
Saturday, June 03, 2023

DOSA-DOSA DASAR AGIH MENGAGIH, Mengulas "Daripada isi hati seorang bekas General . ."


Saturday, June 3, 2023

DOSA-DOSA DASAR AGIH MENGAGIH, Mengulas "Daripada isi hati seorang bekas General . ."



I received the following short comment via WhatsApp. My comments in blue.

Artikel Wajib dibaca oleh BangsaKu.

Daripada isi hati seorang bekas General yang jujur, ikhlas, bertanggung jawab dan berani berkata Benar demi untuk rakyat dan negara !

*Adakah perpecahan bangsa Melayu boleh dipersalahkan pada bangsa lain? Bagi saya perpecahan Melayu disebabkan kegilaan pemimpin Melayu merebut kuasa, bukan untuk memajukan Melayu, tapi untuk memperkayakan diri serta sanak keluarga. 

Sudah lebih 60 tahun, kuasa memerintah ada pada tangan Melayu, tapi apa mereka buat....rasuah, salahguna kuasa, menipu dan berbagai lagi. Jikalau parti Pak Lebai sendiri tidak amanah, apa lagi yang Melayu nak harapkan dari pemimpin Melayu. 

PN hanya memerintah tidak lebih setahun saja, dan pemimpin mereka sakau jutaan ringgit dari projek Jana Wibawa dll dan salahkan pula bangsa lain. Inikah jenis pemimpin Melayu 'islam' yang kita bangsa Melayu harapkan utk memerintah negara?

Negara dah sakit dan punah dan kita masih salahkan bangsa lain. Sedarlah bangsa ku.

Pemimpin yang merasuah dan salahguna kuasa, kamu tunggu saja balasan dari Allah swt bila kamu berada dalam kubur kamu nanti.

My Comments :

I will do this in English. I am old school so I think and type much faster in English. 

Lets look at that Jana Wibawa first. There was another Wibawa scheme about 25 to 30 years before. It became a scam and was discontinued. The scam was simple. They had identified a small number of bumi contractors as participants in the Wibawa program at that time. The gomen at that time asked those few bumi Wibawa contractors to bid for some projects.  Soon those Wibawa contractors worked out a cartel system among themselves. 

For example say  a project could be done for  RM500,000 (including a good profit margin).  Lets say FIVE Wibawa contractors (the cartel) submitted bids for the project. Four of the cartel fellows would bid insane prices like RM3.0 million, RM2.5 million etc. Then only one fellow would bid the lowest, say RM1.0 million. That was still TWO TIMES the real cost of completing the project. 

Because he was still the lowest bidder he would get the project for RM1.0 million. The actual cost (including his own profit) was still RM500,000 only. This means the lucky contractor made an extra RM500,000 buta money. He would then divide that extra RM500,000 among the five of them in their cartel. Each of them would get RM100,000 buta money. And they repeated this again. This was how they milked the system.

Now why did this happen? 

It happened because of the AGIH system. 'Mengagih kekayaan negara' or redistribution of the country's wealth. 

Wealth distribution or redistribution is usually linked with the socialist and communist ideology. I do not fully agree or disagree with the socialist and/or communist ideology. Everything has some good, some not so good, some bad, some very bad. 

But I am quite certain that the Dasar Agih Mengagih Kekayaan Negara has socialist ideas. And maybe even communist ideas. 

Tun Abdul Razak, our second prime minister and prime mover behind the Dasar Ekonomi Baru (aka Dasar Agih-Mengagih Kekayaan Negara) was a socialist and member of the ultra-socialist Fabian Society in England. The Fabian Society's logo was a wolf in sheep's clothing. The logo was controversial and the Fabians later changed it.

Fabian Society: Roots, theory and practice of socialist think tank | Daily  Sabah


However the Dasar Agih Kekayaan Negara became written in stone - until today. 

Today it is known by other names including political patronage system, cronyism, crony capitalsm, rentier economy etc. No less than former Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin said that we cannot do without the political patronage system. 

Why did he say that? Because how else are they going to distribute or redistribute the kekayaan negara? I will explain.

There are many things very wrong with the AGIH or political patronage system. The General's short article above covers almost all of them.

The AGIH system can get hijacked by the politicians, the people in power, by those who have cable and clout.

The other big problem is that the AGIH system depends on taxpayers money. Public funds aka the Government's Annual Budget. 

The AGIH system will not say, 'Go and compete with Toyota and Ford'.

Instead the AGIH system will say, 'We will cekik Toyota and Ford and jack up their selling prices to the Mercedes and Rolls Royce level. Then we will give you a few billion Ringgit taxpayers money to start a factory to assemble a ciplak Japanese car and sell it for one third the price of the Toyota and Ford. Then you can sapu the market share.' 

There are worse manifestations of the AGIH system. 

For example MONOPOLIES and OLIGOPOLIES. The gomen grants everlasting monopolies for water, electricity, telephones, broadcasting, banking, rice imports, meat imports, regulating weighing machines, motor vehicle inspection, post office, ports, airports etc.

How does the gomen choose to who to AGIH these monopolies and oligopolies? 

Does the gomen follow the Miss Universe scoring system? Facial beauty, height, weight, the 'numbers', education / intelligence?

The gomen of the day has a much simpler system. These MONOPOLIES and OLIGOPOLIES are almost always granted to 'friendly' parties. 

Because in Malaysia there are no laws against making political donations or outright funding of political parties by individuals, including corporations. When that Parti Lebai fellow received RM90 million stolen 1MDB money, the MACC said 'no problem'.

So likewise the politicians can simply call their favourite businessmen and say 'I will give you this monopoly or that oligopoly license and you give me some political donations'. A done deal. Simple. It is not against the law.

Hence that list of complaints in the General's short but precise article above.

So how do we change this system?

This is where the Malay people play a huge role. The Malay people must stand up and say 'Enough of this AGIH system. Not only does it not work but it has corrupted the entire system. It has become a cancer.'

We need a better system. We need a workable system. 

We cannot abolish the AFFIRMATIVE ACTION system. 
You abolish AFFIRMATIVE ACTION and this country will burn to the ground.

It can be easily done. Just ask Syed Akbar Ali and I will tell you how.

Another day lah. Its time for makan now.

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