
Saturday, March 02, 2024

Hadi should step back from active politics, but it is not easy – Political experts


Hadi should step back from active politics, but it is not easy – Political experts

Pas president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang should consider stepping back from active politics duties due to concerns about his health and the need for a new party leadership.

(Sinar Daily) – However, political experts were of the view that while Hadi’s absence from parliamentary proceedings was understandable due to health reasons, there was a growing sentiment that fresh leadership might be necessary for Pas to navigate the complexities of Malaysian politics effectively.

Political analyst from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Syaza Shukri said while Hadi was elected to represent his constituency, his role extended to representing Pas as a whole.

“In a perfect world, it might be best for him to make way for others. But in Malaysian politics, it’s not as easy. People still want him to lead Pas in Parliament,” she said.

Syaza suggested that if Hadi’s health kept getting worse, he should consider taking a step back from active politics in the upcoming parliament.

“There is no specific rules limiting such MPs (with health issues). Maybe if he is really not well, he can step back from active politics in the next parliament.

Singapore Institute of International Affairs senior fellow Dr Oh Ei Sun echoed similar views, questioning the perpetuation of Hadi’s position despite his health concerns.

“They keep on sending him back to Parliament with overwhelming majorities, so whose fault is it?,” he said.

He also criticised the tenacious nature of Malaysian politicians, noting that even those with terminal illnesses often refused to relinquish their positions of power.

“Malaysian politicians are very tenacious when it comes to clinging to position of influence and power. Even those with terminal diseases also refuse to give up,” he said.

The Marang MP was absent from the Dewan Rakyat proceedings on Monday due to medical leave.

This raised eyebrows, especially considering Hadi’s track record of attending only 33 out of 103 Parliament sessions since July 26, 2021, as reported by the MyMP database.

Responding to queries surrounding Hadi’s whereabouts, his political secretary Mohd Syahir Che Sulaiman clarified that Hadi was not missing from Parliament but was on medical leave.

Syahir, who is also Bachok MP said Hadi’s health condition necessitated his absence and that he was in the midst of a recovery period, as advised by his doctors.

“He also has to stay in the hospital for follow-up treatments,” he was reported saying.

While Hadi’s medical leave addressed the questions surrounding his absence, his non-attendance at such a significant parliamentary event highlighted the importance of MPs’ regular participation in parliamentary proceedings.

The incident also prompted discussions regarding measures proposed by Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Johari Abdul to display the names of MPs deliberately absent from parliamentary sittings on the Dewan Rakyat website, ensuring accountability to their constituents.

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