
Friday, January 26, 2024

Convert preacher: Nobody wins in inflicting political vengeance which is seemingly focused on Muslims

Focus Malaysia:

Convert preacher: Nobody wins in inflicting political vengeance which is seemingly focused on Muslims

HAVING recently infuriated many Hindus by urging the Selangor Menteri Besar to halt the proliferation of their temples, Muslim convert preacher Prof Dr Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah now wants the country’s top leadership and civil servants to immediately stop the politics of revenge.

Targetting the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), the pro-opposition academician advised both law enforcement units against “blindly taking orders (bagai lembu dicucuk hidung) or being a tool (kuda tunggangan) of political leaders”.

“If you need to take action, do so against everyone. Don’t be picky just because of your political link … If today’s leader is destined to fall, you will bear the consequences of your action,” he cautioned in a recent Facebook post.

Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah
on Monday

Nasihat kepada pemimpin tertinggi dan penjawat awam negara

Hentikan segera politik dendam. Ditakdirkan kerajaan hari ini jatuh, kamu akan sengsara. Begitu juga penjawat awam. Kamu jangan seperti lembu dicucuk hidung. Orang akan balas balik apa yang kamu buat dan arahan yang kamu terima membabi buta.

Politik balas dendam sebegini, tidak membawa keuntungan kepada sesiapa, sebalik rakyat bertambah derita, disebabkan kesempitan ekonomi. Pendedahan sebegini akan menjadikan pelabur...

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“It is very saddening that that action is taken against fellow Muslim. What about the ultra kiasu (referring to non-Muslins especially of Chinese origin) political leaders, ultra kiasu traders and ultra kiasu corruptors?

“Of course, the ultra kiasu fellows stand to be the most profitable. They escaped the long arm of the law. We only arrest our own kind. The ultra kiasu will be clapping their hands at our stupid politics. They will breathe a sigh of relief because bribe givers like them are able to escape without being caught.”

Stating that it is not his intention “to normalise corruption”, wrongdoing and power abuse, Ridhuan further stressed the need focus on the “justice scale” based on fear of the ultimate divine retribution when acting.

“We have God in our lives – maybe others are unaware – but I’m confident that Allah knows everything, including what is in our heart,” justified the lecturer of Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin in Kuala Terengganu.

“I am quite worried that the action of today’s top leaders whether in the political sphere or civil service reflect as if they no longer believe in the existence of heaven and hell.”

Towards this end Ridhuan contended that action meted out on people deemed as political opponents has been seemingly unjust with the authorities “tending to shut their eyes when people on their side committed a somehow similar wrongdoing”.

“Aren’t you afraid of death which is nearing? Do realise that most of you who act cruelly are aged 60 and above while some are 70 years-old and even 80 and above where signs of death have become apparently obvious. Are you still unaware of that?” – Jan 26, 2024


  1. He's doing his job as a Constitutional Malay.

  2. One of his videos had him condemning Nons , saying " Kita Orang Melayoo"..

    Just like Mahathir A/L Mohamad Iskandar, his complete identity transplant is amazing.

  3. Ha… ultra kiasu?

    At least these ultra kiasu dare to work hard, very hard & take calculated risks to achieve their goals of whatsoever!

    What can one say about the ketuanan freak?

    Days in&out keep looking for free manna out from the hard works of the Nons while worrying about their blurred zombieic demands in afterlife!

    It's nothing WRONG to be kiasu in living real life. But it would be indeed ultra kiasu while daydreaming for spurious rewards while not spending an oz of sweat!
