
Thursday, February 01, 2024

Ramasamy's Racism Riddle: Dr. Mahathir Unveils Surprising Insights into DAP's Multiracial Claims

Ramasamy's Racism Riddle: Dr. Mahathir Unveils Surprising Insights into DAP's Multiracial Claims

A freelance content creator

Image credit: X

In a scintillating revelation, former Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, took to Twitter on January 16, 2024, to unravel a perplexing narrative surrounding the accusations of racism levelled against him by the outspoken Malaysian politician, Ramasamy. In a series of thought-provoking tweets, Dr. Mahathir not only defended himself but also shed light on what he perceives as contradictions within Ramasamy's political journey and the multiracial claims of the Democratic Action Party (DAP).

The former Prime Minister commenced his address by acknowledging Ramasamy's reputation as a profound thinker, quoting the politician's statement that "it takes a bigger, more intensive racist to call another racist." Dr Mahathir seized on this assertion, suggesting that if Ramasamy accuses him of racism, it implies an even more intense degree of racism on Ramasamy's part.

A surprising twist unfolded as Dr Mahathir delved into Ramasamy's affiliations, particularly within the DAP. Despite Ramasamy's recent claim that the DAP is a "fake multiracial party," Dr Mahathir highlighted the irony that Ramasamy had remained with the party for an extended period. The revelation that Ramasamy's perspective changed only after he was not re-nominated as a DAP candidate raised questions about the sincerity of his current stance.

The intrigue deepened as Dr. Mahathir explored the acronym "Urimai," representing "United for the Rights of Malaysians." He posed a provocative question: Could the "i" at the end signify "Indian," transforming the full name to "United for the Rights of Malaysian Indians"? This speculation injected an element of mystery into Ramasamy's political endeavours, hinting at potential ethnocentric undertones.

In a broader context, Dr Mahathir challenged Ramasamy to identify any multiracial country with race-based political parties, citing examples of the United States, Australia, and Canada. The query extended to countries like Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines, questioning the prevalence of race-based political affiliations in nations with diverse populations. This challenge elevated the discourse, prompting a reevaluation of the compatibility of race-based politics with the principles of multiracial societies.

Dr Mahathir's tweets offered a compelling narrative, weaving together elements of surprise, contradiction, and exploration into the complex world of Malaysian politics. The revelation of shifting perspectives within the DAP, coupled with the speculation around the "Urimai" acronym, added layers of mystery to the ongoing political drama.

As the social media sphere buzzed with discussions and interpretations of Dr Mahathir's revelations, the tweets signalled a continuation of the longstanding discourse on race, identity, and political alignments within Malaysia. The former Prime Minister's ability to infuse thrill into the narrative underscored his skill in navigating the intricacies of Malaysian politics and keeping the public engaged in the evolving political landscape.

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