
Sunday, April 30, 2023

RPK, you have become treacherous, corrupt, hypocritical, and often a liar

SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 2023

RPK, you have become treacherous, corrupt, hypocritical, and often a liar.

An Open Letter to Raja Petra Kamarudin: In Defence of V Murugasu.

I too was a VI boy from 1963 to 1969. We were in the same year, though you were in the Art class and I was in Science. I remember the ‘orang putih’ student but we were never acquainted. In fact, I kept my distance having heard rumors you belonged to the notorious Long Foo Tong gang that operated in the Petaling Street area.

I too was a rebel in my own way, mixing with the mischievous boys, but not gangsters. I too kept long hair, as long as I could get away with it. I remember Murugasu engaging a barber to come to school. Those guilty students were lined up, a half coconut shell was placed on each head. Their hair were cut well above their ears, and it resulted in Friar Tuck hairstyles. I was into Rock music, admired the Hippies, and read counter culture magazines and books. I experimented with ganja bought from Brickfields and enjoyed wild parties. Like you I was quite anti-establishment.

I too had my backside whipped more times than I can remember, even in front of the female classmates in Sixth form, for indiscipline and falling grades. I too suffered a lot.

When I went to University in London, I did not have a haircut for 3 years. It was Freedom, Carnaby Street, and Flower Power. But then I grew up! I realized that Murugasu and VI had laid the solid foundation for me to advance in life, to take responsibilities , and later to become a rather successful surgeon. I no longer harbor any grudge to the former. In fact, I have much gratitude.

I admired you when you were at the forefront of the Reformasi movement. I looked forward to reading your articles. I even bought a large oil painting of you standing behind bars when you were briefly detained under ISA.

But since Cash became King, your Malaysia Today spurts out trash fit for the dustbin. My opinion. I have long ago not bothered to read it. I would not have known of this article had my VI chat group not forwarded it to me. We felt angered and offended.

You too could have become an engineer, lawyer, accountant, or whatever. But you chose to be an blogger, anarchist, and destroyer of governments!. Many people have commented that you have turned to become treacherous, corrupt, hypocritical, and often a liar. As you frequently remark, I am calling a spade a spade. I have to refrain from using the same disgusting curses and profanities that come out of your writings.

You have become by choice to be what you are. It’s not too late to grow up!

Don’t blame the Headmaster or School.

Incidentally, V Murugasu passed away last year. Bless his soul.

Selamat Hari Raya to you and family.

Your ex schoolmate,
Dr S Wong


kt comments:



  1. Old people spurting farts need to monitor their diet...

  2. RPK lives in and feeds from the sewage tank.

  3. I had given up on RPK the moment he sold his soul.

    Yes, cash is king and RPK has shown he was not impervious to the lure of easy money.

  4. Diagnose with Bi Polar disease or Gila Babi disease...pity him like Tun Dr mati tak lama lagi trying to be #1 but actually Tahi lubang and sampah sarap stuff and for entertainment....funny how serious they try to be when MANY are laughing at their serious Face....boikot their business in Manchester.... Just pay back these sue tan and ah long blood steal and rob orang asli land.... They had a chance to go on a high but these scumbags deserve to be like Malusial Soccer team # 169.....out of 179 countries...or something like that.....but they are Worst than that....

  5. VI?

    A lair of indoctrinated anmokausai who were trained to serve the queen then. & now a overblown giatunas incubator to meme-ed the young ketuanan dickheads & myrmidons.

    Any wonder that half-breed could change colour faster than an octopus under seductive blarney?
