
Saturday, July 29, 2023



Saturday, July 29, 2023



I know some of the readers here may be disappointed at my lack of coverage of "local" news.  What can I say - local news is full of crap. There is nothing going on in the country. The World Economic Forum is happy that their policy ideas (aka their policies) are being followed by the gomen. That recent blueprint on power generation and renewable energy etc is one such crap. Typical Klaus Schwab crap.

In 1997 we had the de facto IMF policies which finally saw the guy getting kicked out. Now 26 years later we have the defacto World Economic Forum policies. And all you dumbasses are just standing by and letting this happen to our country. As though you dont care about your own country. Shame on you - on all of you.

Anyway here is something that is not surprising - all German made Leopard 2 super tanks have been withdrawn from combat in Ukraine.



Basically what they are confirming is that this German made Leopard 2 tank was not designed for real war. It cannot operate in a tough combat situation - where the Russians can shoot back. The German Leopard 2 did better in Iraq and Afghanistan where the Iraqis and the Taliban could not shoot back.  So the tank had to be withdrawn from combat in Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine has fully proven the unreliability of NATO weapons. The NATO weapons have failed quite drastically. The famous Turkish Bayraktar drones have been completely blown out of the sky since the very first days and weeks of the war. The Bayraktar was the first casualty of this war.

As per the headline above the American made Switchblade-600 loitering drone has been consistently brought down (and captured intact) by Russian electronic warfare jamming (EW).


Then the American JDAM bombs (Joint Direct Attack Munitions) fitted with 'smart-seekers' to convert them to 'smart weapons' have also fallen easy prey to Russian EW jamming. Some of them were made to miss their targets by a kilometer. 

The other much hyped up American HIMARS rocket system has also failed to make a mark because they were frequently shot down by Russian air defenses. 

On the other hand the Russian TOS-1A thermobaric heavyflame throwers (below) and their 60 year old, old truck mounted Grad missiles (below that) are raining hellfire on the enemy.


The much hyped up British 'Storm Shadow' missile has also failed in Ukraine because it can be easily brought down by Russian EW jamming.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?  I address this question to our generals in the Angkatan Tentera Di Raja Malaysia  ie our Army, RMAF and RMN.

It means the western arms manufacturers, their military industrial complexes, have been cheating the western governments and the western taxpayer into paying insane high prices (billions of US Dollars and billions of Euros)  to buy weapons that do not work or which can be easily defeated by 60 year old Russian technology or 50 year old Russian EW  jamming pods. This is what is being proven in Ukraine.

And please do not forget that submarine that could not dive in full combat operations. I hope those subs can conduct full combat ops now. Let us be thankful there are no wars here.

Russian weapons (and now Chinese weapons too) are proving workable and effective in getting the job done. They win battles. And they cost much less.

So which do you prefer ? Weapons that work or weapons that cost the taxpayers arms and legs but do not do the job?


  1. Pitiful Syed Idiot completely divorced from reality.

    1. To entertain an equally blurred f*ck of knowing thing!
