
Sunday, August 27, 2023

A post from 'Murmurs from the Heart' on 'Fukushima water and Ukraine depleted Uranium bombs'

Murmurs from the Heart:


Fukushima water and Ukraine depleted Uranium bombs

While Japan is getting a lot of brickbats for releasing water from their Fukushima nuclear reactor into the ocean, no one is mentioning anything about Ukraine.

The USA and UK have been giving depleted Uranium bombs to Ukraine.

No one is raising any concern about these bombs contaminating the soil in Ukraine, which is among the world's top agricultural producers.


  1. I will add that no one is mentioning that China is releasing nuclear reactor water into rivers that flow into the Pacific Ocean.

    1. Mfer, substantiate yr fart with concrete evidences.

      Don't just fart incoherently!

    2. China hypocrisy... And the hypocrisy of China supporters.

    3. Wakakakaka…

      Truly shameless Guardian shitty reporting!

      China nuclear power plants, just like any other nuclear power plant in the world, is using seawater as a coolant to control the temperature of the ENCLOSED reactor core. This water ISN'T on contact with any radionuclides/subatomic particles within the fusion core.

      This water is then discharged into the sea after the cooling cycle.

      The nuclear contaminated waste water is generated via DIRECT contact with the MELTED reactor core when the enclosing containment was destroyed by overheating due to the failure of the cooling pumps caused by the tsunami. It is continuously been generated as Tepco is pumping additional water to control the high rising temperature of the melted core.

      Equating the indirect normal cooling water with the direct contaminated water proves that the Guardian is fooling its readers with twisted scientific facts via lousy science &/or evil intention!

      If there r any tritium in the indirect cooling water than they have to be naturally generated via cosmic radiation at stratosphere & been rained down to the ocean. The natural steady-state global inventory is about 7.3 kg. For scale, the entire Pacific Ocean contains about 8.4 kg of pure tritium. The difference of 1.1 kg is roughly the results of wonton human nuclear bomb testings done by the Yank!

    4. Nuclear power plant operation 101.

      A nuclear power station contains five major components:

      Steam generator

      The reactor core generates high heat via nuclear fission.

      The generated heat from the enclosed & totally sealed reactor is been channelled by pumping water via piping system to a steam generator.

      The water in this primary pipework contains tritium due to escaped neutrons from the core wall captured with the circulating water molecules of the primary water pipework.

      The superheated water from the reactor converts the water in the steam chamber into steam to power a turbine which in turn rotating the generator to produce electricity.

      The water used in generating the steam ISN'T in direct contact with the tritium infeed primary water system. Thus it has NO generated tritium.

      The excessive steam is then cooled via a condensing heat exchanger to produce water for continuous steam recycling within the turbine chamber.

      The secondary water from the the condenser section is piped from the cooling tower pool where fresh seawater is been fed & discharge into the sea.

      This sea water COULD contain minute traces of tritium due to naturally occurring atmospheric phenomenon.

      This is where all those twisted scientific farts been generated about normal nuclear power plant cooling water contains tritium!
