
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Ramasamy fumes at Ridhuan Tee for sticking his nose in erection of Hindu temples, non-Muslim affairs

Focus Malaysia:

Ramasamy fumes at Ridhuan Tee for sticking his nose in erection of Hindu temples, non-Muslim affairs

“WHO is this convert Muslim preacher Ridhuan Tee (Prof Dr Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah) to talk about non-Muslims affairs in general and about the construction of Hindu temples in the state of Selangor?”

Such was the immediate reaction of the United Rights of Malaysian Party (Urimai) interim council chairman Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy upon learning that that the renowned Muslim preacher with a pro-opposition stance has urged Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari to contain the proliferation of illegally built Hindu temples a.k.a. kuil haram.

“He might be a devout Muslim and religious preacher but he has no business to interfere into the rights of Hindus,” Ramasamy told FocusM. “If there are problems with the construct of Hindu temples – if they are illegal and so on – the authorities can deal with these matters.”

The former Penang chief minister II noted that matters pertaining to Hindu temples in Selangor and other states are being constantly mediated by the relevant authorities.

Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy

“In fact, many temple issues have been amicably resolved by discussions between the relevant committees and state authorities,” observed Ramasamy who was the also the former Perai state assemblyman.

“There is no need for Ridhuan to poke his nose into affairs that doesn’t concern him. He is a Muslim convert who should concern himself with preaching to the Muslims. Even some sections of Muslims in the country do not accept his religious preachings.

“As a person so prejudiced against non-Muslims, how can he be a good academician in the first place?”

The former DAP stalwart also took a swipe at Ridhuan for his untimely instructions to the Selangor MB as it somehow coincided with Thaipusam – a major Hindu festival in the country – which will be celebrated tomorrow (Jan 25).

“He cannot digest the fact that millions of Hindus will be gathering throughout the country to mark this celebration. Ridhuan should not worry about too many temples for there are adequate laws and regulations to manage them,” added Ramasamy. – Jan 24, 2024


  1. As as Constitutional Malay, Ridhuan apparently has carte blanche to to interfere with non-Muslim religious matters.
    DAP dare not say a squeak.

    Anwar Madani is perfectly OK with such interference.

    If the other way round, like Ngeh's suggestion in involving non-Muslin consultation on Islamic laws that impact non-Muslims, he gets a rebuke from the Sultan of Selangor , no less.

  2. This fellow again. After being discarded by the evangelical Christian party, he still wants to make so much noise.

  3. Palani Ramasamy the loudmouth, has become remarkably silent about Mahathir's statements about Indians being unassimilated and lack of loyalty.
