
Monday, May 08, 2023



Monday, May 8, 2023


The ongoing British American War against Russia in the Ukraine is exposing many weaknesses in the entire eco-system of the American and Nato militaries. A lot of the hype over the American and Nato weapons systems and their entire offense mechanisms (its not defense ok, these people are aggressors)  is just that : hype. Propaganda. The weapons do not really work very well.

First of all 75 years of post WW2 aggressor versus defender philosophy (the West being the aggressors and Russia being the defenders) is coming to light through the quite miserable failure of western arms and military tactics in this British American War in the Ukraine.

Ever since the Vietnam War the western weapons, especially American weapons, have been designed to attack (go on the offense) dirt poor Third World countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Libya etc. These were and are dirt poor countries with little or no capacity to shoot back. 

Chemical weapons like napalm fire bombs, Agent Orange chemical warfare and 'bunker buster' bombs could best be dropped by low-flying warplanes with little chance of being challenged by anti aircraft missiles or fighter aircraft. Agent Orange was sprayed by low flying propeller airplanes.

For example here are pictures of an American plane spraying Agent Orange, the toxic cancer-causing chemical, while flying at tree top level in Vietnam. The other picture shows an American plane dropping napalm on Vietnamese villagers also at very low level flight. Obviously such low level flying depends on the "enemy" (mudhut villagers) not being able to shoot the plane down.

They cannot do this in Ukraine. 

Over in  "NATO's European theatre" where there was no war for over 50 years after WW2 (until the Bosnian conflict in the 1990s, after the collapse of communism and the west started encroaching into the area), the western philosophy of aggression was again made clear in the design of their tanks. 

American and western tanks are huge, some in excess of 60 tons. Because of their 'aggressor' philosophy their tanks are designed to attack and take other peoples' territory so they are designed huge with large fuel capacity, large ammunition loads, more armour to increase their range and survivability.  

Russian tanks (and weapons) on the other hand were designed based on a 'defensive philosophy'.  Until today their tanks are much smaller - at about 40++ tons. They are light and more manouvreable but also have less range. That is because their philosophy was to remain within their own borders.  Also lighter tanks could be pulled out much easier from being stuck in the mud in the steppes. This has been proven now in Ukraine. 

The Russians have also developed technologies (now very old) to jam aggressive weapons like American guided rockets and missiles. The following short video shows the failure of the American HIMARS rocket system (which their weapons makers hyped up as the best in the world) which can be jammed using old generation Russian electronic jammers. The HIMARS are missing their targets almost completely.  The HIMARS are also being shot down almost one to one, by Russian anti-missile systems like the Pantsir. Obviously the HIMARS were very successful in Afghanistan, Iraq and in Third World countries where the local villagers could not shoot back. 

But when face to face against Russian weapons (some of which are quite old technology) the American weapons are being shot out of the sky. Folks, the US weapons manufacturers and the corrupt generals at the Pentagon have really conned the American public.

There are other things that are seriously wrong with the American military and the west in general. Here is Jackson Hinckle, a very well informed 23 year old young man, who hosts his own very popular YouTube channel called The Dive.  The short video is self explanatory. 

This British American War against Russia is not only exposing the hype and fake propaganda of the American military-industrial-Congress-complex but there are also more serious issues with their civilisation that are beginning to trip them up seriously.


  1. Really pitiful this Syed Kotak idiot......
    He actually believes his beloved RuZia is winning enormous victories in spite of failing to capture Bakhmut after pouring in the entire RuZian Wagner + Army for 9 months ...
    What happened to Syed Kotak's jubilant talk of Ukrainian troops in Bakhmut throwing away their weapons , that was 3 weeks ago.....and RuZia Still has not captured Bakhmut.

    RuZia is intercepting Himars one for one ...hahahaha...what a fool Syed Kotak...
    Himars is making mincemeat of Ruzian logistics, the only constraint being the limited range missiles the the Yanks have allowed to be shipped to Ukraine....Biden self-deterrred himself by refusing to send to Ukraine the 300 km range version of Himars.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      A 250 mfer talking scores built with lies!

  2. One of the "useless Yankee weapons" - the Patriot SAM system supplied to Ukraine just intercepted one of Russia's Invincible Unstoppable Khinzal hypersonic missiles.

    Both RuZia and China have made a huge advertisement from their bombastic claims that their Hypersonic missiles are invincible, unstoppable.

    The Wankees, without much fanfare just showed that the hypersonic missiles Can be shot down, even under war-time condiions.

    1. Mfer, u do believe in turtle overruns hare fairy tale with fart, that even western propaganda media r hesitating to based, spreads by the nationalist Ukrainian!
