
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Nation sick and tired of Mahathir's political games

Nation sick and tired of Mahathir's political games

YOURSAY | 'Why should Anwar disclose evidence before case goes to court?'

‘Who's looking for a fight', Dr M explains legal action against Anwar

Mazilamani: Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad took to wearing the pair of boxing gloves first, so it means he is ready for the fight and calling for it.

When Mahathir was PM for the first 22 years, he spoke of more damaging things about Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, especially on his “questionable” morals.

In his second premiership for 22 months, Mahathir defaulted on appointing Anwar as PM after two years as initially promised.

This caused the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government. I wonder if it was all pre-planned to appoint Muhyiddin Yassin as the next PM?

Of course, the blame was shifted to Muhyiddin, Bersatu leaders Azmin Ali and Hamzah Zainudin (Sheraton Move).

Mahathir is a master at not being transparent and also manipulative, and his best tool is race.

He is attempting to win the hearts of the Malays for his unusual plight by the "iron-fisted" PM.

He forgot that the electorates of Langkawi generously offered Mahathir a defeat on Nov 19, 2022.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Look who is talking about being desperate for power. Why should Anwar disclose his evidence now even before the case goes to court?

Let the court decide whether former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad or Anwar is telling the truth. Not only does Anwar have the defence of truth but also that of fair comment and qualified privilege.

Barry Wain’s book “Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times”, says it all. This man at 98 should just go in peace.

The nation is sick and tired of his political games and endless scheming premised on hate, the arrogance of self-importance and his pompous assertions that he is the best and always right.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Mahathir has selective memory or is it failing him? It is he who started taking potshots at Anwar from the day he took the PM’s post.

In one tirade, Mahathir said that Anwar was incapable of being a PM and that he was a bad finance minister. In fact, at regular intervals, Mahathir has cast aspersions on Anwar, with some very caustic remarks.

The fact is, Mahathir was agitating for a fight in the hopes that the suit will clear him of all accusations and suspicions.

I doubt if Anwar would even think of taking on Mahathir if he did not have the ammunition to do a coup de grace.

YellowRusa5552: Yes, Anwar, glad you still have it in you to fight this old man. Don't you and your family ever forget the injustice and infamy Mahathir brought upon you many years ago.

Ordinary Malaysians cannot touch him, but through your action, we hope to see justice finally prevail to trump him.

Goliath: The rakyat continues to ask why seasoned politicians insist on fighting one another and not placing political stability as a priority.

Don’t they want the country to prosper so that the rakyat can enjoy the fruits of this labour? Are power and righteousness more important than the country and its people?

Does Mahathir seriously think he is the only saviour for the Muslims? Does MCA president Wee Ka Siong think attacking Transport Minister Anthony Loke will raise MCA’s name?

Just pick up the phone and call each other instead of sensationalising all the dramas through the media. Don’t they know how to use Whatsapp? Text each other for God’s sake.

Goodness! In a country where politicians fight against one another, the victims are always the citizens. Let the government of the day do its job.

You want to help, put yourself forward and do the right thing - stop stirring religious and racial tones or fan the fire on a broken system - and stop exacerbating the situation.

Grow some maturity and deal with your own egos. ‘Drama Minggu Ini ‘(This Week's Drama) has not been filmed for years, stop writing those scripts for shows no one wants to watch anymore.

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