
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

India to pass China this week as world's most populous nation, says UN


India to pass China this week as world's most populous nation, says UN

India is topping China due to both rapid growth in its own population and a decline in China's after hitting 1.426 billion last year. — AFP pic

Tuesday, 25 Apr 2023 5:29 PM MYT

UNITED NATIONS, New York, April 25 — India will overtake China as the world's most populous country in the coming week, hitting almost 1.43 billion people, the United Nations said yesterday.

"By the end of this month, India's population is expected to reach 1,425,775,850 people, matching and then surpassing the population of mainland China," the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs said.

Last week the UN's annual State of World Population report had said the milestone would come by midyear 2023.

India is topping China due to both rapid growth in its own population and a decline in China's after hitting 1.426 billion last year.

Regarded as the world's most heavily populated country since the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th Century CE, China is expected to decline steadily to around one billion people by the end of this century, according to UN projections.

The China data does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau.

Meanwhile, India's population "is virtually certain" to continue to grow in the coming decades, according to the United Nations.

The median UN projection sees India hitting 1.5 billion by mid-century -- though officials stressed it could be much lower or higher.

China's fall is heavily tied to decades of maintaining a strict one-child policy for married couples, which ended in 2016.

In addition, its slower growth is attributed to the rising cost of living and the growing number of Chinese women going into the workforce and seeking higher education.

Last year, China's fertility rate fell to one of the lower levels in the world at 1.2 births per woman.

For India, which has taken much longer than China to get population growth under control, the fertility rate was 2.0 births per woman, just below the 2.1 replacement level.

Yet both countries had about the same level of fertility, just under six births per woman, in 1970, said John Wilmoth, director of the Population Division and the Economic and Social Affairs Department.

"It took three and a half decades for India to experience the same fertility reduction that occurred in China over just seven years during the 1970s," he said.

A key reason for the difference was Beijing's one-child policy; another was India's lower human capital investment and slower economic growth during the 1970s and 1980s, according to the UN.

Wilmoth said that the reason the population report last week said India would surpass China by midyear was that it was using a projection made based on data last year.

The projection announced Monday is based on more recent data -- though still a projection, Wilmoth stressed.

"The precise timing of when this crossover occurs is not known for sure and it will never be known," he told reporters.

Ageing populations and jobs

Both countries must confront rapidly ageing populations, China more so than India.

India faces huge challenges providing electricity, food and housing for its growing population, with many of its massive cities already struggling with water shortages, air and water pollution, and packed slums.

Surpassing China shines a spotlight on the challenge facing Prime Minister Narendra Modi to provide jobs for the millions of young people entering the job market every year.

Meanwhile China's economy is increasingly challenged to fill positions due to its ageing population.

Beijing said last week that its national strategy is designed "to actively respond to population ageing, promotes the three-child birth policy and supporting measures, and actively responds to changes in population development."

"China's demographic dividend has not disappeared. The talent dividend is taking shape, and development momentum remains strong," said foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin. — AFP


  1. China's Prime working-age population is shrinking at one of the world's fastest pace.
    At the very same time it is tightening the chains on its young brains - never realy free in the past anyway.. It's talent dividend is in chains.

    1. Lies coming out of a fart chamber!

      Aging population is that proverbial fart chamber every developed countries have experienced. R any one of them succumbing to its shackle in human history?

      So too would China overcome that problem!

      Mfer, u r talking about a civilisation that has lasted longer than her other 3 ancient peers.

      In her long history, the cyclical problem of aging population has been repeated umpteen times through wars, famines & other natural/man-made happenstances. Yet SHE stands till this day & beyond!


      "chains on its young brains"


      Mfer, how do u think that China could reinvigorating so quickly within the past 40+yr in sopo-technological advances?

      Via yr farted chains on its young brains?

      U r obviously thinking that those advancing progresses r been carried out by chains on its young brains!

      That's know-nothing lie of the nth order from u.

    2. The People's Republic of China has only been in existent 75 years.
      For 30 of those years, it was demonstrably extremely badly governed, leading to the excess deaths of over 35 million Chinese.

      The People's Republic also strongly repudiated any links to China 's Imperial and Confucian past.

      So..nothing to shout about..

    3. Wakakakaka…

      Well trained & fed! With continuation of demoNcratic/台毒 farts regurgitations!

      "The People's Republic of China has only been in existent 75 years"


      1st, China's sovereign continuity is proven as far back as any recorded human history - even if the existence of Xia dynasty (夏朝) is been denied by those covetous & emulous western historians.

      2nd, "leading to the excess deaths of over 35 million Chinese" - a long repeated fart of non sustainable proofs!

      ≪CIA_Archives_Chinas_Great_Leap_Forward_1958.webm≫ for some Yankee findings. BTW, this video & many other Yankee decreed official documents ain't CPC propagandas. It's the product of CIA masterpiece!

      35M death has been repeated umpteen times all over the western media that this is their golden tag of atrocity on CPC/China's extremely badly governance!

      Lastly, "The People's Republic also strongly repudiated any links to China 's Imperial and Confucian past" r a distorted/twisted argument residing on CPC's socialism & atheism. It has consistently ignored that CPC/China has NEVER disclaimed the idealism of the Chinese. Thus the current evolution of socialism with Chinese characteristics!

      "…nothing to shout about.."


      A f*cked & chained demoNcratic mind of a China bashing recalcitrant!

    4. In 2005, Cao Shuji (曹树基), Distinguished Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, estimated the death toll from the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution at 32.5 million.

      The date 2005 is important, as that was a period of time of China opening up, when China was actually on the trajectory towards being an open, progressive society.

      Today, China is on a slippery slope. Downwards to being a darker and darker authoritarian society.
      If that same Chinese Professor write that today, he would likely get sacked in 24 hours, maybe even disappear into thin air.

      I emphasise the word Downward. Those fantasising about China becoming a highly developed Superpower are going to be sorely disappointed.

      Maybe it can still happen , but only if China changes its trajectory.

    5. Wakakakaka…

      U read the works of Cao Shuji (曹树基)?

      Or more likely u r been nose-led by yr 台毒 misinformation.

      Cao Shuji (曹树基) has been making many erroneous & twisting remarks concerning the past misdeeds done on China/Chinese.

      The most outrageously remark he made was denying the use of biological weapons by that f*cked Japanese 731 unit in the battlefields of NE China!

      If one has read ≪ 社會身份與大饑荒的階層分布≫
      - 曹树基 › filePDF

      then one would have know how 曹树基 had fabricated population census numbers & pretzeled real historical events to suit his 'researched' death toll of 32.5M from the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution!

      In 2013 November during the 11th Open Era Forum held in Shanghai, 孙经先和曹树基两人就“饿死三千万”问题的面对面的直接辩论.

      孙经先 is a famed mathematician who holds several professor tenures in multiple Chinese universities. He has conclusively disproved, with REAL census numbers & population extrapolation methodology, of 曹's lie.

      Since u don't read Chinese, yr ignorance was been blazingly fed by yr blind faith on 台毒 indoctrination/instigators.

      Mmmm… even the CIA declassified reports have no such number of death toll! Yet, u have chosen to quote a known liar.

      BTW, as a known 恨国公知 (CPC bashing public intellectual) 曹 is still been tolerated & having his teaching post in Shanghai Jiao Tong University till this day!

      Ain't that going against yr fart of China is going down the path of being a darker and darker authoritarian society?

      Indeed, mfer, like u, would be TOTALLY & FULLY disappointed!

      Ooop…. Next time when u want to quote 台毒 (mis)information, get yr suppliers to do it themselves. U r a lousy pervader of lies, especially on areas u know know-nothing!
