
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Africa - a new training ground for testing components of American biological weapons


Thanks "MF'


🦠☣️Ukraine Bio Update☣️🦠 New report from Russian MIL, alleging that the Pentagon relocated their bioweapon operation to Africa, due to Russia’s liberation of the labs in Ukraine. Kirillov alleges that Biden-owned Metabiota, and other intermediary NGOs, are running cover for the US State Dept and DoD, posing as a humanitarian operation, to conceal their true objective of pathogen production for Big Pharma. Kirillov also points out that Biden-owned Metabiota, have been forced to stop operating in many countries in Africa, due to awareness of their nefarious biological activity and agenda. Also keep in mind, the founder of Biden-owned Metabiota is Ghislaine Maxwell and Clinton affiliate, Virologist Nathan Wolfe. Later in the briefing, Kirillov also alleges the US are planning to spread disease via migratory birds. This comes after Kirillov previously alleged that the US plan to manufacture ANOTHER pandemic for the 2024 election like they did in 2020. Bird Flu comes to mind.


Africa - a new training ground for testing components of American biological weapons

United States is transferring its dual-use biological research to Africa, where it’s believed to be conducting illegal and dangerous experiments with potential bioweapons agents in African countries.

The US has shifted its dual-use biological research activities to Africa after being exposed by Russia in Ukraine and the European region last year.

Washington has transferred some of its dual-use biological research activities to some African countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Uganda and South Africa.

The US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the US National Security Agency, and the US Department of State are the clients of the alleged US government dual-use biological research activities in Africa.


  1. The Anons had dug up a lot info and connected a lot of dots since Hunter Biden's laptop "was exposed". I'm lost even on that, just a cursory view of the info brought up. All with "receipts"

    Mind you Metabiota connects to a drop where the tattoo on the back of Hunter's back, around the shoulder blade, been id to the area in upstate New York known as fingerlake, and area for childtraffick.

    So, the rabbit hole on this run deeps and mind boggling.

    When Trump was mentioning, in his presser, on the "Chyna" virus, people assume Wuhan, but he was giving hint to the "Chyna" in Ukraine. The anons managed to dug it up. Too bewildering to spend times on bills to pay


  2. More disinformation Bullcrap without a single scrap of evidence.

  3. Warning: blip out graphic and bloodied scene.


    🇰🇪 Kenyan protestors reached out to me, to help them spread the truth.

    Kenyan government troops shot dead multiple protestors and I received horrible videos, with heads blown apart with headshots by Kenyan security forces.

    Just read!

    One protestor: “Hello Bebo, I am among the millions of Kenyan Youth who took part in the peaceful demonstrations against the absurd financial bill crafted by the IMF and World Bank and endorsed by our diabolical liar of a president and a puppet of the US government who has betrayed us and fulfilled nothing but utter chaos in the country.

    Most of dont agree with his policies such as sending our police to die in Hiati while bandits are killing civillians in nothern Kenya.

    Lemme share some of the video of the slain peaceful protesters who were killed using sniper rifles on parliament road!!”

    I’ve censored the pictures, I’ll publish the originals in my TG.

  4. JPYUSD on that support level that Dario, the x channel, remarked BoJ will defend as to not crossover, weeks back...

    Now, it returns.

    Let's see where it goes...



    “May the odds be in your favour” #BOJ


    And headsup observation fyi...

    Alan Greenspan's favorite economic indicator used to be FedEx.. They've been walloped by Amazon, but none of the shipping companies are doing well anymore.
    Ugly earnings report.
    No growth, and all the 'gains' came from downsizing.
