
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Will Madani govt protect non-Muslim rights?

S Thayaparan

“Malaysians remain unconvinced with (former religious minister) Idris' (Ahmad) assurances in Parliament that the religious rights of freedom of non-Muslims will not be affected by the proposed Act 355 and the bill to restrict the propagation of non-Islamic religions.”

Lim Guan Eng circa 2021

COMMENT | Recent public comments by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim about the Madani state setting up a special committee to “….to empower and elevate the status of the Syariah Court” should be met with great scepticism by non-Muslims even though the prime minister added the caveat “…. while ensuring that it does not affect non-Muslims at the same time”.

In 2017, while still incarcerated and Abdul Hadi Awang was on a rampage using Act 355 to stake the religious high ground, as reported in the press, Anwar was not against the idea merely that he had his own ideas about strengthening religious law in this country.

“PKR had stated its willingness to participate in a select committee to holistically study the strengthening of the Syariah Courts.”

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim

Meanwhile, the DAP was vociferous in their objections that any form of policy shift from the status quo would directly impact the lives of non-Muslims in this country.

Indeed, so trenchant were Lim’s criticisms, going even so far as to claim that PAS’ proposal of a bill banning the propagation of non-Muslim religions to people of the Muslim faith was merely a further example of PAS’ hostility to non-Muslims “...with its leaders wanting to curtail the constitutional rights of non-Muslims or diminish the participation of non-Muslims in everyday life or in the government, not just in matters of religion”.

To claim that the Madani state will protect the rights of non-Muslims when it comes to the strengthening of religious law, political operatives from this government have to rely on precedents that the government has defended non-Muslims rights. Unfortunately for non-Muslims, this is not the case.

You cannot defend race and religion but at the same time, claim that non-Muslim rights are protected.

Keep in mind the sole criterion for the Kedah menteri besar banning Sports Toto, for instance, was his religious beliefs which not only infringed upon the rights of non-Malays but also demonstrated how these political operatives would flippantly bypassed the Federal Constitution in the service of their religious beliefs. What was the response of the Madani government?

Religious dogma

People forget history. All this is not happening in a vacuum.

In 2017, as reported in the press, Amanah’s then-Salor assemblyperson Husam Musa questioned why non-Muslim businesses needed to close during Maghrib prayers.

He said: "In this case, non-Muslims don't need to pray (during maghrib). So why is this ruling being expanded to non-Muslims? It is enough to enforce it on Muslims only."

Former Salor assemblyperson Husam Musa

Forcing non-believers to submit to your authority, especially if they hold religious beliefs of their own or do not wish to be bound by any religious dogma, demonstrates power on a fundamental level.

It is brute force, a demonstration that non-Muslim beliefs are inconsequential and that they are bound to Islamic law even if they choose not to believe.

They will be forced to acknowledge that even if they do not submit, they are not beyond Islamic law and will suffer the consequences of deviations from such religious observances. You have to understand the level of indoctrination that has seeped through the majority polity.

Take the issue of public canning for zina (extramarital or premarital sex) for example. At numerous times, various political operatives have made these proposals. But what do average Muslims think of this idea? Well, in 2016 when PAS mooted the idea, many people were fine with it. Malaysiakini did some fine reporting on this.

Here is what a businessperson said in relation to what PAS is attempting to do: Shahmimi Abdul Aziz, 30, was supportive of a public caning for zina offenders, adding that it should be carried out nationwide.

"Every state should implement it. Enforcement should also be done on the offenders' non-Muslim partners; the punishment must be fair."

Unilateral conversion

And let us talk again about unilateral conversion, which the current ambassador to the United States said in 2014 was kidnapping.

Religious extremists and the numerous other peddlers of hate like to remind us that their laws do not affect non-Muslim communities. We are told that we are bullying the Muslim community by arguing for rights applicable to all.

We are warned that our secular trespass into their religious domain would lead to violence. Unilateral conversion is the corrosive truth that it is the Islamists who would invade our sacred domain of family in the name of their religion.

When you convert a child unilaterally to Islam, you are denying that child the right to choose his or her religion. Faith by fiat is what I call it, with the onerous obligation that comes with a state-sanctioned religion.

This non-Muslim child is suddenly converted, thus becoming a Muslim and thus subjected to Islamic laws, and the narrative that only Muslims are subject to Islamic laws is exposed for the lie that it is.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang

Remember when they proposed amendments to ban unilateral conversions, which would protect non-Muslim rights, this is what Hadi said: “PAS is of the view that the overall implications which may arise from (amendments to) Act 164 is very serious, namely on rights of Muslims to practice their religion and defend their faith with no interference from any parties, as enshrined under the Federal Constitution…

“(Also) tarnishing the integrity of the Syariah Court institution as well as harmony among our multiracial, multiethnic and multi-religious society in the country.”

So, the question non-Muslims have to ask themselves is if the Madani government were sincere in protecting non-Muslims rights, they would have demonstrated a commitment to resolving this issue. However, they have not.

Non-Muslim political operatives do not want to spook the Malays, and Muslim operatives do not want to spook PAS.

In case you weren’t aware, the “Green Wave” is here.

S THAYAPARAN is Commander (Rtd) of the Royal Malaysian Navy. Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum - “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.”

1 comment:

  1. Simple straightforward answer is NO.
    The Nons have been conned by Anwar Ibrahim.
