
Friday, March 31, 2023

RPK’s prophecy of doom: Clash of titans, chaos with Tun M orchestrating the fall of Anwar

RPK’s prophecy of doom: Clash of titans, chaos with Tun M orchestrating the fall of Anwar

THE nation’s security may have to be put on high alert for mercenary blogger and once PKR ally Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK) has shared a damning prediction of a “war of titans” between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his once mentor Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad which culminated in the fall of the unity government.

In a well-articulated video clip lasting 9 minutes and 35 seconds, the fugitive blogger who is believed to be residing in Manchester, UK has even pledged his allegiance to Dr Mahathir “if indeed a war were to break out between the duo”.

For context, RPK made his prediction when commenting on the seven-day period that Dr Mahathir has granted Anwar on March 28 (presumably ends on April 3) to retract his accusation that “someone who was in power for 22 years and 22 months” had siphoned the nation’s wealth for his family and his children.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has given Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim seven days to retract his statement on March 28

“I don’t care what others think of me, I will stick with Tun M … moreover, Tun M has mentioned recently that it’s not wrong to topple Anwar … it’s the same as how (Tan Sri) Muhyiddin (Yassin) was toppled previously,” he justified.

“I can agree with that … If there is a movement to topple PH or Anwar, count me in for I’m going to join you, support you and I’ll go all-out to join the anti-Anwar movement to ensure that Anwar will not last for five years as PM or until the next general election.”

RPK which is highly critical of Anwar throughout his video clip also defied the wishes of Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah who wanted Anwar to be his “final PM appointment” (after Muhyiddin and Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob) prior to him completing his five-year tenure in January 2024.

“It’s fine to have two to three PMs before the next national polls considering that now is no longer the era when a PM reigns for two to three terms but instead two to three PMs rule in one term,” he countered.

“I therefore wish Malaysia luck … political stability envisaged by the unity government will not happen … what will happen in chaos with Tun M ensuring that unrest will occur and Anwar falls.”

After 25 years of accusation levelled against Dr Mahathir and former Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin that date back to the height of the Reformasi movement in 1998, RPK even teased Anwar that the onus is on him to furnish the evidence that “they have both stolen RM100 bil to RM200 bil alongside numerous other cronies, proxies and trustees which numbered 20-30 Malay, Chinese and Indian names.”

“I know Tun M well that he is the type of person who doesn’t mince his words … He’s unlike Anwar and his PH gang who only threaten but no action,” RPK pointed out. “Either Anwar retracts his statement or prepare his six boxes of evidence that date back to 25 years ago if they still exist or haven’t been destroyed by termites.”

Citing Amanah president Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu that when “elephant fight elephant, grass gets trampled”, RPK suggested that Dr Mahathir has nothing to lose in the “war of titans” because he is no longer the PM and no longer harbours any ambition to be one, “but he merely wants to see Anwar no longer become PM”. – March 30, 2023


  1. Hopefully it'll be the finale for bolihland's Phoenix rebirth - with the crashing realization that ketuanan narratives have ultimately brought the sufferings that the melayu ever fear to happen!

    It SHOULD happen for there is NOTHING more that could reeducate for the awakening of a long drugged & indoctrinated willing weaklings.

    It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn!

    & that should be the reminder for these manna-from-heaven meme-ed inferior lots!

  2. Frankly, I am not impressed with this RPK.

    He has shown his true colours when he did an about face on which side he supports.
