
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Have we reached a turning point?


Dennis Ignatius


~ Provoking discussion, dissent & debate on politics, diplomacy, human rights & civil society.

Have we reached a turning point?

[1] The PM is surely being disingenuous. By now, we don’t need lessons from him about the role and functions of the Pardons Board. We all know that the King has the authority and that decisions by the Pardons Board are final.

[2] The issue here is why did the government opt to hide the addendum from the public for so many weeks? And why is the PM still reluctant to either confirm or deny the existence of the addendum? How is it that both the deputy PM and the trade minister claim to have seen the addendum but not the PM? If the PM still doesn’t know, it just means that he has lost control of his own government or that he’s not being straight with the public.

[3] The PM can’t say he doesn’t want to be involved because like it or not the government is involved. After all, his AG and his Minister for Federal Territories sit on the Pardons Board. What position did they take? Did they support the pardon for Najib or not? In any case, if the addendum does exist, it is the government that must enforce it; non-involvement is not an option.

[4] At the end of the day, we are left with the distinct impression that the government has behaved dishonestly and deviously. The PM himself has not been transparent and honest with the people. The impression we are left with is that for political reasons he quietly supported a deal for Najib and is now hiding behind the Pardons Board to escape the consequences of his actions.

[5] He can try all he wants to distance himself from what is turning out to be a very ugly and disastrous political fiasco, but there’s no escaping the fact that his actions and non-actions have shattered what’s left of his credibility along with that of his government. This may well be a turning point in how the people view this government.

[Dennis Ignatius |Kuala Lumpur |22nd April 2024]


  1. Headsup for you, link here as a matter of placeholder until you can featured a complete analysis of a world going mad. MY too has her own version of things going mad but I digress. Can only surmise as being in the time of apocalypse although only generations laterr can look back to decide if it is.


    EU officially steals Russia’s revenue from confiscated assets - 3 billion annually!

    This sets a terrifying precedent. The outflow of foreign money from the EU will be dramatic now that the European block has declared itself as thieves (nos surprises there). More power to BRICS!


    Occult ritual symbolism ahoy!

    The book of Revelation (6:1–8)

    Four horsemen of the apocalypse appear as the first four of the seven seals are broken that bring forth the apocalypse.

    The first horseman, a conqueror with a bow and crown, rides a white horse, interpreted as the Antichrist. The horse nor rider are felled.

    The second carries a sword and rides a red horse, signalling bloody war.

    The third roses a black horse and carries scales… the dearth of grain to balance the scale, signifying famine

    The fourth, a pale horse, carries death.

    NEW - Blood-covered horses run loose through London.

  2. Somemore commentary that is, intriguing, fascinating...
    Me? I don't know, whatever come, try to live through it, adjust as needed...

    I've suggested on here before.

    That the dark forces who run this matrix.

    Communicate with each other


    through signs and symbols.

    What do you make of this today:

    Big Ben stuck at 9.00 AM time wise

    but it still chimes 11 times.

    And then these two riderless

    and bloodied

    horses from the King's Cavalry

    run amok through central London.

    What could the messaging be this time?

    Well, who knows.

    But, let's hope it's something like:

    'We're losing control of the narrative'.

    (9AM + 11 chimes? Sound like 9-11, help!) -mf

    Sometimes a bloody white horse running alogside a black one in London with Big Ben chiming oddly is JUST a bloody white horse running alogside a black one in London with Big Ben chiming oddly.

  3. Interesting comment...hmmm


    Agree this is a KM fail safe horse riderless, white horse bloodied. Seems for whom the bells toll now is not Big Ben but 9-11 justice. Bring it on !!!

  4. ~~~~~

    5 horses - 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse and 1 death

    • A bloody White Horse ran loose through the streets of London alongside a Black Horse.

    • The Big Ben clock stopped working at 9am, before chiming 11 times (9/11).

    • By adding the numbers in today’s date, 24/04/2024, you get 666.

    Unicorns = 113 = Scorpio Moon = Moonlight. ;)

    Apocalypse 113
    Trumpet 113
    Pentecost 113

  5. Thus far, this anecdotal, as people report and it gets viral. Will need to dig deeper to find any possibility of official document on it...


    No wonder you’re on Twitter so heavily today @DrTedros

    The World Health Organization’s controversial Pandemic Treaty has been scrapped due to the increasing numbers of people who are waking up and rising up against the globalist elite’s tyrannical agenda.

  6. "A bloody White Horse"

    Check the on site video lah!

    The white horse ONLY wearing red flowery ribbons.

    Where r the blood?

    Truly fearmongering.

  7. In the meanwhile, in the financial front, we have the following, JPY and Meta, not to mention UBS and other Swiss stocks...


    This is exactly the $JPY “Doom Loop” I described in the post below yesterday 🥲

    (According to the xter, JPY fair value is 298, because of the decades of funny manipulation, we'll find if it is true -mf)


    Donald Trump welcomes Japan’s former Prime Minister Taro Aso to Trump Tower, and presents him with what appears to be a “key” to the White House. Not sure what gives him the right to do this. Probably Citizen Trump once again pretending to be President.

    (There are symbolism at play, too many post to search back, share for info - mf)

    (Meta FB share implosion is the hot topic now. -mf)
    With regards to UBS...
    With regards to Roche
    With regards to Julius Baer

    Cheers - mf

  8. Kt, for whatever reason, the formatting of this oped from Mr Dennis Ignatius does not present well for user-friendly on mobile device. Have to go Mr Dennis blog for conducive reading experience.
