
Sunday, April 16, 2023

No yes-man – Hassan Karim’s honesty hits raw nerve

No yes-man – Hassan Karim’s honesty hits raw nerve

Pasir Gudang MP says his love for PKR won’t stop him from speaking up against the missteps of the PH-led government.

Pasir Gudang MP Hassan Karim said some PKR leaders had asked him to be a bit more restrained in his views about the current government.

JOHOR BAHRU: Hassan Karim, the outspoken MP from PKR, has revealed that his frank views about Anwar Ibrahim’s government have hit a raw nerve with some party leaders.

They had texted him “saying I should be a bit more restrained as PKR is now in the government”.

However, he told FMT: “As much as I understand their concern, it’s hard for me to hold myself back regarding a matter of principle. We need political honesty.”

Hassan, who is MP for Pasir Gudang, is among the unity government’s more vocal backbenchers. He has made it clear that it is his last term as MP.

He said he was concerned that the government’s “missteps” could be costly in future elections.

In his latest call to Pakatan Harapan, Hassan said the coalition risked being rejected by voters if former prime minister Najib Razak was pardoned and corruption charges against deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi were dropped.

Either scenario would be a disaster for the government, he said.

Hassan, who has known Anwar Ibrahim for over half a century, said

“I have never been a yes-man and I will never be”.

He said: “I was at the forefront during the Baling protests as a student leader led by Anwar in 1974. After that, I led a squatter protest in Johor Bahru, when they arrested me. I was sacked from Universiti Pertanian Malaysia and had my scholarship withdrawn.

“The Special Branch chief then said I could have it all back if I was willing to go on live TV and confess that subversive elements used me to create an uprising. I thought for a moment, stood up and just walked away. Why should I confess to a lie?”

Hassan, a lawyer, said he was not afraid to speak his mind then and would not stop now, even if some party leaders wanted him to.

“If we do not speak up when the party is headed on a dangerous trajectory, we will be doing a disservice to the rakyat who believe in us. So, I will do what is right for the country,” said Hassan

1 comment:

  1. I will leave the judgement on the Current Government about Najib's Pardon when the Pardon happens or not.

    Anwar Ibrahim as a member of the Pardon's Board cannot state a current stand on the Najib Pardon, one way or the other, otherwise he has to recuse itself.

    Otherwise the Pardons Board exposes itself to the accusation that it has predetermined the outcome even before it has given the submission any opportunity for a fair hearing.

    Due Process, man....Due Process...
