in most of the countries in the Pacific challenge the need for the hugely expensive and destructive RIMPAC war practice. Webinars, social media, conferences/town hall meetings and protests are held from San Diego, in the eastern Pacific, through Hawaii and Guam to the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.

In Hawaii, thousands of residents of Oahu are still dealing with the 2021 effects of fuel pollution from the giant underground Red Hill fuel tanks that leaked 19,000 gallons of toxic fuel into the drinking water and the 2014 leak of 27,000 gallons of fuel.

Several lawsuits against the U.S. military for the long-term damage to the health of those who ingested the contaminated water are in federal courts with the military arguing that the contamination did NOT cause widespread harm as military family members were hospitalized for severe reactions to the fuel-laced drinking water.

Additionally, residents of Hawaii are demanding the return of 29,000 acres of state land that was leased to the U.S. military 65 years ago for … $1. The lease on these areas on Oahu and Big Island ends in 2029.

Communities around U.S. military bases all over the Pacific are finding that their water sources have been contaminated by the U.S. military use of fire-fighting foam that contains PFAS, the “forever chemical.”

Bases on Okinawa, Japan, and South Korea where the U.S. has had military bases since World War II and the Korean War have found high levels of contamination from PFAS.

Ann Wright served 29 years in the U.S. Army/Army Reserves and retired as a colonel. She was a U.S. diplomat for 16 years and served in U.S. embassies in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia, Afghanistan and Mongolia. She resigned from the U.S. Diplomatic Corps 20 years ago in March 2003 in opposition to the U.S. war on Iraq. She is the co-author of Dissent: Voices of Conscience.


  1. Why not Diplomacy?
    Nobody in the Western alliance.has eschewed Diplomacy.
    In fact it is China which has discarded Diplomacy in its dealings with Asian countries over China expansionist territorial sea claims.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      "it is China which has discarded Diplomacy in its dealings with Asian countries over China expansionist territorial sea claims"

      Just check the latest diplomatics between China, her surrounding neighbours (Taiwan ain't neighbor) & ASEAN (pinoy excluded).

      U knows diplomacy?

      Or just fart!

  2. It could be a LARP. It could be a real message. For subconscious filing and future lookback, if necessary.


    The US Debt Project is now showing “US National Debt”, “Debt Per Citizen”, and “Debt Per Taxpayer” as wiped out and reset to 0.

    1. Back to normal presentation of info...


      Today, the Debt Clock project returned to its prior indicators and figures.

  3. Meanwhile, on the W..H.O. front of the war...


    WHO - Announced man died from Bird Flu in Mexico lacked some important facts.

    ▪️bedridden for weeks in prison
    ▪️morbidly obese
    ▪️Had type 2 diabetes
    ▪️had complete kidney failure
    ▪️had no contact with any chickens or birds.

    Yet somehow they decided to test him for bird flu? 🤡

    WHO caught lying about the bird flu death in Mexico.

    Mexico's Secretary of Health dismisses WHO's announcement.

    Thursday, 06 Jun 2024 7:14 AM MYT

    GENEVA, June 6 — The World Health Organization said Wednesday a person in Mexico had died in the first confirmed human case globally of infection with the H5N2 variant of bird flu.

    The patient, who died on April 24 after developing fever, shortness of breath, diarrhoea and nausea, had “no history of exposure to poultry or other animals” and “multiple underlying medical conditions”, the WHO said.

    Mexican health authorities reported the confirmed case of human infection with the virus to the UN health body on May 23, after a 59-year-old was taken to hospital in Mexico City.


  4. As for the financial front...

    Tapis blend in MYR?


    The digital yuan will launch Saturday night

    Replacing the petrodollar

    As Saudi Arabia has joined China’s digital yuan payment system.

    U.S. Dollars are being liquidated this weekend.

  5. ~~~~~

    On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, (R) Senator Mike Lee of Utah introduced a Bill in the US Senate to dissolve the Federal Reserve bank system, and repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

    (R) Representative Thomas Maddie introduced the companion Bill with the same stated aims, in the House last month (May 2024).

