
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Govt mustn't cave in to extremists, mischief makers

Govt mustn't cave in to extremists, mischief makers

YOURSAY | ‘Nonsensical issues allowed to be blown out of proportion, damaging race relations.’

Privacy Club apologises for inviting ‘Thai Hot Guy’

Proarte: There is no reason to apologise in such a demeaning and groveling manner but that is the price they had to pay for the publicity they wanted and got: "Once again, we apologise for any difficulties that happened and on the grounds of respecting religious and racial sensitivities, the programme has been cancelled."

Some individuals like the owners of Privacy Club Tun Razak are willing to sell their souls for money which publicity brings, without realising how much damage they do to multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysia.

All Muslims have to do is not attend the show. It is as simple as that. Why do they insist on encroaching on non-Muslim Constitutional rights? Buff men in skirts is clearly a humorous act, so Malaysia Madani has no reason to feel so self-righteous when they allow Talibanism to creep into Malaysia.

All the publicity and bogus indignation over exposed knees and thighs and now buff men in skirts shows the puerile mentality and mischievous nature of some segments of the Muslim community, including the lawmakers.

Malaysia Madani has allowed these nonsensical issues to be blown out of all proportion and to fester damaging race relations.

Malaysia Madani failed to condemn the overzealous hospital and police guards who disallowed patients and complainants respectively from hospitals and police stations. This served to embolden the extremist religious right wing and the Malay supremacists, who are undermining non-Muslims and destroying racial and religious harmony in Malaysia.

The Constitution guarantees non-Muslims the right to practise their faith and culture in peace and harmony. Sadly, the authorities appear to be abetting these lone-wolf acts of creating disharmony between the races.

Malaysia Madani cannot stand, play deaf and dumb over these acts of provocation by extremists and mischief makers. The “Thai Hot Guy” show was clearly humorous because it confounded normal expectations of a “Hot Male” - seeing buff men in skirts!

Furthermore, it was meant to be a show in a private club, yet Muslims felt it was their right to intervene and interfere in non-Muslim entertainment.

It is sad that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim does not have the moral fibre to defend the rights of non-Muslims. This is a betrayal of non-Muslims as well as rational Muslims in Malaysia who were hoping for a “New Malaysia”, free from racism, religious bigotry, and a culture of state-sanctioned idiocy.

PAS sees red over 'Thai Hot Guy' at club opening during Ramadan

Hmmmmmmmm: I look at the picture and I assume straight away that it must be a comedy show. It can’t possibly be a sex show as this is explicitly banned in this country. Why doesn’t the PAS guy watch the show himself or send somebody to watch it before criticising it?

If it is a sex show, it is never too late to take action against the club later and with evidence too. Right now, all you are doing is pre-empting and preventing non-Malays/Muslims from enjoying possibly harmless entertainment.

Not only that. You are also punishing some entrepreneurs for their creativity based on unsubstantiated assumptions. And what has Ramadan (which starts today, March 23) got to do with this?

Most non-Malays/Muslims will have their opening days on propitious days based on their calendars. The Chinese will most likely consult a fortune teller or astrologer for that auspicious day. It will have absolutely nothing to do with Ramadan. Businesses do not stop just because it is Ramadan.

MerdekaMerdekaMerdeka: Ok, let’s say disallowing this act will translate to showing respect to our fellow Malaysians who are Malay Muslims. If so, shouldn’t all alcoholic breweries, all non-halal abattoirs, all punting centers, casinos, and junket/slots centres, among others, be totally shut down for a whole month?

No sale of alcohol anywhere, no sale of pork or its related products in public, no taking dogs out for walks in public, no eating in public places for all rakyat, no exposing body parts for both men and women except hand to wrists and feet to ankles for all rakyat (it’s a long list of meticulously followed to the tee).

Shouldn’t all of the above and more be observed during the holy month of Ramadan out of respect for our fellow Malaysians who are Malay Muslims? Say what you mean and mean what you say. Why bar just this “sinful act” only? Do you see the hypocrisy?

PM’s aide, home minister zoom in on approval for 'buff waiter' show

Anonymous9483: I have said this many times but I always take delight to say it again. If the non-Malays believe that changing government will make Malaysia more liberal and open, you are dead wrong.

The non-Malays in Malaysia are probably the most gullible group of people in the world. They have lived with the Malays for more than 100 years and yet they have zero idea about how they think and how dominant Islam is in dictating the Malay Muslim’s psyche.

No Malay leader in their right mind will ever allow this sort of show to happen in the country. Whatever exclusive freedom which the non-Malays currently enjoy such as gambling and drinking is only permitted because of legacy issues, in the sense that it was set up by the British government before independence.

Try applying for a permit to set up a 4D shop now and see if the government will allow it or not. If you all expect Anwar to come out in support of this, dream on.

Your best bet is to have DAP dissent on this matter. But alas, DAP is transforming into MCA 2.0 way faster than I would have thought. No DAP-elected politician will ever come out in support of this.

DAP always talk like a champion in front of their non-Malay voters but will ultimately still need to kowtow to the Malay leaders and voters.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that Anonymous9483 has put very succintly the reality of how Malaysia operates.

    Things can only get worse once the malays achieve 80 to 90% of the population count.

    The nons will be allowed to exist in Malaysia under strict muslim rules. The nons will have 3 options : pay the jizyah, convert or emigrate.
