
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

In Chinese New Year "Message", Convert Preacher Labels Gerakan, MCA, DAP Ultra-Kiasu Pendatangs!

In Chinese New Year "Message", Convert Preacher Labels Gerakan, MCA, DAP Ultra-Kiasu Pendatangs!

20 Feb 2024 • 6:00 PM MYT

JK Joseph
Repentant ex-banker who believes in truth, compassion and some humour.

Credit Image: Ismaweb

Controversial convert Muslim preacher, Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, has done it again; this time spewing more racist remarks - as if to “welcome” the Year of the Dragon!

And, while during the previous Chinese Lunar New Year celebration in 2023, he had lambasted the hanging of red lanterns, describing it as an insult to his religion, this time around he appeared to have reserved his red-hot new year “greetings” to Gerakan, MCA and DAP!

In fact, in a scathing attack on the local Chinese community and their political leaders, Ridhuan, a lecturer at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin in Kuala Terengganu had claimed that they don't really understand the history of this country and that they loved their own race more; he further claimed that they were merely ultra kiasu, always looking for opportunities but once given the opportunity, they become ungrateful!

Incidentally, Ridhuan who has a reputation for being a harsh critic of DAP was once barred from appearing as a panellist on RTM’s Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam following the 15th General Election (GE15) in late 2022.

Ironically, in his recent Facebook post, the firebrand lecturer had also specifically targeted Gerakan which of course is a component party in the opposition Perikatan Nasional coalition together with PAS and Bersatu.

According to him, the predominantly-Chinese party was merely a passenger in PN and was seen as riding on Malay votes, yet, at the same time it seems to oppose the national agenda and Islam, including being insensitive to the plight of the millions of civil servants - just like DAP and MCA!

Meanwhile, Ridhuan had also lashed out at analysts who had recently called for PAS to allow Gerakan to contest in its Malay majority strongholds in order to portray PN as a multi-racial coalition; clearly angered by it, and not mincing words, he described the proposal as bodoh (sheer stupidity)!

Instead, he suggested that PN be promoted as a multi-racial opposition bloc by appointing non-Malays who are not ultra kiasu, as senators in the Dewan Negara, proposing names like Prof Teo Kok Siong who, according to him, is well-liked by the Malays.

kt comments: Don't forget RTA recommended my old (erstwhile) matey Helen Ang too 😂😁😅😆😊

The maverick academician then went on to slam Gerakan as hopeless for its inability to win in Chinese majority constituencies, further deriding it for having contributed nothing to the opposition coalition all this while - after being kicked out from Barisan Nasional (BN)!

Incidentally, Ridhuan, who has gained an unenviable reputation for making degrading and provocative remarks against non-Muslims in the country, had last year, attracted a barrage of criticism from netizens, including from many Malay-Muslims, after he likened Penang to Hong Kong; this was over the campaign to hang 10,000 red lanterns in the state which he alleged was as attempt to suppress the true identity and dignity of this country which according to him should always be Malay, as in “Malay-sia”!

Then, last month, in a sensational Facebook post, he had also claimed that Bersatu were no longer bersatu (united) and insinuated that they were no longer fully guided by Islam; as such, he called for the party to be dissolved and all its members join PAS instead!

Meanwhile, back in 2022, had reported the controversy over “hot” videos of his Muslim actor-son hugging and kissing a woman which went viral in social media, causing the preacher to find himself in an embarrassing position; however, after several days of silence, he finally emerged to say that the incident was a real test from God and that he had done his best in giving guidance to his son. According to the same website, prior to that, Ridhuan was also known to openly criticize the behaviour of local artists.


  1. Ultra Kiasu is an accurate label ..wakakaka..which Chinese should accept as a compliment...

  2. HA HA HA

    when will he ever realise that he is the ultimate ultra-most kiasu chinese who had proclaimed himself now a "kita orang mel*** ex-chinese" to make him more malay than the malays themselves.

  3. Referring to the picture of our popular Assoc. Prof. Ridhuan Tee (Koh), I could see many ounces of unprocessed shit.
