
Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Freedom Of Speech In U.S. - You must be Dreaming!

Freedom Of Speech In U.S. - You must be Dreaming!

The following video is quite unbelievable. This took place in New York. According to the video,the editors of the NY Times, Washington Post etc were on stage. At question time a man asked tough questions about the war in Ukraine. He was hounded and eventually grabbed and thrown on the ground to prevent him from speaking. You can see it in the early part of this video.

So much for freedom of speech in the USA.


  1. It's simple... every forum has its ground rules, especially public events.

    The panel was invited to talk on current issues, and the public were given the chance to ask questions.

    The idiot wasn't asking any questions - he just launched into a 10 minute diatribe against the panel.
    He just deliberately being a disruptive troll, and got himself ejected from the event ... Fair and square.
    Nothing to do with freedom of speech or otherwise USA.
    You behave like that anywhere in the world, and you risk being involuntarily ejected.

    Ktemoc should try it in Australia and see what happens.

    Better still , Ktemoc should try it in Beloved Beijing.

    1. Mfer, u r truly no shame!

      "Ktemoc should try it in Beloved Beijing"


      Would KT be forcefully removed? Or worst, disappeared into thin air as u so often farted about in yr lies?

      U have be caught red-handed with the lie of 32.5M death from 曹 & his current whereabouts in authoritarian China? Yet, yr shamelessness shows no end! U r truly f*cked.

  2. Cosy jobs with high pay & position r the rewards of the meme-ed demoNcratic 'liberals' incubated within the current western press media.

    Toeing the lines & supporting the words of the reigning powers r the sure way of maintaining that catch.

    That's the current state of the western media platforms.
