
Friday, April 26, 2024

"Where Is Justice...?" Angry Dr M Lashes Out At Both International And Local Laws!

"Where Is Justice...?" Angry Dr M Lashes Out At Both International And Local Laws!

26 Apr 2024 • 11:00 AM MYT

JK Joseph
Repentant ex-banker who believes in truth, compassion and some humour

Credit Image: Sinar Harian

Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who was hospitalised for a prolonged period due to infection prior to the recent Hari Raya Aidilfitri festive season, appears to be back to his combative best; and this time, it looks like, he has been training his guns at “laws” - both international and local!

In a recent post on his popular Facebook account, the 98yo ex-prime minister, in his trademark matter-of-fact style, took a potshot at “international law” where he literally questioned its credibility and legality.

According to him, while the world believed that international law can help to deal with the violation of justice between countries, apparently countries such as the United States of America (USA) rejected the concept of equality for every nation under the law.

Probably, what angered him greatly was that in the United Nations Charter there was even a provision for exceptions to be made for certain nations who put themselves above the said law, where they can exercise veto power.

Another thing that seemed to pique the strong-minded nonagenarian is that according to international law, in a conflict the winner seems to enjoy the right to prosecute and judge the wrongdoings of the losers.

However, he asserted that this practice was not fair as by right, judgement must be made by neutral (third) parties; furthermore he lamented the fact that winners did not have to be answerable to anyone.

While to some, the former Umno president may have hit the bullseye with his latest stinging comments on the west, particularly his bogeyman the USA- his critics may be pointing a finger back at him; after all, wasn't he known also to be beyond reproach - often refusing to acknowledge his blunders and reluctant to accept blame when things go wrong?

In fact, some years ago writer K George had highlighted that for Dr Mahathir, democracy, freedom, and human rights have different interpretations - just like how the west appears to have its own whimsical take on all that?

And while he has always condemned the west for their skewed sense of justice, hasn't Dr M’s own principles of natural justice and rule of law been called into question many times?

In fact, back in 1998 when he was faced with the prospect of dismissing his deputy Anwar Ibrahim due to differences between them - including alleged bailing out of his cronies, which the latter apparently objected - didn't Dr Mahathir, who has always maintained that an accused person is innocent until convicted, “declare” that he could not allow an immoral person like Anwar to be the prime minister of Malaysia?

Meanwhile, in an earlier Facebook post on April 17, he had posted another article alleging that the current government was using local laws in an oppressive way to threaten some people - including himself who was being investigated for asset declaration!

His two entrepreneur sons, Mokhzani Mahathir and Mirzan Mahathir, have also been ordered to compile and collate 43 years' worth of information to declare their assets to the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) earlier this year - failing which they could be jailed.

But during his first tenure as prime minister, didn’t his government also use obnoxious local laws such as the Internal Security Act, the Official Secrets Act, the Police Act, the Printing Presses and Publications Act, and the Sedition Act to instil fear in people's minds and to suppress dissent in the face of several scandals?

And what about the infamous "Operation Lalang" when his government imprisoned many people virtually without trial and suspended the licences of several vocal newspapers, depriving many families of their only source of income?

Or what about the manner his government subdued the judiciary which saw the Lord President, Salleh Abas, and two other Supreme Court judges dismissed. Didn't many of the victims back then also cry out: “where is justice?”

While the country's ex-strongman who is known for his wit and vision, may be right in some aspects, what many may be asking is - how can a man who at one time was held in such high regard as a statesman, still remain in denial and myopic to the injustices committed under his own watch?

Information Source: Dr Mahathir Facebook and Aliran

JK Joseph is a content creator under the Newswav Creator programme, where you get to express yourself, be a citizen journalist, and at the same time monetize your content & reach millions of users on Newswav. Log in to and become a Newswav Creator now!

1 comment:

  1. The shoe is in the other foot and this muppet hates it
    Muppet , go and deal with your PROBLEMS
    Racist to the core
