
Sunday, May 07, 2023

Tealive apologises twice to job applicant in centre of “Malay only” hiring but …

Tealive apologises twice to job applicant in centre of “Malay only” hiring but …

JOB seeker @neeeesh12 (HarneeshKaur) has received not one but two official apologies from Tealive after having ticked off a’ little Napoleon’ at one of the renowned bubble tea brand’s outlets for telling her that vacancies in the company are only open for “Orang Melayu sahaja” (Malays only).

Despite this, she is treating such goodwill gesture with a pinch of salt in that she wanted to convey the message to other employers that incidents of similar nature have been happening for the longest time and continue to happen on a daily basis to many jobseekers out there.

“I received two apologies from Tealive yesterday (May 5), of which the first message was sent from the customer service with whom I had addressed this issue with to say how sorry they were with my experience,” shared HarneeshKaur in her latest TikTok post.

“This was followed by a phone call from the branch manager of the outlet that I went to … she told me that she had no idea of what transpired because the staff involved did not disclose this to her and that she only came to know of the incident when she received my video from the HQ (headquarters).”

Added HarneeshKaur in her video clip which lasted 2 minutes and 27 seconds: “She apologised several times and said her staff has no right to do what they did and that was completely wrong, and that Tealive doesn’t condone such behaviour at its workplace.

“She said she was very sorry on behalf of the staff and that she was not supposed to say what she had said … she also assured of disciplinary action to be taken against the staff although I’m not sure what they intend to do with her.”

Anyway, HarneeshKaur left a post-script on her TikTok post that will not be disclosing the location of the outlet nor the identity of the staff as “I do not wish to direct unnecessary hate towards them as well as everyone else working at that branch”.

“While voicing out against these systematic issues is important, I would still want to respect the safety and privacy of everyone involved,” she stated.

To re-cap, FocusM featured the unpleasant experience that HarneeshKaur went thorough yesterday (May 5) when she made a stop-over at one Tealive outlet to ask for a job application form, only to be told that existing vacancies are only meant for Orang Melayu sahaja.

Delving on her experience, HarneeshKaur wants people who have been in her situation not to keep their experiences to themselves but to tell their side of the story so as to shame the culprits.

“Your story is your responsibility. I promise you that you’ll be heard and acknowledged but you’ll have to be a little brave,” she asserted.

“The funny thing is that we should be uplifting one another yet here we are discriminating against each … why is this still happening? I don’t know about you guys but I have had enough that I’ll not be silent but will share all of my experiences but to get my words out for a change has to start somewhere.”

She concluded: “I would love to say this again … please be kind to one another for that’s what it ta
kes to make the world a better place.” – May 6, 2023


  1. It has been ingrained into the mind of these blurred melayu youth about ketuanan narratives - taking care of yr own kind FIRST in every endeavors!

    These lowlies ain't the the worst - the higher the position goes, the worst is that indoctrination!

  2. Haiyaa. There are Chinese businesses that employ only Chinese, why complain so much aah. Want your 2 minutes fame on the social media aah. Next time try the joint run by the Sikhs. Teh tarik kau kau.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      W/O the business operations run by the Nons, mfer, u better queue for a cozy govt job.

      Ooop… melayu palsu must act terlampau melayu. Otherwise, the free ketuanan manna is piped dream for u!
