
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

This is the ‘rumour mongering’ that makes We Ka Siong a nervous man

This is the ‘rumour mongering’ that makes We Ka Siong a nervous man

INCESSANTLY playing the role of a ‘backstabber’ in recent times when MCA – by virtue of being a component party of Barisan Nasional (BN) should be supportive of policies dished out by the unity government – must have taken its toll on party president Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong.

Guilty conscience of its betrayal motives must have prompted the former Transport Minister Ayer Hitam MP to swiftly rubbish a report yesterday (April 24) which alleged attempts to topple the unity government as baseless and to deny any knowledge and involvement of himself and MCA in such a scheme.

“A news portal has seen fit for reasons of their own to write ‘source stories’ alleging ‘fresh attempts’ at toppling the unity government headed by Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim,” he penned on his Facebook (FB) page.

“However, as far as myself as MCA president and the party are concerned, we have no knowledge of such attempts to unseat the current government. Nor would we support such a move that requires any elected MP to ‘sacrifice’ their seats to force by-elections.”

Added Wee: “The right priority now is to support the policies and strategies to bring economic recovery to the nation via political stability as per the will of the rakyat in the GE15 (15th General Election).

Behind the curtain

Wee’s rapid fire reaction came about after a pro-UMNO commentator claimed that talks re now rife within the political sphere of a fresh plot to unseat Prime Minister (PM) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim that could entail the forcing of by-elections nationwide.

The commentator known as Tun Izhalmi in the social media circle exposed that some Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs are currently being wooed by certain key individuals and persuaded to particiapte in a “do-or-die mission” to quit their party and sacrifice their seats.

“Among them are the 10 MPs who had previously signed statutory declarations backing (Tan Sri) Muhyiddin (Yassin) as their PM candidate after last year’s general election,” penned Tun Izhalmi on his Facebook page under the heading “Sheraton 3.0”.

“They include (Datuk Seri) Hishammuddin (Hussein), (Datuk) Hasni Mohammad, (Datuk Seri) Jalaluddin Alias; (Datuk Seri) Wee Ka Siong, (Datuk Seri) Wee Jeck Seng and (Datuk Seri) M. Saravanan.”

Even if the opposition Perikatan Nasional (PN) obtains the backing of all MPs other than those from Pakatan Harapan (PH) and BN, Tun Izhalmi said it would still be two seats short of securing a simple majority of 112.

“This means that PN would still require the support of at least a few more of other than BN lawmakers,” he justified.

“Since Bersatu’s accounts are frozen and many of its leaders are under investigation by the MACC, it appears that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his trusted lieutenant Tun Daim Zainuddin are being looked upon to engineer and fund the exodus of support from the government.

For this for this mission, Tun Izhalmi claimed that Sabah and Sarawak MPs are needed to back the plan “with lots of money being thrown away to cause the collapse of the current administration”.

“The offer to the Sabah and Sarawak MP is said to be quite lucrative which also include (one) East Malaysia MP to be appointed as the new PM, remote-controlled by Dr Mahathir and Daim from afar,” elaborated the Perak-born creative director by profession.

“Yes folks, looks like it. We will have another episode of causing uncertainty, including to the rakyat and investors … (one which is) more damaging to the economy.” – April 25, 2023


  1. Most in PH regard Wee Wee and his MCA sidekick Wee Wee X 2 as the most likely double-crossers from the MCA side to aid bringing about a PN government.

    It is no secret that Wee Wee and Co. are much more comfortable working with PN than with PH.

    Not that MCA would contribute any important numbers, but given the thin margins, every MP counts.

  2. A most objectionable outcome of the Langkah Sheraton is that most Malaysiam politicians no longer regard a General Election outcome as a solid mandate for Government until the next General Election.

    Every party , especially the Opposition now regard a GE result as a short-term situation until they can work out another Lagkah xxxx plot.
