
Monday, July 31, 2023



Sunday, July 30, 2023


  • gomen no intention to phase out AP 
  • Zafrul said system still in effect



  • AP holders were raking up to RM100,000 in tax-free profit for EV
  • AP holders earn immensely high tax-free profit 
  • gomen should cut off AP system entirely
  • AP holders make more than RM100,000 per car
  • insane profit margin because no tax for AP holders
  • On July 17 report gomen no intention to phase out AP 
  • Zafrul said system still in effect
  • anywhere in the world there is no such thing as AP system


My Comments:

  • Tuan-Tuan undi sajalah Dr Mahathir. 
  • Dr Mahathir yang buat sistem AP dulu. 
  • Dengan cukai impot tinggi gila untuk impot kereta.
  • Sebab Dr Mahathir nak buat kilang untuk dilelong kepada businessman Cina. 


  • Contohnya Proton akhirnya dilelong kepada Cina. 
  • Perwaja dilelong kepada Cina juga (akhir sekali). 
  • Filem Studio dulu dibeli dengan beratus juta Ringgit (duit kita) dilelong kepada Cina. 
  • Childrens Park di Singapura yang dibeli dengan beratus juta Ringgit duit rakyat dilelong kepada Cina juga, dengan harga berapa ratus ribu Ringgit sahaja.
  • Itulah maksud "ikut acuan kita sendiri" yang dipelopori oleh Dr Mahathir. 
  • Itulah "acuan kepala hotak sendiri" yang dipelopori oleh Dr Mahathir.
  • Dan siapa yang akan bayar duit untuk buat "acuan kepala hotak kita sendiri"?
  • Tuan-tuan lah yang bayar. 
  • Tuan-tuan yang bodoh, bahalol, bangang, bengong, bongok, stupid dan idiotic.


Macam mana Tuan-Tuan bayar semua duit itu?

Tuan-Tuan sanggup bayar 'cukai' AP contohnya. Setiap biji kereta impot dikenakan AP. Tuan-Tuan sanggup bayar RM20,000, RM50,000, RM100,000 atau lebih.  

Tak cukup siksaan AP, depa letak cukai impot tinggi gila lagi. Tuan-Tuan bayar sajalah.

Depa ambil duit itu dan depa bagi lah kroni, buat kilang kereta toya, buat kilang besi karat, buat studio kepala hotak. Dan banyak lagi.

  • Dr Mahathir buat AP.
  • Badawi sambung AP.
  • Najib sambung AP.
  • Muhyiddin, Sabri pun sama.
  • Sekarang Zafrul kata Madani pun sambung AP.

Tuan-Tuan kena liwat lagi. 

Actually the problem in the country satu sahaja : Tuan-tuan bodoh macam nak mampos.

Mat Salleh kata, 'You can fool all the people sometime, you can fool some people all the time. But you cannot fool all the people all the time.'

Di Malaysia ini Tuan-Tuan masuk kategori No. 2 ia itu "you can fool some people all the time".

Inilah kategori Tuan-Tuan orang yang paling bodoh atas muka bumi Allah swt ini. 
You can be fooled all the time, daytime, night time, anytime.

Bayar sajalah.   Otak lembu.

1 comment:

  1. By any measure, the "profits" from ownership of these APs are very obscene.

    Worse, the APs are distributed to favoured and connected people.

    This is truly a case of "gaji" buta! And we can be sure some of the money will be re-routed back to the powers that be.

    In Singapore, one must bid for a Certificate of Entitlement (COE) to buy a vehicle (including motorcycles). The difference is, the money ALL goes to the state coffers.

    Think of the billions that could have been used to help alleviate Malaysia's financial situation!
