
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

BREAKING - Assange's US deal was signed six days ago


BREAKING - Assange's US deal was signed six days ago

In London, the High Court has published more details of Julian Assange's case.

As a reminder, Assange was - until yesterday - being held in a UK prison, while fighting extradition to the US.

The document says:Assange was granted bail to allow him to travel to the "US District Court in Saipan, pursuant to a plea agreement signed by the parties on 19 June 2024"

The deal agrees "a plea of guilty to one count on the indictment with a proposed sentence of time served"

Assange left the UK at 18:36 on Monday

It is "anticipated that a plea will be entered and accepted on Wednesday 26 June 2024, after which the United States have undertaken to withdraw the extradition request"

Stella Assange urges people to track husband's flight

Stella Assange has just shared the details of her husband's flight on social media - asking people to follow it closely when he makes the journey from Thailand to the Northern Mariana Islands.

"We need all eyes on his flight in case something goes wrong," she says.

His flight, VJ199, landed in Bangkok from London and will "soon take off again and fly into US airspace where he will appear before a US judge".

We're also tracking the flight - and will let you know once it sets off for Saipan.

'We don't fade easily': Assange's father welcomes deal

We're now hearing from John Shipton, Julian Assange's father. He tells PA news agency that his son's freedom has "lifted a huge burden" from his family.

After news broke in the early hours of Tuesday, Shipton thanked the Australian prime minister, Anthony Albanese, and Assange's supporters who made his expected return to Australia possible.

Speaking to ABC News earlier, he said: "I don't fade easily, you know. And neither does Julian. It must be a family trait."

From Stansted to Saipan: Assange's journey to US court

Julian Assange left Stansted Airport near London on Monday, after being released from the high security Belmarsh prison.

Accompanied by Australia's UK high commissioner, Assange flew to Bangkok to refuel before setting off for the Northern Mariana Islands, a US territory in the Pacific, later on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Assange will appear before a judge in the capital Saipan where he will plead guilty to one charge relating to the Espionage Act.

He will not have to serve a jail sentence because the US Justice Department will factor in the time he has already served in prison in the UK.

All going as planned, Assange will then return to Australia - where his wife and children await his arrival.

The chartered flights, which will cost $500,000 (£393,715), were financed by the Australian government but Assange will repay with campaign funds.


  1. Julian Assange got off ridiculously lightly given he had deliberately put at risk the lives of US intelligence agents and their foreign contacts.

    He obviously deliberately targeted the USA, because he NEVER, NEVER exposes any wrong doing by Russia and their ilk

    1. Mfer, r u thinking that Julian Assange is a super-duper news digger who can reach all corner of the world?

  2. ~~~~~

    Julian walks out of Saipan federal court a free man. I can’t stop crying.
    #AssangeFree #AssangeJet

    1. Remember the tears of the families of the people who got targeted and killed as a result of Julian Assenge's criminal leaks.

    2. Shoo...go back to your cave...

    3. People working in espionage & counterintelligence SHOULD have their family fate in toll, mfer!

  3. ~~~~~


    "Julian Assange's prosecution is unprecedented.

    In 100 years of the Espionage Act, it has never been used against a publisher.

    Assange revealed truthful, important information, including U.S. war crimes, and has suffered greatly for free speech and press freedom.

    Assange's actions were typical of journalists, and he should never have been charged. It's appropriate for this fight to end.

    The judge's decision today recognizes that no further incarceration is fair.

    Assange is grateful for the support and looks forward to reuniting with his family in Australia. Thank you."

    Source: NTD News

  4. There's always a story or two for a bit of a laugh in the mixed somewhere, somehow...guess the message is, enjoy life, don't be too serious... ;-)



    1. Julian Assange officially released from custody after Saipan hearing, ordered to immediately leave U.S.

    2. Protesters storm Kenyan Parliament in Nairobi over controversial finance bill introducing new taxes, following Kenya's recent designation as a US NATO ally. At least 10 reported dead.

    3. North Korea sends 350 trash-filled balloons into South Korea, prompting President Yoon to condemn the "despicable" act.

    4. Assange's plane departs Bangkok after refueling, heading to Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, for his sentencing hearing on Wednesday.

    5. Vivek Ramaswamy, gaining traction as potential Trump VP pick, will attend Trump-Biden debate where running mate will be revealed.

    6. Julian Assange arrives at Saipan courthouse to plead guilty in U.S. deal.

    7. Hunter Biden suspended from practicing law by D.C. Court of Appeals following felony convictions, pending further review of the offenses' severity and moral implications.

    8. Man suffers heart attack in Singapore casino after ecstatically celebrating $3M jackpot win, but survives and recovers in hospital with newfound fortune!

  5. Court document for looksee, if interested.

    The channel host had higlighted parts in next several posts.

    If anything, will relate to the Democratic party, Hilary Linton and all her shennanigans, amongst the key highlight.

    There was Q post which asked the socratic question, How do you inject evidence? Evidence could mean very sensitive information, whether state secret or incredibly sick human act and behaviour...


    United States v. Assange


  6. ~~~~~

    Tucker Carlson Exposes ‘Monstrous’ Injustice in Julian Assange Case

    "Anybody who knows anything about that case and believes that Assange should still be in prison is your enemy, by the way, and the enemy of human freedom and flourishing."

    Carlson didn't hold back, calling it "monstrous" that Assange spent twelve years locked away for exposing other people's crimes.

    "Typically, the guy who discovers the crime doesn’t go to jail. It's the guy who commits the crime that goes to jail, and that's been inverted in his case."

    Assange was never charged with a crime in Great Britain, yet he was nearly tortured to death in Belmarsh prison for over five years.

    "In the free world, we don’t hold people who haven’t been charged with a crime," which Carlson described as a glaring "abuse of human rights."

    "I kept thinking, like, when is Australia gonna send a warship up the Thames to get their guy back?" he wondered. "I mean, what is that?"

    Now, the world is anxiously awaiting Julian Assange's first interview. I have a strong feeling it's going to be with Tucker Carlson. What do you think?
