
Sunday, April 23, 2023



Sunday, April 23, 2023


The Russo-Ukraine War is exposing a bunch of falsehoods and weaknesses about western weapons which many people did not know before. For the past 48 years, since the end of the Vietnam War, the US, UK, France and other western aggressor nations have not had their weapons fully tested against an equal or technologically advanced enemy.  The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and unheard of places like Panama, Grenada have been fought against people living in mud huts, thatched roof houses, mud roads and with armies that fought with outdated weapons. Yet the Americans lost 41 aircraft in Iraq (according to Colonel Macgregor). 

The present Russo-Ukraine War where American and British soldiers are already on the ground either as combatants or advisers and using American, British, German, French and other western weapons are exposing the weaknesses and inadequateness of western weapons when pitted against Russian weapons.

For example the "vaunted" American Himars rockets are simply being blown out of the sky by Russian missiles including by the really old Cold War era Buk missiles. 

In Ukraine more than 100 of the Turkish Bayraktar drones have been shot out of the sky including by Russian anti aircraft guns. Real World War 2 style. The Bayraktars were "formidable" in the Turkish war against Azerbaijan because the Azeris did not have sufficient anti aircraft weapons. But in Ukraine the Russians are just shooting them out of the sky - to the extent that Ukraine has stopped using the Bayraktar drones.  

The lastest expose (from that Pentagon intelligence leak - I dont believe that 21 year old video-gamer leaked it, its too bullshitty) shows that even the American 'guided bombs' ie the JDAM Mk84 have been missing their targets in Ukraine.  

This picture below here shows a JDAM or Joint Direct Attack Munitions. 

It is assembled using a standard, drop by gravity, unguided, 1000 pound Mark 84 bomb. Also known as a dumb bomb. The second picture below shows the original Mark 84 bombs (green coloured) without any of those extra fins attached.

But what they do is to attach fins and a GPS guidance system (at a cost of US$30,000) which makes the unguided bomb a guided glide bomb. This is what you see in the picture immediately below here. It becomes a GPS guided JDAM.

With the GPS and the fins attached a fall by gravity dumb bomb becomes a glide bomb that can hit a target 30 km away from where the airplane releases the bomb. This gives the plane higher survivability to escape anti-aircraft fire while still releasing the bombload . The GPS guided JDAM has an accuracy of 20 to 40 feet CEP (Circular Error Of Probability). It means the bomb can come from 30 km away and strike within 20 - 40 feet of its target. Considering it may carry about 500 kg of explosive that is close enough to destroy large buildings, tanks and troop formations. Or so they told us. 

Here is a video of a JDAM being used to destroy a ship, in this case a fairly large ship that is about 400 feet long. The ship cracks in two and sinks within one minute. You can time the video. But this is faked. Or staged. The ship is not moving. The bomb does not strike the ship. Instead the bomb comes in at an angle and is designed to explode in the water almost in the middle below the ship. The shock wave in the water raises up the ship and breaks the ship in two.

But if the ship were moving or there are waves in the sea this would be much more difficult to achieve. Perhaps impossible. 

We also have the following report which says that the Russians are able to electronically jam the GPS signals which guides the JDAM bombs being used in Ukarine. As a result the JDAM bombs are falling blindly and missing their targets completely. 

Not to be outdone the Russians have also developed their own glide-bombs. The FAB series that weigh 500kg to 1500kg. Here is a picture: 

The Russian FAB series glide bombs have a longer range - 60 to 75 km and they are released from 15 km up in the air (45,000 feet). And they have a smaller CEP of 10 to 20 feet (more accurate). Plus they cannot be jammed by Ukrainian or western jamming equipment.

And since they are heavier (up to 1.5 tonnes) they pack a heavier load of explosives (more than 600kg) and can cause huge damage. They can gouge out entire buildings and leave huge craters in the ground. In the fight against ISIS in Syria these bombs have taken out entire city streets.

What is the purpose of this walkabout around bomb craters? 

The collage below shows the ships of the British Royal Navy in 1914 and 1940.

Both the images are incomplete. The navy ships stretched for more than 20 miles. In 1914 and 1940 they were indeed a super-galactic empire.  But a hundred years later in 2023 the Royal Navy has only around 30 surface combat ships.  They do have 34 Admirals though - perhaps one for each ship.

The Australian Navy has about SEVEN frigates weighing about 3000 tons each. Thats it. 

The entire German army has 183,000 personnel. The Army has about 320 tanks while their airforce has about 210 combat aircraft from as far back as the 1980s.

'Ve vill shtop ze Russians khere' did not envisage crossing the frontier into Ukraine or Russia. 

Europe (and America) have long ago lost the ability to fight large scale wars with frontal assaults, with divisional and brigade sized movements. Those days are over. Long gone.

The Chinese know the real-time exact location of every American aircraft carrier. Even Google knows it. Just Google 'Location of US Navy carrier battle groups' and see what you get. You will find stuff like this:

Any American aircraft carrier coming within 1,500 km of the Chinese YJ-21 anti-ship missile's range is toast.  And the YJ-21 are also launched from their jet fighters, which increases their range even further. The YJ-21 is hypersonic, flies at Mach 7 and it can do weird corkscrews and stuff which makes it impossible to shoot them down. And these are specifically aircraft carrier killers. 

Can the Americans suffer the loss of even ONE aircraft carrier with about 3,000 crew and 70  aircraft? Although they have 11 aircraft carriers only three to five carriers are on the water at any one time (the 1/3 principle). 

They should stick to bombing countries with mudhuts and thatched roofs which may not know how to shoot back. But even that option is fading away. North Korea has nuclear weapons and Iran just forced an American nuclear submarine to surface while transiting the Straits of Hormuz. Times have changed.

It is just that much easier and cheaper to develop good manners and behave better around the neighborhood.


  1. If the Syed Kotak idiot read real news instead of Soviet (wakakaka) Pravda, he would realise just 2 days ago, Russia dropped two of its super duper FAB glide bomb on its own city Belgorod, one of them injuring two, and the other failed to explode.

    Wakakakaka...amazingly effective RuZian weapons indeed.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      If u truly read real news then how could u ignore the similar accidents happened amongst it idol's super duper army arsenals?

      Yankee can do no wrongs/mistakes, right?

      BTW, if the Russian super duper FAB glide bombs were armed, could the casualties be do low?

      Ooop… know nothing fart in association with CNN/BBC orchestrated sensationalism!
