
Saturday, April 27, 2024

Netizens chide PN saying the opposition is mistreating ubi kayu, a historic food

Netizens chide PN saying the opposition is mistreating ubi kayu, a historic food

THE opposition supporters came to the nomination day at the Kuala Kubu Bharu (KKB) by-election with artefacts adorned with ubi kayu in a bid to poke fun at the Pakatan Harapan (PH) leaders and their candidate.

The issue of ubi kayu started after Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Johari Abdul urged Malaysians to switch to eating ubi kayu if they couldn’t get access to local white rice on the market.

His suggestions riled up the opposition and their supporters, accusing the PH-led unity government of a lack of ideas and initiatives to solve the problems related to local white rice shortages.

However, during the Hari Raya celebrations, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was treated to dishes complemented with the local tapioca. Anwar posted photos and comments on social media, saying they were delectable.

Nevertheless, users on the X platform are now attacking the opposition, accusing them of poking fun at the ubi kayu and calling them ‘illiterates’ for ignoring the benefits of the food.

According to one user, opposition parties seem to overlook the historical struggles faced by Malaysians, like the Japanese occupation, where people relied on cassava as their primary food source.

Walaun sanggup bodohkan diri sendiri. Sedih pon ada. Kesian pon ada. Nak tergelak pon ada. 😂 Kenapalaa orang PN semua macam ni. Politik murah. Politik fitnah. Dah 2024 pon masih tak berubah.
The Malays of PN PAS seem to forget when times were very hard for their grandparents and parents. I remember my late father telling us stories of Japanese occupation when they only had ubi kayu to eat. And as a result could survive hunger during war times. Now they make fun…😔

Another user urged the opposition supporters not to throw away the ubi kayu used in the display during the nomination day. The user said it’s a pity to see the opposition behaving this way. “I don’t understand how the PN factions are lagging behind and not moving forward,” the user wrote.

Walaun sanggup bodohkan diri sendiri. Sedih pon ada. Kesian pon ada. Nak tergelak pon ada. 😂 Kenapalaa orang PN semua macam ni. Politik murah. Politik fitnah. Dah 2024 pon masih tak berubah.
kesianyalah korang ni..ya habis ni ubi tu kemana? tolong jangan buang, ingatlah zaman nenek moyang kita itulah makan utama kita, korang menganjin² ubi kayu ya korang pernah makan ke ubi kayu tu. tulah aku xpaham dgn puak² PN ni ketinggalan bukan nak kedepan.

A user suggested that the PN are people who would not want to consume the food that the ‘rakyat’ are willing to eat because they are taking a lot of public money and are, basically too rich to eat cassava. – April 27, 2024

Walaun sanggup bodohkan diri sendiri. Sedih pon ada. Kesian pon ada. Nak tergelak pon ada. 😂 Kenapalaa orang PN semua macam ni. Politik murah. Politik fitnah. Dah 2024 pon masih tak berubah.
PN kaki sakau mana nak makan ubi kayu seperti rakyat biasa. Masa kempen pun guna dana judi untuk buat pelbagai promosi. 🙃🤣😂😅🙃 yang 2 ekor dari parti suci terima duit dari Bersatu adalah cukup bukti mereka tak minat dengan ubi kayu atau kehidupan sederhana.

1 comment:

  1. There is no vaccine for stupidity especially the ketuanan mob
