
Thursday, November 02, 2023

Apologise to Tiong for ‘drinking, dancing’ criticism, MP told


Apologise to Tiong for ‘drinking, dancing’ criticism, MP told

Peter John Jaban says the opposition member had failed to recognise the advantage of Tiong King Sing’s non-Muslim status as a minister.

Veteran activist Peter John Jaban said the MP had tarnished Tiong King Sing’s image by insinuating misconduct during his official duties.

PETALING JAYA: A veteran activist has called on an opposition MP to apologise to tourism, arts and culture minister Tiong King Sing for her criticism of his public alcohol consumption and dancing at a Gawai festival last year.

Peter John Jaban said the MP, who he did not name, had tarnished Tiong’s image by insinuating misconduct during his official duties.

He also said the MP failed to recognise the advantage of Tiong’s non-Muslim status as a minister.

“Tiong, who is a non-Muslim, is in a position to do what a Muslim minister would not be able to do, and that is to bond with and to serve both the locals and tourists well by dining and drinking alcoholic drinks with those celebrating the Gawai festival,” he said in a statement today.

“That is how the Dayaks celebrate their annual Gawai festival. Fun and party places always attract tourists. Most countries have resorts, bars, clubs and restaurants that cater to tourists.”

It was reported that Masjid Tanah MP Mas Ermieyati Samsudin had, during the debate on the supply bill, questioned Tiong’s way of attracting tourists by “partying and dancing in public”.

Last December, a video of Tiong drinking and dancing at a Gawai festival in Sarawak went viral.

In his winding-up speech in the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday, the minister responded by saying that there was no issue with him drinking alcohol as he is not a Muslim.

Tiong also said he did not see the merit in Mas Ermieyati’s complaint about his behaviour in the video.

“We must all respect one another to achieve harmony,” he said.


  1. Drinking and merry making will only bond like fellows syok sendiri types. Sober folks will avoid these people. Just wait for Gawai to let loose. Certainly not during election campaign. Asyik2 mau mabuk.

  2. Tiong did no favours to himself in the video, which has gone viral.
    Still, he broke no rules , and certainly broke no laws.
