
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Allegedly Supported by M


Saturday, August 26, 2023





In a rare public apology, a former Umno Youth leader, Saifuddin Nasution, said at a public forum last night that the storming of the Asia Pacific Coalition for East Timor II (Apcet II) conference in Kuala Lumpur four years ago, was orchestrated by the government.

"With deep regret, I am here to offer my apology to all of you," Saifuddin told a 400-strong crowd who attended the public forum held at the Federal Hotel in conjunction with the visit of East Timor independence leaders Xanana Gusmao and Jose Ramos-Horta.

Recalling the events that led to the storming, Saifuddin who was then Umno Youth secretary, and now a KeADILan supreme council member, said that he was asked to lead a mob and stop the NGO-organised conference by the then Deputy Home Affairs Minister Megat Junid Megat Ayob.

"At 4pm, Oct 9, 1996, I was called by Megat Junid. I went to meet him, escorted by a few senior police officers," he said. He added that the minister then told him, "By hook or by crook, you must stop the conference. Kalau tidak, saya anggap Pemuda Umno tiada telur (Otherwise, I would assume that Umno Youth has no balls)."

Saifuddin added that as secretary he was No. 3 in the Youth wing. Youth chief Z--id H--di was at that time away in Ghana with Prime Minister M while deputy Youth chief His----ddin was in Sentosa Island, Singapore, for a meeting with the republic's Peoples Action Party Youth chief George Yeo.

"I called up Z--id (about the plan) and he consulted Dr M who gave his support. His----ddin also supported the action. I then organised a 1,000-strong team with the order to stop the conference," Saifuddin said with a hint of regret in his voice.

Apcet II, held in Kuala Lumpur in November 1996 at the Asia Hotel, was an offshoot of Apcet I in Manila, held in May 1994. The conference had hardly begun when it was violently stopped by a mob of Barisan Nasional youth members led by Saifuddin. The angry mob broke the doors to the conference hall, overturned tables, threw chairs and verbally as well as physically assaulted the participants.

The police, who are normally quick in stopping illegal demonstrations, did not appear for one full hour to stop the fracas. 

Fifty-nine participants and journalists covering the international conference were detained for up to six days under remand orders while a few Umno Youth leaders who were also arrested, were released the same day. In addition, another 40 overseas participants were deported.

Saifuddin added that after the successful attempt in stopping the conference, he was brought to the Bunga Raya VIP room in the Subang Airport by Megat Junid and was introduced to Mahathir upon his arrival from Ghana.

"Megat told Mahathir that it was all orchestrated," he continued.

1 comment:

  1. Syed Kotak Idiot, master disinformationist , deliberately suppressed mention that Saifuddin has apologised for the incident and stated regret for it as a piece of poor judgement on his part.

    I'm no fan of Saifuddin, but I dislike this kind of deliberate half-truths used for character assassination.
