
Friday, June 30, 2023

HRW reports new evidence of Ukrainian use of banned landmines

al Jazeera:

HRW reports new evidence of Ukrainian use of banned landmines

Princess Diana must be rolling in her grave

Human Rights Watch has said it uncovered new evidence of indiscriminate use of banned antipersonnel landmines by Ukrainian forces against Russian troops who invaded Ukraine in 2022.

The group called on Ukraine’s government to follow through with a commitment made earlier this month not to employ such weapons, investigate their suspected use and hold accountable those responsible.

“The Ukrainian government’s pledge to investigate its military’s apparent use of banned [antipersonnel] mines is an important recognition of its duty to protect civilians,” Steve Goose, Human Rights Watch’s arms director, said in a statement.

HRW said it shared its findings with the Ukrainian government in a May letter, to which it received no response.


  1. The Russki invasion of Ukraine from Feb 24, 2022 until now has been one gigantic human rights violation , including widespread use by Russki of banned weapons including antipersonnel mines, cluster munition and phosphorous bombs.

    Leftie Wankers absolutely refuse to condemn their Idol Russkis for anything whatsoever. no matter how serious the violation.
