
Friday, November 24, 2023

Gigs, polygamy, leotards and rainbow colours: Is this the core substance of PAS politics?

Gigs, polygamy, leotards and rainbow colours: Is this the core substance of PAS politics?

Letter to editor

AS THE single largest party in parliament with 43 seats and pretensions of taking over Putrajaya, PAS has certainly made a poor job of underlining its credential for forming the next government.

At a time when the ringgit is in free-fall and basic necessities are in short supply leading to rising cost of living, PAS is still harping on the same old issues.

One can certainly understand that politicians will always try to hog the limelight by jumping on bandwagons or making headline-catching statements. But PAS really needs to do better if it wants to woo voters who are more concerned about bread and butter issues.

PAS’ displeasure over the Coldplay concert as expressed through its mouthpiece HarakahDaily

The cancelling of concerts by foreign artistes has always been high on the Islamist party’s agenda – from Billie Eilish to last night’s (Nov 22) sold-out gig by British rock band Coldplay. Arguments of promoting “amoral” and “hedonistic lifestyle” are constantly trotted out as justification without any mention of the economic costs of such cancellations.

Protests by PAS lawmakers about Coldplay’s concert included the British band’s open support for the LGBTQ- I+ community by wearing rainbow colours.

Polygamy freak

If this is indeed the case, please also insist that the English Premier League, the World Cup and the Euros be banned from the telly as many players sport rainbow laces and even captain’s armbands in shows of solidarity. Let’s see how the party’s demographic reacts to no footie on TV.

At a time when the unity government’s popularity is at an all-time low, shouldn’t PAS as opposition be highlighting the many shortcomings of the current administration?

Instead, PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man decides to use valuable debate time in the august house by calling for “greater moral support for men capable of entering into polygamy”.

The learned Kubang Kerian MP cited statistics on unmarried women over the age of 30 and argued that polygamy could be a solution to this “problem”. How and why is this a problem?

Why indeed is valuable parliamentary time spent on impertinent issues when the nation’s economy is in such dire straits? The rakyat is struggling to make ends meet and precious time should be better used to address this rather than length of shorts of shopkeepers and ‘under-dressed’ tourists in PAS-controlled states.

It does not bode well for the nation that the single largest opposition party is more focused on banning Terengganu female gymnasts competing at SUKMA Games than dealing with flood woes in the state.

Label the author of this letter as a unity government apologist if need be but be forewarned that the alternative is far, far worse. – Nov 23, 2023

Distressed & Disappointed Citizen
Kuala Lumpur

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