
Saturday, August 05, 2023

PAS apologises but unremorseful

PAS apologises but unremorseful

YOURSAY | ‘Nothing mature or moderate about PAS' brand of toxic politics.’

PAS apologises for Gerakan chief snub, wants rebellion to end

Coward: I can understand the grassroots behaviour (of a local PAS leader snubbing Gerakan president Dominic Lau), even though it is unprofessional. What I cannot understand is how incompetent the senior federal leaders are.

We can say they are blindsided by the initial demonstration, but the subsequent failure to turn up for the nomination and campaign for him is not forgivable.

Where their incompetency really shines is, they did not insist that Lau is admitted to the stage for the ceramah (political talk), an event that national/federal leaders, who should know and do better, attended. Simply speaking, no excuse for this.

Failure to do that meant the grassroots appears to have federal support, making this issue even worse. The damage to Lau, Gerakan, non-Malay votes and PAS image has been done. An apology has failed to repair all of them.

This is the saddest thing: When Lau said that he was not sure he has the support of a senior PAS figure; he is not wrong. Look at how long the apology took. It should have been issued the day after, but it did not.

What prompted PAS to apologise? The delay suggests it is not that they are remorseful, but rather, the reality of this setting off an off-the-cliff drop of non-Malay votes everywhere means they are doing damage control to save their own chances of forming the government.

Fitness Pro: If the incident were to happen at normal times, I doubt PAS would issue any word of apology at all. Sorry if I sound judgmental, but isn't it true?

Until today, we have never heard a word of humility and apology from PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang at all. Hadi has offended most Malaysians at large. In the states that PAS governs, the non-Malays/Muslims are oppressed with little entertainment and lots of "fine".

It appears that it is acceptable for them to encroach into the rights of non-Malays/ Muslims.

Will this apology from PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan, while appreciated, calm the situation? Damage has been done. Malaysians at large can see how oppressive PAS can be towards non-Malays/Muslims.

They do not know how much we are bleeding from paying our taxes faithfully and righteously. It cost me a lot of money to pay taxes due to my country. Then I see the money being used for rural development, I am fine with that.

I do wonder what kind of leadership values the religion of the majority teaches. To be a dictator, or to be a servant leader? I think I know the answer. Do you?

Orange Jaguar9341: This is a really condescending stance. Takiyuddin said PAS sees Lau and Gerakan as part of the group which needs assistance and protection. Will PAS ever consider non-Malays/ Muslims as equals? If they are regarded as equals, they would be a threat.

Only “pak turuts” (yes men) can be given some leeway. This is the ugly truth that lies beneath the patronising comment. They can see that the political environment is tainted by “chauvinistic and extremist narratives” but do not accept that they are responsible for it.

In fact, Takiyuddin masks PAS' bigotry with the remark: that they can; show the way towards mature and moderate politics. There is nothing mature or moderate about PAS' brand of toxic politics.

Kilimanjaro: It is not like Lau or Gerakan doesn't know the colours of PAS. Mind you, he is the Gerakan president and Perikatan Nasional’s deputy president. He got "chased" away by a minion of PAS.

Lau will bend as low as possible as he is standing in a Malay majority seat, and he needs their votes. But there is no way he is fit to be a president of a so-called "multiracial" party or expected to defend the rights of all citizens.

Whether he wins or loses, he is no good for the non-Malays/ Muslims. Extending his "low bend" politics, he will start dancing and singing for PAS.

OCT: This is not an apology at all. He was trying to defend the action of PAS followers in kicking away Gerakan’s Lau. An apology should be unreserved with the guilty party reprimanded. Not in this case. How can a leader say that he cannot ignore the emotions and feelings of their followers?

If that is the case, he shouldn't be a leader. PAS has always seen non-Malays/ Muslims as a threat. They pretend to be friendly when they need our support but once in power and control, PAS will do away with us as we are not needed.

There are no precedents that they will allow non-Malay/ Muslim customs and culture to flourish. The minority must succumb to the majority's wish and not vice versa as in other countries. Majority rules.

Appum: Lau, as I wrote earlier, you are going to lose your deposit after being humiliated so badly by only a "machai" (follower) from PAS. So, it makes no difference if you pull out now immediately in order not to split some of the votes.

Make a bold move and save your political and self-dignity and show your party is not a pushover one. Although Gerakan is now at its lowest ebb in the political arena, don't make it worst by accepting such public ridicule by a supposedly "partner" in a coalition.

Many have told Gerakan to leave now, show courage and self-honour, and not care about coalition feelings now that you have been played dirty.

We know that if PAS takes over Penang, the water supply colour will not be teh tarik (pulled tea) like in Kelantan, it will be kopi O (black coffee) for you guys in Penang.

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