
Saturday, January 27, 2024

"Save Our Citizens!" Dr M, PAS And Muhyiddin Seek "Help" From The Palace Before New King Sworn In?

"Save Our Citizens!" Dr M, PAS And Muhyiddin Seek "Help" From The Palace Before New King Sworn In?

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Given recent developments in the country, perhaps, the question that many political observers may well be asking is, “Why are some opposition leaders feeling jittery these last remaining days in the reign of the present Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah?”

Of course, the hugely popular King, known for his genuine kindness and fairness towards everyone regardless of race, religion or social background, is admired by many; furthermore, he has also earned a reputation for being a wise Ruler after having resolved several political stalemates during his eventful and memorable reign.

In fact, it was His Majesty who had appointed Muhyiddin Yassin as the prime minister following the controversial Sheraton Move back in early 2020 - even though the latter's party Bersatu had only won 13 seats in GE14!

And it was also His Majesty who had allowed Ismail Sabri to take over the reins from Muhyiddin following some internal strife in the then-ruling PN-BN coalition.

For good measure, wasn't His Majesty also the one who had appointed Anwar Ibrahim to be the 10th prime minister of the country? How about that for a wise and just King who gives everyone a fair chance?

Now, following the recent “Dubai Move” debacle and with all the “back lanes” to Putrajaya seemingly shut, has the opposition decided to turn once again to the same King to give them a second bite of the cherry in leading the nation? This time, under the pretext of “saving” the people from the so-called unbearable living conditions in the country due to the alleged incompetence of Anwar’s unity government in tackling economic woes?

Or, is it that, they themselves sense this could be their “last chance saloon” to see whether they can galvanise the masses to gather at the palace gates - hoping against hope, that it might somehow prompt the great King to understand their plight and intervene?

Indeed, given the happenings in the country the past few days, it would seem like PAS, Bersatu and even Dr Mahathir have all appeared to have moved up a gear to launch perhaps one final assault before the new, no-nonsense King, Johor’s Sultan Ibrahim ascends to the throne on 31 January 2024.

In fact, according to a report in Sinar Harian, based on a memo dated 22 January, allegedly issued by Selangor PAS, a call was made to all its divisions to despatch at least 100 members each to a gathering outside the Istana Negara the following day purportedly to hand over a memorandum to the palace.

True enough, the following day, a largely peaceful gathering did take place; however, an estimated crowd of only around 1,000 people, including some NGOs, had turned up outside the palace gates; yet ironically, it was not led by any political bigwig from the Islamist party or even Bersatu - but by the irrepressible 98yo “lone wolf” Dr Mahathir himself!

Looking a bit jaded but still as witty as ever, the former PM claimed that he joined the protest gathering purportedly to express solidarity with the current predicament of the people in the country; apparently, according to him, many citizens were now suffering to the point of some resorting to suicide due to life's pressures while some have even killed their own mothers or fathers because they had lost direction and had felt extremely pressured.

Other participants who attended the protest gathering said they were there because they claimed that the unity government's ministers had insulted His Majesty Al-Sultan Abdullah and complained there was no decisive action from Anwar's government to solve the economic problems of the people.

On the surface, it would seem that the main purpose for handing over the memorandum urgently to the palace was to call for immediate attention to these pressing matters to safeguard the interests of Malays and Islam under the King and Malay rulers. But why didn't they choose to wait until the new King comes to power within a week's time?

Meanwhile, although he wasn't present at the gathering, PN chairman Muhyiddin Yassin, in his Facebook post, had also lashed out at PM Anwar, who according to him, should be addressing more pressing issues faced by the people such as the falling ringgit and shrinking GDP figures rather than being engrossed with hounding his political opponents.

The Pagoh MP then went on to highlight that it has been more than a year since the Madani government took over the federal administration but the people’s lives have become more stressful; he further lamented about the increase in several taxes which he said were bound to adversely impact Malaysians’ wallets; yet, apparently, Anwar's unity government seems incapable of providing a solution to all the mounting problems.

Nevertheless, while it may be true of the sluggish economic situation in the country, some critics will allege that it was after Dr Mahathir became prime minister that the ringgit gradually became weaker and the country’s foreign borrowings increased sharply thanks to his “ego-boosting” mega projects.

It was then followed by his successors like Badawi, Muhyiddin and Ismail Sabri who all went on to spend generously for the “well-being” of the rakyat - even allowing the people’s own retirement savings in the Employees Provident Fund to be emptied!

In fact, it was yet another of Dr Mahathir’s own handpicked candidates Najib Razak who had squandered billions of ringgit while earning the country notoriety as a corruption-riddled nation, putting off potential investors, while forcing the government to engage in time-consuming legal wrangles to recover some of the loot.

Undoubtedly, critics will contend that all these were some of the reasons why the ringgit had continued to slide down the years while foreign debts had exceeded a staggering one trillion, resulting in the country being saddled with a heavy financial burden; all of which may force them to ask, “is it Anwar’s fault ‘solely’ that the country's economic situation today isn't as rosy as the people expect it to be?”

Anyway, with the next election due only in four years time and Anwar, having deftly turned the tables on his detractors with MACC having recently commenced investigations into their massive wealth, the general belief is that he is certainly better prepared than the opposition leaders to welcome the incoming monarch from Johor as the new Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

Moreover, the High-Speed Rail project from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore is also seemingly back on track while the proposed Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (SEZ) has also generated plenty of positive buzz. No doubt, both of these would have delighted the Johor ruler!

Furthermore, the opposition must be fully aware that the new king is a forthright person who speaks his mind and is one who loathes political manoeuvrings; he had also made it quite clear that he is comfortable working with Anwar.

Could these be the reason why, having failed in their previous attempts to unseat PM Anwar, they have now apparently gone for broke, by turning to the outgoing King, Al-Sultan Abdullah, to be the country's “saviour?” But who exactly are they trying to save?


  1. The present government is not serving the majority Malays. The only happy people in this equation is the evangelical Christian party.

  2. The present government is not serving the old Malay elite. The only unhappy people in this equation are the ones for whom the gravy train has come to an end. Fixed it for you.