    Senator Lee becomes the latest US government official to declare it is time to “End the Fed”


    🚨#BREAKING: Former NASA astronaut William Anders who took the famous Earthrise photo during Apollo 8 has died from a plane crash accident

    📌#Seattle | #Washington

    Watch terrifying footage from earlier this evening as witnesses captured the moment a small T-34 Mentor plane crashed into a lake near Seattle, Washington, off the San Juan Islands. Officials confirmed that the pilot was former NASA astronaut William Anders, who took the famous Earthrise photo during Apollo 8. He was 90 years old. The cause of the crash is currently being investigated.

    The above incident, bring reminder of the following incident, back in 2018. I was following it because the Q drop was coming in regularly and captivated a group of enthusiasts. The following was found by the anon community to be counter operation against rogue element of the military intelligence community. A submarine base was hit by military op by missile(s) using the crashing of the plane as cover. This was not too long after AirForce1 carrying Trump towards Asia for one of his oversea trip, possibly with Kim Jong Un, was targeted by a submarine launched missile. Apparently that was one of many assasination attempt on Trump. What about this present case? If anons dug up info of value, will share.

    1. Here is a snippet of it. The top left visual was leaked out to the anons back then in the anonymous board. Anons managed to deduce it was a missile launched, and targeted to AF1. John Owen Brennan was the Cee.Eye.Aye director under BO, and had a lot of booby traps setup all over the place...almost like that Nicholas Cage, Sean Connery movie, the Rock...

      Guess, now they are closing in on the most dangerous on the animal right now, one with great care, lest they get away and bring everything back to square one...


      Today is June 10, 2024

      If you’re not familiar with what the top left hand picture is, you might get your answer from these tweets from Michael Avenatti and John Brennan, both from June 10, 2018.

      The internet never forgets, and neither do anons, when they tried to assassinate a sitting president & start a war.

      Skunk Bay Weather on the northern Kitsap Peninsula has one of the most impressive weather cam facilities in the nation…

      From their facility, they captured what appears to be an Missile being fired fired off the coast of Whidby Island, WA…

      Oddly enough, the direction of the alledged missile being fired near the Whidby Island Naval Air Station.

      The Target?…

      Read this Q Drop and you tell me…

      Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii.
      POTUS AF1.
      POTUS re-routes.
      NO MSM investigations?
      Biggest threat to the American people!

      Q said the missile was intercepted by F-16’s.

      To be fair… The Whidbey NAS spokesperson says they don’t have missile launch facilities there; also, the Navy west coast spokesman said no ships were in area for such a launch.

      Do you believe them?

      Oddly enough, Hawaii, three days later, received a missile alert on June 13, 2018; which they ended up saying was a false alarm.

      Q often connected these events.
      Q also connected this to Red October.

      No official explanation was ever provided on what can only be described as a missioe in the sky was, except maybe it was a helicopter.

      Even the Whidbey Times saw it and questioned what the hell that was in the sky.…

      Does that look like a helicopter to you?

      Oh I remember watching this as it happened. So nuts to see this go down and thinking about it now makes me realize how far we’ve come from those days looking for the deltas.

      Crazy to think how silent the war is

    2. ~~~~~

      There aren’t enough expletives in the world to describe how I feel about Brennan.

    3. Looking back in time...11 June 2018...Kim and Trump in SG

      Gee, where was President Trump headed in AF1?

      To do whut?

    4. Rumours on Bye Bye Deeno launching military law to deny T the top post, wakakaka

    5. That is one of the card on the table.

    6. Even total internet shutdown is card on the table.

  7. ~~~~~



    🚨Update: US ON FULL ALERT!! The Hunt is on!! US Navy P8 Poseidon 'Sub hunter' is flying over the coast of Florida in search of rogue Russian submarine!!

    The Russian Navy nuclear Submarine Kazan is 66 miles away from Florida coast, equipped with 4500-km Kalibr-M missiles, off the coast of Cuba!! New Cuban Missile Crisis.

  8. Heavy underwater EMF driving marine creatures crazy?


    What the hell is going on Florida?
    The marine life is acting crazy.
    Seems awful sus with Russian submarines in such close proximity ~
