
Saturday, March 04, 2023

The odd couple: Hadi and Dr Mahathir

Mariam Mokhtar

COMMENT | Malays are no different from their Chinese, Indian, Orang Asli, Orang Asal, and Eurasian cousins. They want the same things in life; security for their families, employment, crime-free communities, education for children, accessible healthcare, affordable housing, and political stability.

Not all Malays have lost their values. Not all rural Malays are ignorant. The townie Malay with better wireless connection, newspapers, and publicity organisations at his disposal can be more clueless than his kampung cousin.

On Feb 28, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said that former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had invited him to his house after the 15th general election to share their concerns about the future direction of the country.

Their target? The Malays, or rather, the Malay mind. One works on the race angle, whilst the other controls religious sensitivities.

Don’t let these two men fool you!

For close to half a century, they sold Malaysia a myth about Malay unity. There is none.

Mahathir's Vision 2020 failed to materialise and ironically, despite his mixed ancestry, Mahathir (above, right) prefers to champion only the Malay race.

Hadi (above, left) declared in his "Amanat Haji Hadi" that Muslims should go against the constitution of the colonials and that by separating politics from religion, Muslims will become infidels.

Hadi’s teachings are dangerous. He labels bribes as donations. Ironically, his ramblings have confused many Malays because some cannot decide if they are Arab or Malay. Many Malays fear integration.

Strange bedfellows

The two make strange bedfellows, given they are sworn enemies with a relationship that has spanned over four decades.

In the late 1970s, PAS’ domination was on the rise, especially in Mahathir’s home state of Kedah.

Divisional Umno heads who felt threatened by PAS warned Mahathir about their rising threat and that Umno would lose the coming general election if PAS’ influence continued.

Older Malays may recall how Friday prayers had to accommodate two sermons, one for PAS supporters and a second one for Umno. What Malay unity?

Last month, Hadi warned that Malaysia could be controlled by non-Muslims if Malays had low political awareness. He claimed that Mahathir was also worried about the GE15 results.

Hadi claimed that Perikatan Nasional (PN) won because of the Malay/Muslim vote, whereas Harapan was boosted by the non-Muslim vote.

These two men will never admit that their divisive policies and their use of race and religion have failed.

Mahathir was the prime minister for 22 years. He had the state apparatus behind him. Despite four decades of affirmative action policies, the Malays have not progressed in leaps and bounds as projected and they remain economically backward.

Instead, they have become more entitled. They have forgotten their culture and abandoned many Malay rituals because religious men say these age-old traditions are heathen.

Malays had all the advantages that other races could only dream of but the only people who gained were Mahathir’s Malay and non-Malay cronies and his favourites.

Some Malay politicians are so wealthy that we only find out about their wealth from exposés like the Panama and Pandora Papers leaks, or when one of them dies and their relatives openly squabble about the billions of ringgits that they left behind.

How did one former ambassador amass billions of ringgits on an ambassadorial salary?

Many Umno-Baru’s politicians refuse to list their assets claiming that they were successful businesspersons before they were politicians and feared being kidnapped. Business acumen or political bribery?

Older Malaysians will also recall the days of the Ali Baba business model. Projects cost more because the taxpayer had to pay several layers of sub-contractors and reward the politician and civil servants whose decision-making was crucial.

Today, the Jana Wibawa scheme has replaced the former Ali Baba business model. At least in the past, non-Malay companies with expertise in particular fields would complete the construction job; but as we saw last week, a non-Malay furniture company was allegedly the company refurbishing roads in a particular government project.

The president of the Malaysian Malay Contractors’ Association (PKMM), Mohamed Fadzill Hassan, had last month complained about projects being awarded to companies that were friendly with certain political parties, despite having no experience and expertise in the job.

If Hadi and Mahathir join forces, Malaysians must ask themselves if this is what they want. When will all the lies end?

Power corrupts

Many good people, including Malays, have left the country for good. Families split up and are now scattered around the globe because children were denied opportunities and were forced to seek their fortune overseas.

Freedom of religion is only in name and Muslims must wear their faith on their sleeves.

Like many Malay leaders, Hadi and Mahathir’s addiction to power has changed them. They are probably very nice people at home but when in the driving seat of politics, they show a lack of remorse for the damage they have done to Malaysia.

They avoid accountability for their actions and they become hardened authoritarians when they hold power. They and their families have become immensely wealthy but around them, peoples’ lives are ruined by their policies.

The irony is that four decades later, these two men - who were once sworn enemies - may team up and wreak more havoc on Malaysia.

Only you can stop them.

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army, and president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO). Blog, Twitter.


  1. Mariam Mokhtar is one of the more enlightened Malay/Muslim I greatly respect and admire.

    Unfortunately, there are not enough like her. More enlightened Malays must step out of the shadows to prevent Malaysia from becoming a theocracy.

    Yet, I can envisage a day when a Ayatollah rules Malaysia; it probably won't be in Hadi's lifetime although I believe he gets a hard on just thinking of being a Ayatollah.

  2. Mariam wrote: ....despite his mixed ancestry, Mahathir prefers to champion only the Malay race. You must understand that Mahathir is already a Malay as he satisfies the constitutional requirements to be a Malay : speaks Malay, follows Malay customs, and is a Muslim.. He has been brought up to be a Malay and seeing the Malay masses being 'deprived', he tends to focus his attention only on them and forget about his cousins from the sub-continent.

    1. Yes, it is a constitutional definition but it does not change a person's born race.

      I can't find anything more ludicrous than me being considered a malay if I adopt malay customs, are a muslim and speak malay.

      To me, I was born Chinese and will die a Chinese no matter what I practise in life; even if I were to embrace islam (which I won't ever)

      I am not that Tee guy who basically disowned and insulted his father and his ancestry just to show he is more malay than the malays.

    2. Wakakakaka…

      Deep down a mamak is still a manual seeking disguised opportunities.

      "forget about his cousins from the sub-continent"

      Check how many of his adopted children r from that subcontinent! There r many other children waiting to be adopted from many different parts of the world. Why just that region?
