
Thursday, May 02, 2024

Parallel pathway: Actor defends father's call to open UiTM to non-bumis

Parallel pathway: Actor defends father's call to open UiTM to non-bumis

Published: May 2, 2024 10:23 AM

Actor Raja Alicia Raja Amin backed her father’s call to open up Universiti Teknologi Mara’s (UiTM) cardiothoracic surgery postgraduate programme with the National Heart Institute (IJN) to non-bumiputera parallel pathway trainees and graduates “temporarily”.

In a TikTok video published by, Alicia said her father Raja Amin Raja Mokhtar always held the nation’s interest before anything else.

“Malaysia now has a shortage of doctors. Local doctors want to come back to the country to get trained but there is no proper place.

“So, you’re telling me, UiTM’s idea to open up certain places for non-bumiputera because we lack doctors is wrong?” she asked when questioned by the press.

On April 25, Codeblue reported that Amin, who is on the board of studies of the UiTM-IJN cardiothoracic surgery postgraduate programme, said the varsity is agreeable to opening up to non-bumiputera parallel pathway trainees and graduates.

He said the decision was made after speaking to UiTM’s vice-chancellor and the chairperson of the UiTM board, and they agreed to the idea for a limited time.

‘Removing’ bumiputera safeguard

However, the decision drew criticism from Dewan Negara member RA Lingeshwaran, who maintained that the bumiputera-only university should continue to serve bumiputera students exclusively while non-bumiputera or non-Malay students can take the parallel pathway for medical speciality training.

“I think UiTM is treading a dangerous slope as it’s going against the constitution of UiTM and removing the safeguard of bumiputera brothers and sisters.

“So I don’t think it’s needed for us to open UiTM for the non-bumiputera when the existing parallel pathway is there for them.

“I think we need to work hand to hand so that the parallel pathway and local Master’s can both work together and we do the best for the people of Malaysia as a whole,” the DAP senator told Codeblue.

READ MORE: KINIGUIDE | Parallel pathway - what is it and why is it an issue?

On that note, Alicia said Amin did what any doctor would do by backing the decision to open up the programme to non-bumiputera to ensure that Malaysia has enough doctors.

Reminiscing the past, the celebrity spoke about how her father left a lucrative private practice to join the government service due to his passion for his profession.

“We used to live life T20 but halfway through, no more T20, lifestyle changed.

“My dad made a lot of decisions in his life, which I asked (him), why you did this but that is my dad. He loves to save lives and we just accepted and respected it.

“So (in this situation), he is taking the same approach. Your policies can be for whatever reasons but at the of the day, if it’s for the benefit of the country and its people, I totally stand with my dad (to open up UiTM temporarily),” Alicia said, adding she is personally against anything that is race-based.

She added that Amin was no racist and was someone who believed in equal opportunity.

“If the issue is about defending anyone, Malaysia needs doctors.

“My dad understands the Constitution, the situation at hand and why we have a clause to protect bumiputera privileges vs Chinese and Indians.

“He understands (it) and he has his own ideas about it,” Alicia stated.

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