
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Let's have more good news, close sock-gate chapter

R Nadeswaran
Published: Mar 24, 2024 12:37 PM

COMMENT | After a fortnight of turmoil and uproar, two pieces of news last Friday gave all Malaysians a “feel good” sensation - a rare happening - last felt at the fall of the Umno/BN government in 2018.

Firstly, the government decided to ditch the hosting of the Commonwealth Games in 2026. Secondly, and more importantly, the controversial amendments to our citizenship laws were withdrawn.

In the case of the citizenship laws, there had been no compromise as the Home Ministry’s flawed reasonings were skinned one by one.

In the case of the Games, disdainful phrases like “once a lifetime opportunity” and “beneficial to sports development and the economy” did not carry any weight.

Instead, the cost that the people would have to bear was the ultimate reason it was the proper decision to make under the circumstances when everyone is asked to tighten their belts.

Until the last minute – the cabinet meeting – the proponents and their supporters pushed on rigorously, claiming they were good for the betterment of the country and its people.

These decisions cannot be attributed to the claimed “the government listens” message which is now being touted. Despite being repeatedly warned about the pitfalls ahead, the people who mattered refused to budge.

On the contrary, these came about because of the relentless disagreement and “people power” behind them.

Even without the usually vocal DAP (now flaunted as MCA 2.0) 😁😂😅😆😉 muted, the cudgels were taken up by civil societies and community leaders who persistently expressed their unhappiness with the amendments.

The proponents and the lobbyists who had hoped to profit were sent away to lick their wounds in an “us vs them” battle.

Enough is enough

Both these issues were resolved but nothing was done to end the sock-gate.

If a dozen or five pairs of socks (depending on the source of the information) could bring the country to the brink, it continues to be a bleak and dreary reflection of the country and its leaders.

It was not long ago that the cause of this furore, Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh was critical of party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and called him a "dinosaur" at the party’s delegates meeting.

But last Friday, all was forgotten. Umno unanimously voiced its full support for the stance taken by Akmal on the socks controversy.

But two days before that, Zahid requested all parties not to raise sensitive matters and dwell on the issue.

Furthermore, he pointed out that the management of KK Mart, where the socks bearing the word Allah were sold, had apologised.

If such a change in the stance is to show it is more religious than other groups or parties to go back to its glorious days, it is sadly mistaken.

Umno wants to flex its muscles but has none and the best way to camouflage this shortcoming is to shout louder to be heard.

But does anyone bother or how many have their fingers on their ears?

Call for PM intervention

Even veteran Umno leaders have chastised Akmal for his actions, and seeking the intervention of the prime minister to stop this streak of folly and foolishness.

Former trade minister Rafidah Aziz said that If people like the youth chief cannot even try to emulate our great prophet, and his treatment of others, then he has not upheld what the religion expects of him.

“We do not need his breed of rabble-rousers, who will only cause fractiousness amongst Malaysians,” she said.

Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim was even harsher cautioning that Umno’s “racism and bigotry” should not be allowed to rear its ugly head in the guise of defending religion or God.

Ex-minister Zaid Ibrahim

“It seems these voices of madness once again cow the Malay leadership. Fortunately, we have a sprinkling of Malays who give me hope that we Malays are not all mad.

“But these small voices are not going to save the country.

“We were told that (Prime Minister) Anwar Ibrahim would forever change the political landscape and keep the country on the right path. I hope so,” he said.

“In this case, at the right time, he needs to tell Umno there is a redline that they must not cross,” he added.

Anwar had called for immediate action to be taken according to the provisions of the law regarding the sale of socks.

He had also reminded all parties not to insult Islam.

“My view is clear, if there are reports of transgression, there must be immediate action, decisions should follow legal channels and proceed immediately, why should we be trapped in this prolonged issue?

“If there are reports, take action, do not insult any religion... what more, Islam, so let us not continue with this discussion as if it is a major catastrophe in the country,” he told reporters at a recent Madani Ramadan breaking of fast event.

PM Anwar Ibrahim

While Anwar said the controversial issue should be probed according to the law, he does not believe in excessive punishment on the matter.

"My view is clear. There was an offence committed, there must be investigation and immediate action according to the law. That's enough.

"There's no need to drag the matter. We must move forward. Why must we be stuck with these issues?"

I agree but why don’t he tell Akmal and his supporters to stop their nonsense? If he does not want the same unpleasant experience and retort that many have suffered from Akmal, he can always fall back on his deputy, Zahid.

What’s more, are there no investigations against those who harass innocent people like the staff of the mart and the supplier?

This will continue if the government does not put its foot down and stop it. But the question is: Who will bell the cat especially since some politicians are playing tai chi, talking and deflecting the issues without addressing them?

R NADESWARAN says the prime minister must intervene immediately to end the madness that has gripped this country for almost two weeks. Comments:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Muslim anger over the socks is not incidental.
    It is linked to the calendar -Ramadan - when Muslims fast from sunrise to sundown - a most fertile breeding group d for religious righteousness and rage.
    The other major factor is the ongoing argument in Gaza, which has already triggeredassuve Muslim boycott movements in Malaysia. Those who plead for more thoughtful realisation that such boycotts just injures the Malaysian, mostly Malay employees of the businesses just fall in deaf ears.
    The Muslim Moloch must be appeased .

    I believe KK Mart and the other impacted business the Xin Jian Chang socks factory will have to be sacrificed, likely permanently shut down to placate the Muslim "sensitivities".
    The Muslim Moloch must be appeased .

    1. Brainlessly appeasing to Moloch of any hue is a piecemeal settlement to a moronic rage of inconsequential, usually played by puppeteers.

      It will NEVER end the cause while placate to the syndrome!

      Ooop… perhaps that's how u run it family heirloom business!
